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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mberbeen. WEDNESDAY, November 19. BiRrv.-At Beauly, on the 10th ins¢. NI'S ST'ART M'LEOD, of a son. On the 9th inst. the Lady of Captain MACKENZIEi FRAsERa, 93d Rlugiment, of a son. On the 7tl curt. in York P'lace, London, the Lady of JosEPH HuMEi, Esq. M. P. of La daughter. Married on the Ioth inst. at the Mains of Monaltry, by the Rev. Alex. Macfarlane, Mr Ai.i.:x. AM AICLUM, officer of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ; ?? At Melville Plare, S',tirlirg, on thi I :t. SL; ,1 Ir . Uluili, of a sOI. At St. Andrew's, on the .th ult. iMrs; tt. ttza of a son. At Norfolk Ifouse, on the ]3th ult. the 'XoWrtees of ' 1SVInnEY, of a daughter. In Glonicesteri Place, London, on the 9th ole. tlie Lady of SpEiscite. rMACKAY, Eq. uf a daughter i II Ch vrlotte Square, onl thu s8th ult. Mrs T'rr er r of WVoodlhouselee, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e Bi rt';c. c On the 25th 1 ebruary. at 2Madras, tile Lady of J.. .M.sACL.EMO, ESq. of a soin. Last week, in the parish of Clondegad, in the coun.- . ty of Clare, BUIUDCIr DARCEY, aged (GOC, of twiloq, a n boy and a girl, wVh1o, wsitil the I.uther, are likels to do well. On the 3d Februarv, at Surat, the Lady of FoD ta AiD GRANT, Esq. of tile Civil Service, Bonab:ny es- t.tablislmeat, ofra son ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t- O'l., b t rb c r 1 I. iWEDNESDAY, MAla u 28. AlMrrkid leire, or\ the 2fttilt, ua IvS SL S EX., ; illrchant, Kirkwalii, to MARIGARLET, daunghtur Of the I l ., _ Dieti, at lazal'o.itt louse4, ?? too, wi' ?? d2il w tilt. HULEN tE AY, zhird datighitcr of' Wil[liami Crudell, cit Ebsq. tr Died, at IHollyhAll, Susscex, onl the 81th instant, rig'd K 151, JAVNE .MARC ARET, ulle-st daugnhter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... St ly ldirt3je. f- In Stratton Street, London, on the lith curt. Lady I- JANE PEEL, of a son. to At No. 11. Brown Square, on tile 19th curt. Mrs. m GRAITAMt, of a son. At Knowle-house, Bovey-Tracey, Devon, the lady of FIAANcis DANIELL, Esq. of a daughter, being her at twenty-first child, nineteen of whom are living. At trharrgae a. it At Tterhage, Cape of Good Hope, on the 26th Octo- J. ber ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? C)- , C , 4., 4, 4, ?? Q? 4; 4 * - I .1 I'll 11 - I I . ? I . - SAXI V ?? E)ES) f' ?? '7t ~pI~i'tlilI, tt ILe '1 St i El ,t, the I Lad of CIlFG D t 1 101 ?? S I cit ii Son. It n I I A .t ?? ttciri I. IlIoos1e, itplk pitth~ 2-1nt MItL'II I.At ~),rhi'ittcl, tilt' I GtI jIlSt. isUt, wif e iii theL 1ev. 211c-. Doig', ofit'clatidiiiyir. thu M iei'd lit thle Mmne15 ofiTllrl',, oil the Ithi l ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? -a&s -1 l ~lkiz;; lue crop was excetient. . ?? On the 21st ult. Mrs CARLYLE BELL, 7, Royal Cir. cus, of a son. At his Lordship's house, in Albemarle Street, Lon. don, on the 15th ult. Lady F. L£vEsoN GOwEa, of twin sons. Her Ladyship and her infants are in a I fair way of doing well. On the 15thI ult. Mrs JouIv BROUGIHAMIof adatgh. At Farnham, Dorset, on the 15th ult., the Lady of Sir S. ...


... CONTRACTORS Vdanted at Hunti.y Lodge for BUILDING about 400« Ells of S i ONE DYKE, including Quarrying and Carting the M: tcrials, gnat part of which will found in the line oi the Dykes. Particulars will be learned applying to .Mr ALPherson, at Gibston, to whom estimates arc to be given in, on or before the first day August next, when those preferred will settled with. CiiOtlOH, July 18, 1823. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... s ?? - On the 5th curt. at his Loydship's house in Groave- nor Square, London, tile Right lion. Lady FOLEY, I of a soil. On the S0th ult, at Buccleuch Place, Mrs DAvxD S CAMPBELL, of a danghter. On the 50th ult. at Rennishawe, the Lady of Sir GEOttGE SITWEI.L, Bart. of a.daughter. On the 4th curt, at PinLie House, Lady HOPE, of Craighall, of a son. On the 11th curt. in George's Square, Mrs ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'Bi rtfi C. On the 7th rnsrt. inr Park Crescent, London, tire Rtiglt flon. I.nry l.i.IZAtRETtt McUr1tAY A rucoGftE of Macgregor, o1f a *on. Onl the I 2th inst. ait the Mour't, Harrow, Middle- sex, the Iuiy of AuclulmALD CAMlPlRiELL, Esq. of a sonl. On the 10th inst. at Scalloway, in Shetland, tire Lady of Jolrs ScorT, youvnger, IEsq. of'Sualluway, of a sonI. Onl the 16th inst. nt Chester, the ...