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... CORONERS' INQOUMSTS. An Inquest, was held' yesterday afternoon before J. ,ggg, 'ti Esq. at the Golden Lion,'King-stret, St.James's3sqiare, to tl inquire into the circumstances of-the death of Mary Rowley,. d aed 45.. , . - ; a James Rowley deposed, that.he lived at No. 9, Angel-cqurf; T thedeccased was his wife; she bad lately e ,nyed a good state o of health. Last Saturday week witness ...


... TJNITEI) SECESSION CflUIICHI. _ Q ?? _nA~;_nToltl[lO 4)f ?? The United Srcession Presitytery of I)unfeltnmline met y; there on Tuesdayv the 22d July, whden a call was Ibid bv- u fore themn, madcc out by the congregatioll of Queen Attn's b Street, for Mr James Whyte to ie their first 1i-nister, sioned by 685 church incmbres and '6t ordinruv hearers, in tsll 1053. hilis meeting- house is a ...


... POLICZ. i led GQUIaIoAaL.-J01lN DAY, a lad', of. 17, errand, boy with Mr. ~n-Prodfot, allw chandler, -No.. 27,: RedCross-street,- Was ~n cargd beoreSir James Shaw, with robbing his master at Ia- vYaro~ustimes to avery doosiderable extent. ith ~Alt'hough Iduring .the last 12 mofiths Mr. Pfoudfo~t's business his had evidently. increased considerably,.neither. the returns nor ame the profits were ...


... of to MANSION-11OUSE.-MrF CHARLES SPTCER, a young man of as respectable appearance, was charged by a citizen and shop- ve keeper of Cornhill, named Letti, with having ignominiously ot assaulted him. or Mr. Letts said, the defendant 'and he had been acquainted, iI. and that the defendant, in consequence of some imagpined an wrong, threatened to thrash him wherever they met. hey re did meet on ...


... Ji COURT OF CHANCERY, AUG. 9. ni SIR G. BEAUMONT V. HAYDON AND ALLNUlr. d: Mr. SUGDEN had to muake an application respecting Mr. 11aydon's pictures, on behalf of Mr. Allautt. On Thursday ti last an inj unction had been granted before the Vice-Chancellor, B restraining the defendant, .Allnutt, from either damaging, dis- posing of, or exhibiting this picture (the Macbeth), until after the ...


... MAIDsTONE, AUGUST 12. haf CIVIL SIDE. no /Bere Ai1r. Bacroli Gre/sin et at Jr. i HANNASS1 ESQ. V-. iioCRETfl a Mr'. ADOLPHUS Opelled the pleadings. tht Mr. MAnRYATT ,with whoni was Mr. GVRNEtY) Stated athe be ~~~ Tls~~~'bplaintif Was a ~entletmap, residing at Cu] cae o heJu)' i te arshof St. etr's, inthe Isle of wa 'rait'Tue aefendant was a farmer, who occupied a' fl If jmiitYadjonn Mr. ...


... ?? ASSIZES. I Continuedfrom last week. Clarl& v. the Hundlred of Blything,-This was another of those actions which it has been our unpleasant duty so frequently torecord. The plain- tiff l premises; at Chediston, had been wilfully set on firet and the present proceedings were to reco- ei' frm the ihibitants of the Hundred, the anouslt pf damages. In 6rder to shorten this proofs, tbz defendants ...


... WATERFORD ASSIZES-- COUNTY COURT. CHARGE OF MURDER, AGAINST A POLICJE - CON- na STABLE.' fol On Wednesdayr last, immediately after the Lord Chief Justice tel lhad taken his seat, HFNRy DELAP, a Police Constable stationed th at Transore, was arraigned in the usual terms for the murder hc of Bartholomfewv Magrath,,on the 14th of April last, at his pr house near Annstowin, by shooting him through ...


... *R. AM&rS CAS-4 . To THE EDITOR OF' TIHE MORNING CHRONICLE.) an SiR-AS the Solid torof Mr. Farmer, whose case is reported : in The chronicle of Thursday last, I have to request your in- : sertion of the following statement- Hannah Foster in her evidence, alleged that on the 6th of November last, s met Mr. Farmer opposite Mr. Steel's shop , in Clapham, walked with him to the middle of Clapham ...


... LAW INTELLWPNCE. e COURT OF CHEANCERY, AUG. 7. . GOLDING V. GOLDING. The LORD CHANCELLOR-This case came before the Court upon a Petition, charging various acts, of fraud on the part of the bankrupt, and praying that the certificate might be stayed. His Lordship had carefully looked into all the various affida. vits and he was fully of opinion, upon the best information he could obtain (and it ...


... LAwSON V. LUCETT.-This was an action to recover a penalty of 1001. from the defendant, for having, as the keeper of a private receptacle for lunaticsreceived into his house a patient without a certificate from a physician, surgeon, or apothecary, contrary to the statute 14 Geo. III. cap. 49, sec. 27. The action was brought in the name of the Clerk of the Peace for the County, 'who is by the ...


... EGAN AND ANOTHER t. THRtELFALL. Mr. Tindal, in opening the pleadings, said that this was an action brought by the plaintiffs against the defendant, for the recovery of the amount of a 1,0001. Bank of England note, which was their pro. perty. Air. Scarlett, in stating the case to the Jury, said that the plaintiffs were Messrs. Egan and Waterman, who were most respectable solicitors in the City ...