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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... -4 I'la r I i 1,? t5. AB li R D LK N. Q~iartcrti Loaf -,L Pork 023 to 411V Dateel.p. Ik 2d to 13(3 IIutter 1d I( I c~~t' Batrley Ditto 8d to od EL!-, par doz. t,1 o 7d T Potato!., 8, to Iod 550(3l to 6 i 0.1 '2q 3 - Tall'rnow i't t o Si8 IBevf, 7ler lb. ~dt 5 s I 1lIy 7(3 toC ~~3utr~~n 'II o) 2( Raw i.vl.-t1t Ve I! d to 5(3 Col p 6.U3 Lc OS ( dL Slaait .Ihered Will S0101 inl ...


... ABERtDEEN SHIIPPING. : t l 'nit. April 8_.3:mlikwearnmouth, Croftet, 9Sunderland - Bee, Darlington, do.; Betsey, LyaU, Portsiy; lar. t quis of Huntly, NorY, Leith. 10. (inthrius, Blew;, lrunde; Pionmpt, MNachie, do. 11. Mary, Gordon. Dysartt Newvcastle, Leslie. Ncwcastle. l' . llan di .More, IKenn, Leith ; Eliz a, Moir, inverness. 13. G(woani M~earlls, Shicids; RlIuddlestoll, .1l l-latty, Suu ...


... ABEILDE)..i CO £.N 2LIX ARKET-1rLMDAY. V.'ieat, old .. . t-s. to '2Ss. al Nw 2'?.t, to '?is. rit . old . I( S. od. to '. Is. tl 'L'¾V .,,, .. , ,,aS. Ot1. to S?(tS. Od, p 4 t Fee~Id, oll .. I d. OCT. to ilt. C d Do, Ne . .5s. od. to 1 7s. od.. tr t, Bear, old ..Is. to 2Gs. 01 New ..,.,., Os. to )i-is. Gd. W . l5s, Gd. to IGs. Gd. tl ...


... GL A SG OW IMARKETS-slarch 29. - A-.It#Oi\¢a. &|,1 - . - - . _ I,_ An I Ll e, The sales of Sugar this week were 23 hhds. Deme- 2r rara, at 59s. Gd., and 13 Jamaica at 65s., to grocers;. td 42 Jamaica at 58i., and 54 at 58s. Gd., to refiners it and 99 hhds. Jamaica, by auetion, at 66s. 6d. chiefly ie to refiners.-No stock of West India Molasses at mar- ld ket.-The tendency to improvement in ...


... , ,.lI ' 1. o nt,,rr, !.af Lo a' k 2d td n I! 'ot~ini. pn w i 1( to Id i'u ier 1 2d to I: ;- t S- !1 to ; pe' fw~. 41 it raLOCrr- 6.ito ,lod Ct h.s 1p.s; 4ltd toSs .1 -j sit nC .]:i S s 7o1 jo k.5 0i tIow .,.l to S, . v, r rr ib. i5 td t t, ,6 'A ty 7't-( *-1t> t~ i4 It to 6ti !st'; :-i;k, p lb. :3d tI ; Si ZLi 10 C 6.( ai. .t .1 4,t Od to |!,;ao SI-t ,A .ltnre'cl &t1 Ix S':! * t 'llheM .1t1 A ...


... 3 per Cent. Red. 753 4 Fer Cents (New) 9- re 3 per Cent. Conrols 'G India Stock _ G Do. for Acct 76S India Bonds - pro. m l3§ per Cent. 88Fi:. Bills (10001) 17 pm c 4 per Cents. 94f Bank Stock 210 n Tn the House of Commons, on Frideay night, us £10.000 towards rompleting tie College of Editnburgh; th £25,000 for the Caledonian Canal; and £12,847 for fe vorlks at Poet Patrick Harbour, wvcrc ...


... F. 'a t i C t I Ar .ireTLD2EN. ! b > tani~ 5 nt 7 [Otkis 2.1 to 411 t s ii o.;hcc l to I L, |utter i _d to Iid i !' } *, v S;! 'o Fgg l rwr d! .,'i to ' d7 t Z ie:.,. SJ tS 100 C~ietse, 5s oil to 6. Odjt T3 to ' (is 1 I Thllow 7.; *jt, S 8O I l .. 'e . F tv .'i Ully , d to (odt iK.:n 4] to i- Row;.v Hides, p i. 40d to 5 | .s 'id to r1 Co 'i.C)b'jll SO to s 001 .',: :.Stererd nnii S ...


... 2 t 11I L't Qmartern Loaf I )rk '2( to 4-1 Dirntmeal p.pecv IId to 1d1 Butter l°8 to i 4rn 1Iroley Ditto 8td to 0-' F. gq, Per da. .i z to idi tsi j1tea5 8rd to I 01 Cle~s~', ~xst. 45 Od to 1. O(i telt 2s Sd tO s ti) Tnaliltw 7s 6 1 o 8, 9 ,fl . per lb. 3d to ';;- tty 84 to 921 Vi twn 5-1 tlitd !lilvw Bides. ?, lb .,1l to 5t l'e.X! Ll lfi d to 66 -is od toOs Oil aug. tt ...


... A1, R131' D ;N 7 E AprI 1-C'atLt'' o Cl i. ;4:. :i 1 - i 1'1.:(f I;^ I':v l 3*it).i {.'t..- *, .-Ir . itrlil' 1 cuL t 1~ 11 TIO.! Ct tvi'Ci .,tt, h N l. . ..: : 'n;s 4ir t ), IniO, (London I -.. 'lower, ( s;clwpa. si itys , t,' X 1O ur, Sz:' Nlfidt. 3. lNauncy. ,mWvriv, >:t. ii- rl -%*.: v,:.! : It'iciind i'ato. PI ]Ii' , S'o. A. ;: ' v Iuiiir krst *'ryp, i. l~l1 rgha~lvei T,.'; 'i 'I .1± ...


... A13BE . )EEN Mi] 1'Sl Nl . \Iarcl 25.-Alirdeeun Packet, Kerr, Mlmifti',C N in rol!, 1.;z ltl oind ont , 8 p,' l), i Alvtl,:i' ,,, M i 'widerla V I~liY.', eti irk ; ( i rnsl qot, itAnininod, t:llid ritd- 0 N. 'V'wn Sister' (bra'o y t Iyrit,, Niib Kiil N einv sest ( lydc Pt',icct, \( ( ir, ( Ii l o Ar 1 'i)t- hug 1) TA~llilfk;t,, llS 'olf ii! 21~ul:};lS ill, IOrli; i:: l, a btittIerI td r B; ...


... AMEM1'D'EE SIXIPPINO. t M~~~~~hl 1' I 0 ag t lnaS PDtt'dE'Ce '1' Tis 't ph, F~incILly, Londeon ; Edin-re butrgh Par~k C t. 11 s'cs' kt Leftli ; Pnuhi~try. M1 Donaild, Rotrerd; i' ; Cgtiharine, Mn- icray, '' eys ; Two Sisters, (hay, tivsart; M21rydover, Cfnewac. Beew111'iuk. 23. Heniry 2atid W'illiam, A l~en, ;U eta ll leliance,, flotnie lolilt~t. ;R~tiolutioo, Jhuatet, do. Aberdeenl tio akeKrr ...