Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED TO CHARTER, W0 VESSELS, drawiag not more tian 14 feet water; to load at ' St. Mary's River, near Halifax, N.' S., for H1ull. For particulars, apply to R. Roesi )ZAanS, Old flock Side, or 5's, George Street, IB~ull. Tio be SOLD by A UJCTION, At the EXCsANGF, 1Ml7L, fOn Tuesday the 4tl/ day (!f March next, at Otc o'clock in the afternonn, (If not previously Disposed Of Privrte Contatact, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INDI1AN syR UP, imas liel3~i~om~n lnio'i, and aill CUnnp~iiaj fit-(~he ! ,%e tm of his tindiannSyru Ie ha inled Njsrs ifll %tt, t rg tw ~3nivi.l it e,'adcuf. 4hn a ser 69sni' L8s.39 Djnncj'y~n~n~ f *k t,l I V I .. - 3.. y, '' touse prl~iep. n,~cn nr.ldaltaelc,4 ~jr f s p 14A~ -- t a eato. ,oan t enn:rm a nii ingl visjn, 'ech.~~~~~~~j medicineth.. . *c laceti i~iC'n~., the Si, anichas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o PETER WATowJnIe sthis itrid o semi of Hraster Qf.irigbe now promptir, o thee, public, he may experience great dlffictyi - .a verdiet his action against the Rev. s Imprisonmnent. He is determined that eld, 4 shall be wanting to bring the clerical ca hothig sion: he will part with his bed ratheraimato the crisis of the struggle. Being deficelth3e0'i V pounds, which it is requisite he should ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nuft the WLM OPSON, Capt.R, Caca, Burthen 495 tons; to sail o 7 tie 1st osf~ugast. - The AMITY, Captainl S. MAXWELL, m * Burthen 375 tons; to sail o L the 1ffth of AegaSt.S Via The JAMES CROPPER, Captain C, H. MARSHALL, nli Eaurthen 475 tons; to sailon-the lstofSepmembcr. TOh Th The CANADA, Captain S. G. MACV* Th Burthen 540 tons; to sail on the 1(ith of September. no The decided support given ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L TNDER the Especial Patronage of' tihe Pritcess Etcn. .~ 'hazy, his Excel]ency the late Ainba'-sdor from thd Emperor of Persia, and many higlh and distinguis'hed Per4 s sonages. ROWLkND'S KALYDOR for Preserving, BleautifyIng, and 3 and Improving the COMPLEXION. ) A Lady of Title in the comurse of her Travels and Botanic. 3 researches in the eastern piat of rhe wvorld, discovcred a compound ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V4 IsHAIVLS, 4c. 'l'esdX i~x~th 2d Wdessdy, he23d, anid :Iburs r daythe24t intan, ?? d5hy,, t the N sor~tof Elegant HQUSEHOLD FURL. - ith andppropriae eidtilflg, faintd ?? ai Frs nd Tbles, Maeo1 y ?? Sideboard, Chairs, ardrs and ChbestfDrwr,,ih Commodes, a Library Pit ,ela BookcaSe With drawers, Cuhs nehl rbe pair of Bedsteps, Card and Perribrok Tals ayChair, narBdta,&. two Lounging Chr;batfu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CEo Eorrexponbento. f RscziVxi woa TrII STtRANGEE! FRIEND SOCIETY: . ~ .C ?? ?? RECEIVED POP PETER WATSON: FI`fomVW. Rushton,n . ?? I ?? ?? e ,, A few Friesids Richmond-street Corporation I i 2OntaI SgUAMRS-We trust that our ormskirk , pondent wi not be ?? when we tell him that he f somewhat too elevated for the subject. Obscurityba'W . designatedne of the sources of the sUbliMe; boln u never ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I F1- rb - J. Til W .~Th jjNMOLL and COVMPANY,,;pa8nized by tbe dro ?? finddv an144gE; upon Wi It f tbibi litabisegnt in the -Metropolis. The Rast 'i - Taresupon t Chests. One ounecein te Ha r '~ajal, Adhlf p~indllwedneeryixPounds'; Ch ?? SUFFOLK TEA, WARERHOUSR, DrI rrBELL*BALLEY, up Tgkeenhouse-yand, at the back St. Lit,(fteBank -of England, London. I a ,odat this Establishment are Of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -: -- B2 ?? gt~e0 ' Z !h.PACE-TS FO~l NEW 'dURKi, . - To sai l e ns lthe~ftr~t olsreat fevery MOeth. - The NEW YORK, Captailn G1o y7nAXWULnt, Burthen 500 tons; - 0o sail oL the 1st of Octlobe. - m .. The NESTOR, Cajpt. W. LrE, juiu. Burthen450 tons; to sail a-a theel6th ofOctobcr. vital 'The COLUMBIA, Captain J. RouErs, The Bnrthea 500 tons; to sail oe the 1st of oSvnbcer. The The The ORBIT, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LI FT INS URANCE SCCLETY, Instituted July, 1808. ATa Uenecal Meeting of thte Nfemrbers of this Society, £A *lulv onnvenedt bv public Adveetiseent, rnd held on the 2Sth dav ofJuIlv, 1825, at the Society's Office, in Surrvy-Sreet, Nurw ich. JOHIN PA'tTl ESON, Eq. President, in the Chair. The Reports oF the Auditors tid Actuary iere submitted to the Aleeting, saosiug the progressive acrumulation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DICE ?? Original ind tho daIV Gem jita- Di%. Batemraiui PeC'Loral Di),ops The most valhable Ili dhie -e r diseorei'id fuir Cot(!ds, Coleiqs Agpsq, 1lFveLs, ltheotarstisil, l'alins in the 1re4ast, ?? ansh Joints and lor mwot Coiinplaints where Colds i10 thoeorigin. jvld ?? titles at Is. 1 3. eaolh, Duld/ inclhded. I A S thtere Ire Vatiolls ?? or thii' e ?? M.elil 11 ciine by diiflirentt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO .ECTINJs .X! _i i^ r7i Na-. , ,._ t T0 RSIRXfl.A~'S 'sD CJ zf'.lf'ME.'. ' lI.';,lAi ACIEIB has bieon through the e diffirclit Manuifactouring towns iin Eglanrl and Sat Lland, witer jlC ta;s s-u,-t,-(1 a ar Stock of HA_ BiERiDAl)ASllhRY ('IO'lli;E'ilE;YA Ll: ..N ' IR t.E't, which will bc sohl very low, for Cash, or soirt 13:1is. Hroati' Strect,S5ntce 9 1 2Wmr ti 1ILING AND COOKING TA3,lB3.1 ...