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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MILITARY OBITUARY. I.icutenant-(ieneaI-l Lral rd, ite i te`t`ci h tt')d ?? Julio I CLM Il tiar .\ Ilieldo, jo t i5iijor.Geuiernl Griftith, late of Ist 'T G. A ?? Lieutenant-Coloiiel .awreiice, hei,, of Ma, dr's Brollipton, Aug,,Ust 11. 1 -Id itajor Mau rihoge, half pay ils; tiopt, Ei:lUibre, Jon Masjor Scott, halfpay, Cwl;hiil, tnuar Llumfl-ijv*sv CaOptaini I30vd, 9th foot Capltain ililiamsonl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... bIlRTITS, At Arhiston. I'l.ace, Newington, oil the 2, LI, current,, Mrm CHARLES SIlEVW4BGHTr ofa daughter. At Bollyhil1,,nacar Roclister, onl the 2],t clirrent, the Lady of Captdil M'L o, C. B,.. royal nlavy, of a dtsugll- tell. - In Duke Street, Westminster, London, on1 tle 20th cur- rent, Mrs JOiHN C.1fPRELL, ofta dautghterm At No. 16. George Street, on the 21tith current, )Irs IIAL- DAVE, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... snutri-s. 'In On the 5d current, at Ruchlaw, the Lady ?? BucumIr -ted SvnsFltrw, Esq. of Ruchlaw, of a soe. st'; On the 23d ultimo, at Barils, Mrs BIRYETrr of Barns, of al- a still-born daughter. On the 29th ultimo, at Woodend Cottage, MIrs LewTR us, HAY, of a dlaughter. On the 24ith ultimo, at Kentish Towln, near London, .MTrs JA. iES BLocK, of a daughter. dr. . MA RI ED. for At Ealing Church ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ill R'1'HlS. On the 5th current, at his Lordship's house in Grosvenor Square, Iolondoln, the Righrt lion. Ladev l'orsr, of a son. On the 4ith current, at Ediinbrlgh, Mrs JouNsToEs, 30. Northninhlelland Street, of adalughiter. On the 30th nltiino, at ?? Place, Mrs Dvvift CA MrPE, of a daugIlter. On the 5th curc t t, in Castle Street, Mrs AT.rX'IxDEnt Rolos:sTSDo, of a daungter. Onl the 30th ...

BIlRHS. On the

... current, at Edineburgrh, the Lady of Wmm.u. s RoiiEnTsow, Esq. 75, Great King Street, of a son. On the 9th current, M1rs CARAetILL, Scotland Street, of a son. On the 28th ultimo, at Mavre-de-Grace, the Lady of WVLLI.t 1) AVIDSON, Esq. of a SOec. At St John's 'own, Carmarthen, Mrs MARC.URT DalvIs, of three daughters, who, with their mother, are doing well. DA IRI ED. At Craigiclands, onthe lth ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (lit the -2.d intitno, the Lad i' YUt ?? Grro~a inac., Il.:i 01 oairr 1,aInl, slictlandi, of lana t, 1r On' the 9thiimtrrent, at llownaa l 1FeeI'L, the! of tailla T. ?? :Oil the( D)lii rouraTlt, M1Irs J.A .. CtinaVtr, 'NO. S. C.`CO Strict, i ra iatrn On ?? thn curr11ent, i'rls Lnmw.%-o 1). At.itot 5as Kmu gate, Luitla, ol a datighitor. Oil the 4th tlirttilt, ?? ToittItN LT)N, Of ?? sons. Oni ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... hut - _ _ _ _ _ eded Bu I NHC. Be At Warciston Crescent, on the 2'3. current, the Lady of and Captain M1'KoNoNCIIIE, IL. N. of a daughter. Pre- At Erskine II-lactc, on WeduscIcLcv the 19th currenit, the ill - ened lighlt ionl. LCadsV BrA.NTYVL, of a sonl. a s D e- At lKirkaldyv, on; the 17thicurrant, Mrs RLPH SRACITAs It is of a daugh lter . chief Oll the 16th current, Mrrs IL. P. GiLcIES, S3. ...

of' - _ __ _ _ _ _ _

... _ of BIt1,HS. Oil At Barossa Place, Perth, onl the 24th current, the Lady *lu- of Mr G. S. NotE:.lsN, of a daughter. tiul At Edinburgh, oln the 28d current, Mrs DUNDAs of Ar- the nistaln, of a soui and heir. ?? At Annistote, onl the 26th current, the Right Ilon. Lady le, ANNE LIeroIA CR2JUICIKSHANKI, Of a son. the At Brigittinon', on1 the 21st current, Mrs MscIrTOsn, of had Nairn, ofa ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... T¶ru LATE EARL OF IlOPETOU'S rFUNERAL. Tle remains of this much lamented Nobleman wvere interred iln the family vault at Abercorn, ou IVednes- as- lay, as privately as circumstances would permit. T'ie Iv- comnimmy assembled at ?? Halls Innl, at eleven in- o'clocl;, and proceeded ill the following order to Port ,n- Edgar: ted Sis attcndlants on Tlorsebacl:, in deep imourning, TIwo anld TIwo F o ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B iRTHS. or On the 15th current, Mirs Jo rx Howrirz;, Hart Street d d A.t Leith Fori, oil the 15th current, the Lad;- of Coloncl e W,%LEZrt, Of;l dautlhter. n At Qulilon, 112ruas, on the 2.5th ultimo, the ILady of ht *eCloU CURIIIE, Estq sulr-,eon, of aI dalugfhter. of o Alt Chelsea, near: ondons on the 8th curreut, the Lady PI it of ASDIIEV r;. Rum. &sy, Esq. surgeon, Bengal establish -ve Et ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. .On ?? curtnt, Sirs BAItsiiLrr o Ctilteraller, ofa till 110on Soll( 11. ni m itlET). On the 15th current, MIr ALEXc.cSI)7O1 Xj rT.Iar;Sn, TS lt. geoii, (Iii i g tO J.Nit, Olly ?? oi the ith te L Ir Jallies Sibbalal, slipinaster, Jeith. At- Relso, oil the 3d current, the Rev. JAM-.s 0onr.Trotr, Jedburgh, to MARG.AET, daughter of the late SIr IRtoisotn, merchant thiere. At Glasgow, on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B31ItTH IS. On the 6th current, at D)can House, near Edinburgh, Lady BRADFoILc, of a son. On the 7th cirrent, it No. 3. Royal Circus, Edinbulrgh, the Iady of WILI.iAm Scorr, Esq. Secretary to the Mledical Board, Madras, of ason. Onl the 22d ultirno, at Maltby H-lUl, near Doncaster, Yorkshire, the Lady of GFcates SWAs-, M. D. of a son. At Cawnpore, onl the 19lh February, the Lady of Ctlp- tail ...