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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... b the 26th ilrst at No. 12, Manchester-square, Viscountess 'httwyni, of a soa. MARRIUAGES. e .1 Och-brook, in this county, on the 29th instant, Mr. Isaac b elPs1i' fraillesinitlh, to Mi2,s MaryDowman, eldest daughter . lr.'homas Dolwman, blacksmith, all of that place. ; a the 14th instant, by the Rev. Brooke Boothbyj, A. .M. Mr. tt >itpoon, to Ann, second daughter of Mr. John Illorris, ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . - ?? On Sunday last, ai hi& house, in Bedford-Crescent, the Lady of R. L. 1'ennell.';..D. ofa son. -.Or.Saturday., at Sotdeltake, the Lady of the Hon. Captaln PeJles7,, of a soo.: Ona Friday3jt jAliiagfon.; the La4 of the Rev.: llcliara Ellicoiabe,'of a daughter. * ?? . ii&AnE2RnE. On Monday last, at Hloayitree, by the Rev. A. Atberley, Lleut. W. P. Jahnfooa jo miss Dounall, of TopghaW-road. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 2 ~Bristol hilerm'1hy! Phvivsctall f r tbe wveek, 1II . IE. 11,,X. r orc.fl, ATre. Nt. 17nitlit Ili Oil( I,, Iligts w Hided' WC-A ?? . it. Pgtticjlts ill tile bnl!e ?? .. 1 . 2 AtActMA RIi'iED. At walcot Church Bath, Hubert Birclh, Esq. of Mount- Stonw., P'lyniou ?? to Flra11ces, only daeghiter of the Idt7 ftlr. Jeve, of thiectv. -June 23, at aitton, Atr. T. Bright, to Miss fluot, of Upton ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -WE I}NESDA'f, JULY 2, 1823., . ~ ~ -M ?? :11 RItm. OtiThitlradva last, at St. Stephen's Church. Mr. Williara ?? l oenton, to 31i-t4 11. Quicke, young st dadt'.te* of Mr. ?? Qnicke, wuai-maianracturer,; or ., '(t!-i'SiiAy tzie: Bth of Jiurin ,aC St- I ary-1 -Bone, London, by tlhe TEv. H' Sorocold Pearce, M4jor liiwkloa, to Mis Suia.u)lriplii, of Taeii nouth. DIE D. At Plymrnpon.. offn SlIlida ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? -a&s -1 l ~lkiz;; lue crop was excetient. . ?? On the 21st ult. Mrs CARLYLE BELL, 7, Royal Cir. cus, of a son. At his Lordship's house, in Albemarle Street, Lon. don, on the 15th ult. Lady F. L£vEsoN GOwEa, of twin sons. Her Ladyship and her infants are in a I fair way of doing well. On the 15thI ult. Mrs JouIv BROUGIHAMIof adatgh. At Farnham, Dorset, on the 15th ult., the Lady of Sir S. ...


... CONTRACTORS Vdanted at Hunti.y Lodge for BUILDING about 400« Ells of S i ONE DYKE, including Quarrying and Carting the M: tcrials, gnat part of which will found in the line oi the Dykes. Particulars will be learned applying to .Mr ALPherson, at Gibston, to whom estimates arc to be given in, on or before the first day August next, when those preferred will settled with. CiiOtlOH, July 18, 1823. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... c Onl Satiuriday we, in 1a.nlsion, Thomas Rolrnyd, Eiq. > fourth srmsfr. ?? C4rlrssydl, to Sarah, youngest dlarglhtr _ of Win. Morgan, Esq. of CGewer-streut. Oil Sunuday last, Mr. Thomas Fountain, of this town, It bricklayer, to Miss Frances ioylytnd, daughter of Mr. Buy- land, (If Scott-lanc, DoiseoatTr., Same day, Mr. R. Wildmnan, preceptor, to Miss Torritin- son, bottbof Long Preston. it Ol ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. .On ?? curtnt, Sirs BAItsiiLrr o Ctilteraller, ofa till 110on Soll( 11. ni m itlET). On the 15th current, MIr ALEXc.cSI)7O1 Xj rT.Iar;Sn, TS lt. geoii, (Iii i g tO J.Nit, Olly ?? oi the ith te L Ir Jallies Sibbalal, slipinaster, Jeith. At- Relso, oil the 3d current, the Rev. JAM-.s 0onr.Trotr, Jedburgh, to MARG.AET, daughter of the late SIr IRtoisotn, merchant thiere. At Glasgow, on ...