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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... b the 26th ilrst at No. 12, Manchester-square, Viscountess 'httwyni, of a soa. MARRIUAGES. e .1 Och-brook, in this county, on the 29th instant, Mr. Isaac b elPs1i' fraillesinitlh, to Mi2,s MaryDowman, eldest daughter . lr.'homas Dolwman, blacksmith, all of that place. ; a the 14th instant, by the Rev. Brooke Boothbyj, A. .M. Mr. tt >itpoon, to Ann, second daughter of Mr. John Illorris, ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -a&s -1 l ~lkiz;; lue crop was excetient. . l~~~~~frtdlz. On the 21st ult. Mrs CARLYLE BELL, 7, Royal Cir. cus, of a son. At his Lordship's house, in Albemarle Street, Lon. don, on the 15th ult. Lady F. L£vEsoN GOwEa, of twin sons. Her Ladyship and her infants are in a I fair way of doing well. On the 15thI ult. Mrs JouIv BROUGIHAMIof adatgh. At Farnham, Dorset, on the 15th ult., the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -WE I}NESDA'f, JULY 2, 1823., . ~ ~ -M ?? :11 RItm. OtiThitlradva last, at St. Stephen's Church. Mr. Williara ?? l oenton, to 31i-t4 11. Quicke, young st dadt'.te* of Mr. ?? Qnicke, wuai-maianracturer,; or ., '(t!-i'SiiAy tzie: Bth of Jiurin ,aC St- I ary-1 -Bone, London, by tlhe TEv. H' Sorocold Pearce, M4jor liiwkloa, to Mis Suia.u)lriplii, of Taeii nouth. DIE D. At Plymrnpon.. offn SlIlida ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... !, bi, v r b C, , 'k ?,Ca-1-1-1 I 11 I I ,- WEDNESDAY, July, 23. rent Tlarriend, on the 15th July, at Churston Ferrere, Pell Devon, Colonel Wsm. Wowo, to CisHIti.crL'vi EItzV- to t -- cccI, only daughter of' Capt. Eowi\;.' DIX, of thc objt Royal Navy. ; Died, at Eonuny Ittir, on tile 15th inst. JAMES ter MoRGAIN', Esq. in the G(;th year Uf his age. sup) At Aberdeen, on the *27th ult. in the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. .On ?? curtnt, Sirs BAItsiiLrr o Ctilteraller, ofa till 110on Soll( 11. ni m itlET). On the 15th current, MIr ALEXc.cSI)7O1 Xj rT.Iar;Sn, TS lt. geoii, (Iii i g tO J.Nit, Olly ?? oi the ith te L Ir Jallies Sibbalal, slipinaster, Jeith. At- Relso, oil the 3d current, the Rev. JAM-.s 0onr.Trotr, Jedburgh, to MARG.AET, daughter of the late SIr IRtoisotn, merchant thiere. At Glasgow, on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... c Onl Satiuriday we, in 1a.nlsion, Thomas Rolrnyd, Eiq. > fourth srmsfr. ?? C4rlrssydl, to Sarah, youngest dlarglhtr _ of Win. Morgan, Esq. of CGewer-streut. Oil Sunuday last, Mr. Thomas Fountain, of this town, It bricklayer, to Miss Frances ioylytnd, daughter of Mr. Buy- land, (If Scott-lanc, DoiseoatTr., Same day, Mr. R. Wildmnan, preceptor, to Miss Torritin- son, bottbof Long Preston. it Ol ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -- M&RRIAGES. ' - MARRIAGE IN Hiatt Lui'.-OQ Satdirday wee married at Sib George's church,.Haoser-square; the Hou. Mir. Henry Lascelles, gtcoi soa'of ibe Erart a Countess of Harewood, to Lady Louisa ThyIne, secoId' daughter ter of tbe Marquisa erd Marc11io e-srif'Bath. The nupiial ceremony was performed-by, tbe Hon. and Rev. Joho Thby ofefterfw bichi the e'rlt nnd' Countess of Hare- wood gave ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 2 ~Bristol hilerm'1hy! Phvivsctall f r tbe wveek, 1II . IE. 11,,X. r orc.fl, ATre. Nt. 17nitlit Ili Oil( I,, Iligts w Hided' WC-A ?? . it. Pgtticjlts ill tile bnl!e ?? .. 1 . 2 AtActMA RIi'iED. At walcot Church Bath, Hubert Birclh, Esq. of Mount- Stonw., P'lyniou ?? to Flra11ces, only daeghiter of the Idt7 ftlr. Jeve, of thiectv. -June 23, at aitton, Atr. T. Bright, to Miss fluot, of Upton ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . - ?? On Sunday last, ai hi& house, in Bedford-Crescent, the Lady of R. L. 1'ennell.';..D. ofa son. -.Or.Saturday., at Sotdeltake, the Lady of the Hon. Captaln PeJles7,, of a soo.: Ona Friday3jt jAliiagfon.; the La4 of the Rev.: llcliara Ellicoiabe,'of a daughter. * ?? . ii&AnE2RnE. On Monday last, at Hloayitree, by the Rev. A. Atberley, Lleut. W. P. Jahnfooa jo miss Dounall, of TopghaW-road. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Oi' the 1t current, Ml r Joii Si ailt 1551, meci-cint, Idillbluii-i, to (S li-iT .ce, yt'eiigest ?? Of the lalte Jolhin 1,;illie, E}'° At St 'liry Ic Bone Nes' Churlich, Tilondon, onl the ltt;!t ctitoicnl .II - e.srieisi it, tlde't Slo of (of, Genertl B 5vilhvI andlf liephewz; OFLrdi llA l~lrl:ll tol .lii.S ii BAVAIMl, l it HM23 desce'ni'i t of it' ii-lcbruitel heevatlir liuviGl, (! llli.(s im ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , e lvisi .tI ?? , ,Si Lire 'ci i.i~. sieuri, 'Tr. tiiw. :-I Otlet , ai Ill . ?? i tacet i Ieiale ?? ; Ii 13 11 it'! Si~ne0 rt fCiifttn, rfady f memo is0 3Biren, Esq. M..D; ef a sbO ardill-eir, ' MAItiI)-ED. June &it, the Rev. Jpenrs JOI s £iiey, u1rebendery of our i p .1 'C SW Io EliZaiesl!h, Cde st ?? of L-.e S;eiLre Seere, E-- of .J iyc i,* Sukrie). Jine s0, at CliftTn, Mi-. Gibbons, ...