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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... >WENESDAY, JUNE h8, 1823. IMARIIIED. 1t5p Mhididay the 9tb inst., by special licence, at 9tpJq4e.i a Churcb, London, bythe Rev. John Magean Di, Vicor p r H-trild, Bedrordshlre, J. A.. Wamrr,:.Eq. M. P., of Cleddt*iFit zpaiqe, Somerset. to Flurene Cal bhrine, yonnugest Jaghiero RKichard Ma9t-oiii, Easq. M. P., of Latel>, at bhr~it.Chnireb,. Lorndon, Mr. James Perry, of l igh ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 131 UTHS. In MIsnchester-sutsare, Viscotintess Chehvynd o a ?? Otterston, Fifcshire. the lady of Rear-Admairal s Moubray, of a ?? Gardiner, of a ?? lady of .i. H. 'Iremavne, Esq. IAI. P. for Cornwall, of a daughter -At Delamrnerp-house, Lady A. Wilbraham, of a son. M ARRI ED. Lord Sidmouth, to the Hon. ?? widow of Thos. rownsend, Es. of Honingeton-hall, asd dau. of Lord Stowvell.-Lieut..H . ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... COLSTON'S RIRTH-DAY. When a greatly good manl is separated by the indiscri- minating hand of death from the society on which he has conferred so mpny benefits, it is not less just than beneficial that his virtues should be oceasiohally retraced to the recollection of the living; the remembrance of his deeds of charity is no less an act of gratitude to departed worth, than a stimulus to futuree ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Dec. 4, at King's I ill, Momnouthshire, the lady of ?? Mominfay, Esq. of a son. ;MARRIED. Nov. 29, at Edinburgh, Sir Abraharn Elton, Bar., of Cleve- don, Somerset, to Mary, eldest daughter i1f the late Wnm.Stewalr Esq. of CasLle-Stewart. and niece of Kesnneth, Larl of Seaforth. Nov. 2),9 at Cadoxton, AMr. ELuau Tholios,1 of Neatly, to Aliss CRtherinc Levson, of the Hill, near Neattt, Dec. 4, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, NovEM,,1BER 20, 1823. 3BIRTHS. Yesterday, at Killerfoo, the Lady of Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, Bart.. M, P. ofa son. At Haldon-Houseon Friday last,the Lady of Sir Lawrence Vanuban Palk, Bait. Mf.P. or a son. Otn Wednesday last, .Mrs. Braud, wife of Mr. G. Bvaund,- of this city, ofa son.- -MARRIED. On Saturdey, at Clifton, the Rev. G. C. Frone, of Folke, near Sherborne, to Mary, thirdl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . - ?? On Sunday last, ai hi& house, in Bedford-Crescent, the Lady of R. L. 1'ennell.';..D. ofa son. -.Or.Saturday., at Sotdeltake, the Lady of the Hon. Captaln PeJles7,, of a soo.: Ona Friday3jt jAliiagfon.; the La4 of the Rev.: llcliara Ellicoiabe,'of a daughter. * ?? . ii&AnE2RnE. On Monday last, at Hloayitree, by the Rev. A. Atberley, Lleut. W. P. Jahnfooa jo miss Dounall, of TopghaW-road. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... | 1IilAltlED. £5l ?? T. A. Willians, E4sq. solicitor, to Eiiz, aentld dang ht r of Jlisepl, Price. Esq. oft~ ilon zo~nb Jlan. 21, Juhl CaI~ller Ydrdlc uniler, Ecq. cf ipn hu . Dcvon, tD Elizalhethl, d'nigl~tei of Altos.Wln~ij r, 1i'7st .f Woix tonl-Park, Stalh~rdshire. (let. i-S, .-t Pcith, Upple: Celiltole, Mt.. N. BI i',ren Il ti, I 91 tlins ity As amll;ont 9 liec is ?? o ar ?? the glssie by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 2 ~Bristol hilerm'1hy! Phvivsctall f r tbe wveek, 1II . IE. 11,,X. r orc.fl, ATre. Nt. 17nitlit Ili Oil( I,, Iligts w Hided' WC-A ?? . it. Pgtticjlts ill tile bnl!e ?? .. 1 . 2 AtActMA RIi'iED. At walcot Church Bath, Hubert Birclh, Esq. of Mount- Stonw., P'lyniou ?? to Flra11ces, only daeghiter of the Idt7 ftlr. Jeve, of thiectv. -June 23, at aitton, Atr. T. Bright, to Miss fluot, of Upton ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -WE I}NESDA'f, JULY 2, 1823., . ~ ~ -M ?? :11 RItm. OtiThitlradva last, at St. Stephen's Church. Mr. Williara ?? l oenton, to 31i-t4 11. Quicke, young st dadt'.te* of Mr. ?? Qnicke, wuai-maianracturer,; or ., '(t!-i'SiiAy tzie: Bth of Jiurin ,aC St- I ary-1 -Bone, London, by tlhe TEv. H' Sorocold Pearce, M4jor liiwkloa, to Mis Suia.u)lriplii, of Taeii nouth. DIE D. At Plymrnpon.. offn SlIlida ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... F3ICI ?? April .,0, at W~rasalil-coort, Somnerset, the ladys of John Ilagh Smyth, Esq^. of a soiU. Dec. 1:3, 1822, iCept. Win. Mliller, of the l-1on. Cahipany- Arti!loer, to R~atio ci no Sarah, ?? of Jame~s Glases Russell, i'sq. ofr Clifton. ! April 27, ait St. George's, Somerset, :ur1. A. h'arris, of th e ?? Ofrice, I'ill, to Mrs. A no SpeaLr, 0nf the sites place. April £°t, at St. Paul's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ' t ?? if'i'`s i ?? sjt (w 'r -; prl N.;: ?? ?? ?? Ai I ii I . 'ire ift' tU i 1 . 1 : 11 c ?? tel ?? i1 it ?? ts .IAX /: 'herls; ii r'11 'iN 1 : ?? rn cu:i-d !. ?? 1: rlirtf ii. ?? :: Sue'' ?? !i!; S' ?? ?? !f ; . iL ?? ?? tl~s':3 |, i a s ?? i; ?? l t : ?? ' ?? '11 - 11~l i ½e t'',rtff Et irtr ?? ?? 1! ?? 'la t ?? ?? '7 i t ?? sit r 'clii il'.hc rt r'tc''K l * i ' iite a .itir ?? al cci '3 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH S. In Edinburgh, the lady of Sir Jameis M. Riddefl, Bart. or a son and heir and a dautghter. -At Bourn-ball, Cam bridgfeshire, the countess of Delawar, of a ?? Hannahl, the lady of Capt. Vaughanl, uf the Rtoyal North Gloucester Miihtia, of a son. AlAi RtIED. Le Comnte de Croisma1re, to Sophia, dall. of the late I-on. Sir W. Syer, recorder of Bombay.-Hon. W\. Ii Itous, third soil of the ...