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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... he On theh ?? n6oi R4A',t 0. t ~ e .S~elt, brn daulstr ofthe late, wade Bnoitm,41 .foae ed (Abiltawn. Ig GOlt sml~ nh.L1 W Rh qf5ti ?? ~ ?? W.. O librd ts figm ir ?? F' Sarah ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ doth~~~drawe. 0$ ~'AIR OnTraas upr~heee r ~me Viis Ott Thuesday. at leeiM.',~roi-fSrniro. f2 this towoa Ol ~ OnSlonlayat St ellledso, j ?? Vr ar hoot., Bucks. o hi ?? ;oes nly o W.O.~hia Mof:te, hq. RN. late o ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [ Ott lrip I r III ult. at ititifiex, ?? Johri Wilhillotn ei Inotlop, ehiecs F rn uf Jo1 hn Knowles, Etrg. ot 'Ianichesteicr[ ?? t tr,). yotiiigcst lirethtor of Wient itollarc, Esq, of Spring-tlouse, n;O C rthe ft liter plrce. iii Srorltuit aIt, at the church of Sc. t atretltc, Jrwry' ?? lOr\i. by ' it. v. l'nratt. B.lj. iMr. ?? Fd'raidf. .if tlt:dl'i al riitor, to Elicit, second ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Thorsdav hlast, at E t~sa, Mr. William Crosland, eonch proprictur, at the tiotel, in ith is town, to Ellen, thu fo6uth Itaughter of Mrs. Walker, of Eaton, in the county of iUrdford. On Sistrilday, Mr. Win Sayes, nf Fltlbeck, groeer, to Mary, daughter of Mr. John Giles, of thin town. Os the '!tat .laotary, at Petersburg, Virginia, ?Mr. termiola Rhodes, sif tGonterstil, in Litli, yanstigyt ...


... On Sunday ihe Holy Trinity CTinrch, Mr. Wm. Hodge, sail maker, to Mi»» Elmabeih Wright, both of thi« pluce. On Thnrjday at Sculroale»,Mr. Wm. Ellinit, of Hnltenprire Pnory, to Aoo, eldest daughter of Mr. ilaruiaduke Hare, of Syket Street. On Monday last, Mr. rear«on Fountain, of Barlonnpon Humher, gardener and seedsman, to Miss WoodlitT, of' he-ame place. Monday se’ Birmingham, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Shel d Onh the 7th ult. at Camberwell, flhlistoalhsr Ward, Esq. of Barl Halifax, to ilrs Cralbtree, uf Pclhlsan, Srrey, dmitghter of Do. or theiate T. Fuster, Esq. of Errisgton, il'ieb, hathis eounty. Do, tall On the !Ith tilt. at Edinhurgh, Sir Abr; lltou, Hlart. Meal or of Clevedoss Court, Someiset, to Mary, 0lcer laughter of ai ,u- thelate Win. Stcwart, Esq. of Castle Stcwart, Esq. ...


... THE Commissioner! in a Commission of Bankrupt, bearing date the s*h day December, 1815, awarded and isstied forth against WILLIAM NICHOLSON, the town of Kingstun-upon Hull, Merchant, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the 11th day of February instant, at Eleven o’clock in the forenoon, at the Dog and Duck Tavern, in Scale Lane, in Kingston-upon-Hull aforesaid, in order to make First and ...

I nnd Hurd, nod •‘he blood fclronm iiiS from llte twrk («irt of bo* Irgr. Mi. Jo-tirp Jury. Jury lrf|

... tto> box for iwrnly imnofrr, aud a vrrdiit of O'(in-lit uehlor. •omoi ar Jury if.e Court, t*ri«>ocr, (who had previously harrvlf with «w oonrd away, aod remained niHaiß-ble for some inmutee. recovering she a|>peand asilHlrd powerful mininl sulTerinss. She was lo lie ini|>ri»oucal for of twelve months the county guoi. KKST. Join Cnfmnn, was indicted tor the wilful murder of Mr. James Simth. «l ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On M1nday, by the ltov. Richard FaweaftV Vicar, Mr. John Bradley, Ila i draper, of this town, to Martba, youngest daughter of Mr; Wm. Wliggleiworfh,'of Grove-place. On the lid of December, nt Frankfort, near Philadts]yhia ' Mr. Blunt, solicitor, to DMartha, the secod daughtcrof 1r. Jostma GarseI. late of thi, tolln. On Monday last, at Xt. ncargos, linnover-scmare, London, by the Very Rev. thc ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... et S ~~atrit£i. 9 O On Wednesday week, at Rnaresbro', Mir. Wms. Moastcrrin, Jr plermber and glazier, to Jane, eldest daughter o' lri. Kay, ttier eand brazer, all of Knaresbrol. On the 1st inst. at Philadelphia, ,arab, the daughter rf j M1r. Joshua Garsed, I:nte of this town, bua slow of thc United tr States of America, to agentleman, a niative of tihe isla11l of ir Cuba. d -x) Saturday ?? ...


... DEATH THE POl’E. The a private letter froin Paris respecting tliis lamented event: ** Pom, Monday, three Christian world has now lament the loss of one of its brightest ornaments —the virtuous, the enlightened, the Christian Pontiff*, Pope Pius VI I. more. His Holiness departed this life on the of this month. The particulars ids death arc not yet know n, for the melancholy intelligence has but ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ottl ie 3d(. at our parish cr relr, Mr. Ilad (11 tt01', s(iwitoar of this toiyn, tv Mis', Phorar ps 0 WI 'AilhoscL' IIto, lla:rj ?? tolyn., A few days age, at llrtlittX, Td,,r Sarrrle Listrr, if 'it. A~w1 r tile Gr-ove, ts 3Ilsw Smith al, ert to Mrtr. Smitli, cf the Dci- ?? roIns. ltl of honltthwrtom l, ?? ?? tbr::er hlare. On Tumeday last, Mr. ' rrseT ocirr groccr, to '.irs. Parr, of tle ...


... PnrMtuMt'-M and Infant Dun MißUfl bat fled from Royal manMOu, nod Joined the *3d reKimeol. 1 abandon him a« faiber and ahall know bow to punish bia as Kina.'’ .. . , darlares, that, (nithfnl h|a nalh and tba religion of bin antealort, he will maintain the Constitution, voluntarily accepted; liberty says, has oeter been restricted, nor hi* anlbority despised.— bis canfide ib« Cortei, aod to ...