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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... b the 26th ilrst at No. 12, Manchester-square, Viscountess 'httwyni, of a soa. MARRIUAGES. e .1 Och-brook, in this county, on the 29th instant, Mr. Isaac b elPs1i' fraillesinitlh, to Mi2,s MaryDowman, eldest daughter . lr.'homas Dolwman, blacksmith, all of that place. ; a the 14th instant, by the Rev. Brooke Boothbyj, A. .M. Mr. tt >itpoon, to Ann, second daughter of Mr. John Illorris, ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -WE I}NESDA'f, JULY 2, 1823., . ~ ~ -M ?? :11 RItm. OtiThitlradva last, at St. Stephen's Church. Mr. Williara ?? l oenton, to 31i-t4 11. Quicke, young st dadt'.te* of Mr. ?? Qnicke, wuai-maianracturer,; or ., '(t!-i'SiiAy tzie: Bth of Jiurin ,aC St- I ary-1 -Bone, London, by tlhe TEv. H' Sorocold Pearce, M4jor liiwkloa, to Mis Suia.u)lriplii, of Taeii nouth. DIE D. At Plymrnpon.. offn SlIlida ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... c Onl Satiuriday we, in 1a.nlsion, Thomas Rolrnyd, Eiq. > fourth srmsfr. ?? C4rlrssydl, to Sarah, youngest dlarglhtr _ of Win. Morgan, Esq. of CGewer-streut. Oil Sunuday last, Mr. Thomas Fountain, of this town, It bricklayer, to Miss Frances ioylytnd, daughter of Mr. Buy- land, (If Scott-lanc, DoiseoatTr., Same day, Mr. R. Wildmnan, preceptor, to Miss Torritin- son, bottbof Long Preston. it Ol ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -- M&RRIAGES. ' - MARRIAGE IN Hiatt Lui'.-OQ Satdirday wee married at Sib George's church,.Haoser-square; the Hou. Mir. Henry Lascelles, gtcoi soa'of ibe Erart a Countess of Harewood, to Lady Louisa ThyIne, secoId' daughter ter of tbe Marquisa erd Marc11io e-srif'Bath. The nupiial ceremony was performed-by, tbe Hon. and Rev. Joho Thby ofefterfw bichi the e'rlt nnd' Countess of Hare- wood gave ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 2 ~Bristol hilerm'1hy! Phvivsctall f r tbe wveek, 1II . IE. 11,,X. r orc.fl, ATre. Nt. 17nitlit Ili Oil( I,, Iligts w Hided' WC-A ?? . it. Pgtticjlts ill tile bnl!e ?? .. 1 . 2 AtActMA RIi'iED. At walcot Church Bath, Hubert Birclh, Esq. of Mount- Stonw., P'lyniou ?? to Flra11ces, only daeghiter of the Idt7 ftlr. Jeve, of thiectv. -June 23, at aitton, Atr. T. Bright, to Miss fluot, of Upton ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . - ?? On Sunday last, ai hi& house, in Bedford-Crescent, the Lady of R. L. 1'ennell.';..D. ofa son. -.Or.Saturday., at Sotdeltake, the Lady of the Hon. Captaln PeJles7,, of a soo.: Ona Friday3jt jAliiagfon.; the La4 of the Rev.: llcliara Ellicoiabe,'of a daughter. * ?? . ii&AnE2RnE. On Monday last, at Hloayitree, by the Rev. A. Atberley, Lleut. W. P. Jahnfooa jo miss Dounall, of TopghaW-road. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , e lvisi .tI ?? , ,Si Lire 'ci i.i~. sieuri, 'Tr. tiiw. :-I Otlet , ai Ill . ?? i tacet i Ieiale ?? ; Ii 13 11 it'! Si~ne0 rt fCiifttn, rfady f memo is0 3Biren, Esq. M..D; ef a sbO ardill-eir, ' MAItiI)-ED. June &it, the Rev. Jpenrs JOI s £iiey, u1rebendery of our i p .1 'C SW Io EliZaiesl!h, Cde st ?? of L-.e S;eiLre Seere, E-- of .J iyc i,* Sukrie). Jine s0, at CliftTn, Mi-. Gibbons, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At the Presidency, Calcutta, J. Shaw, Esq. of the Bengal Civil Service, to Marian, cldelst daughter of W. S. Andrews, Esq. of Richmond, Surrey.-Edw. Braclenbury, Esq. of Louth, Lincolnshire, to Miss Child, daughter of F. H. Child, Esq. of Chelmsford. -Mr. I. Stokes, of Chipping Ongar, Essex, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. T. Shadrack, of the same ?? Speldhurst, Kent, Major B. B. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. The Rev. Dr. Lempriere, Rector of Meath and Newton Petrock, Devon, to Ann, only daughter of the late Captain Collingwood, R. N., and cousin to Lord Collingwood.-The Rev. Thomas Htdges, of Kermincham Lodge, Staffordshire, to Mary, daughter of Thomas Hilditch, Esq. of Blackden, Cheshire.- W. E. Prichard, Esq. surgeon, of Bristol, to Eliza- beth Ann, 2d daughter of the late B. Smith, Esq ...

MARRIED. Saturday, a

... t St. George's, Hanover-square, the Hon. Mr. Henry Lascelles, second son of the Earl and Countess of Harewood, to Lady Louisa Thynne, second eldest daughter of the Marquis and Mar- chioness of Bath.-At Stevenage, Herts, Mr. Thos. Gutteridge, of Walkern Place, to Mary, daughter of Mr. Hilton, of Watford.-Mr. Francis Lewis, of Colchester, to Miss Strutt, of Higham, Suffolk.-At Tyringham-cum ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... r - = = : _ f MARRIAGE CEREMbNY OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS 'I THE, CROWN PRINCE. 5 STOcKHOLM, JuNE,24. f On Thursday last, the 11th inst. the-august ceremony of the marriage pf the Crown Pride 'witlithe-Princess of Leuchteti- . ber _as celebrated here with great pomp and splendour. At brhiliant twelve the, procession, which in every respect was brillint and imposing, set out from the Palace of Haga ...