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... LORD BYRON-GENO'A. (-Frot. an American BESiT*:) I have been rambling about Italy for fourteen months. and know every road-in it better thin any ode in Amerra, tand eveery street or: lanes in MiLLn, Florence, RBane, Vwnico,. Sic. better than the in Richmond ; I am, htoiveer, I believe, about to quit iv,..1 fear for ever. am here lingering on the end.: On the _16th wearrived here: ...

Published: Monday 15 September 1823
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 780 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Monday's and Tuesday's Posts

... Ipoi-oafo all'o lcusfao^+ 10*. } ! da PAltIS, SEPT. 4. .rE bave received, by an extraordi- 1h2! nary courier the lesot~uslador of Madrid .U VS of the Ist September.-The Re~oncy ha- ing established thle principle, tnat all the rtrety belonging to the Clergy, regular and secular, atllbe fullyrestored to them, the purchasers of the id propettv have been authorised, for this year only, .to elec~t. ...

Published: Monday 15 September 1823
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 642 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... * ?? ,MATUN'D.'41S LOANDONV GAZETTE. WRITEIIALL, S.EPTEMBnERL 12, 18M23 r1nUE Kiisg bas been pleased to appoint 31 the Right. Hon. W'illiam Lord Maryborouigh [ to be Master of his Majesty's Buck Hounds, in the room of Charles Marquess Cornwallis, 0eceaecd.-Also, to approve of Mlr. Antonio Girardi as ?? at 1lialta, for his Mlajesty the Kijg of the Kingdom of the Trwo Sililies, and of Mr. Joseph ...

Published: Monday 15 September 1823
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 9376 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... flrRWICHSIHILE YlEOMfANRY CAVATRY. On tie .Ist ult. the our troo'ps of the Berwick- shire yeomamry cavalry assembled for eight days training and exercise, at Dunse, underthe command of Major Swinton, in the absence of (Colonel Marshal], who, we regret to say, was prevented from attentling by indisposition. T'1he attendance of the members w;s numerous, considering the state of the harvest, ...

Published: Monday 15 September 1823
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 914 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... IrrO S T S C R I P TO'' THURSDAY's POST. LIONDON, TUESDAY, SEPT. 23, 1823. N IHE Paris Papers of Saturday. bave .arrived. The :S I news from the Duke of Angouleme's head-quarters is of the 11th.-It is only characterized by the heat and fury of var. All was ready for the grand attack, and wvithin three days great things were to be accomplished. Blut the Duke of Angouleme has now been four ...

Published: Thursday 25 September 1823
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1203 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... [UraO THE NONITEUR, r*ONDAY, SP 2 Ki AM OFOFFICIAL PART. LLEI ETN.r: AR FTHE PYRENEES-0B h eo tnn-sn Count Molitor, Cowmimader a~,in~g ordered Lieutnt-e reports to his Royal Highnmess, tat. Ba oavne towards te General Bonnemains, wh sea coast, in order to destroy the(t Malaga by Almeria anid, thesat pIrt, while GeneralLove'do as ~V enemies' corps. , l 2Still ~ ,o ,Vgng.socpidac marsc; ...

Published: Thursday 25 September 1823
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4271 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... ON THE INCIDENCGE AND EFFECT OF TITiIE.S.-No. 1. I Notwithrstandinlg the assertions so confidently marde by Mr. PlrinLett, Mr. Goulburn, and other Mclmbers of Adminis- traltion, respecting the sacredness of church pro erty, and tbe inviolabiity of t~itses, it is certainly true that M1. lJitt had a plan in contellplaition' in 17f)S, for sellind' tithes and, ' 'ivingw the ~t cle,.4y an ...

Published: Tuesday 02 September 1823
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4188 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... GJ Gel-man Papers arrived on Saturday, from which we sup- ply the following article, in rela~tionl to the state of things in Greece. It is unnecessary to ca ution our Readers agaisth uniform spirit of misrepresentation in regard to Greek affairs, in the Austrieis Ob~server CONSTANTINOPLE JULY 25.OThe difficulty of obtaining au- thentic intelligencelfrom the theatre of war, was never greater ...

Published: Monday 01 September 1823
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 650 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... a.0 1U .'1 It x ZI I .,' D1 D ) ?I li () 1 ~~~~~~~~._- .. ___._______.. . .. _ . . -. ., _ . _ I. D)OINES'TIC INTE1LLIGE.NCE . . .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ivts t J1 PIOB\ ne Bai ie ; , ~~~~~~~~~~~Bot xt VINDSOR, August 22. ele as Tbe utinost activity prevails at tie Castle, in order lemS .e- to comiplete tile preparations for his Majesty's recep- I1 n- tion, by the Ist ...

Published: Wednesday 03 September 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 739 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... LA.NCL.AND AND RUSSIA. The folloavirt n parall-I bl ticmvl the pnwer nf England and Russia, witT, resptct to Lilope, is tromi the Pirlitil: pen et tho istulaLs iteeld I trid.t A copy hasi bemn msnt traum Pari., and we itikii our readenrs will be gratifie(( with a tew extr act front it:- twotai dtards are ere,.tc : .t the two ertrcm isb ot i u oone one by hlst, atmI tho I other by sea. 'the ...

Published: Wednesday 24 September 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1568 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

News, Foreign and Domestic

... - I ? - I . ?? I R-Aebvt goLC44 0 . -- - . . - ?? The intelligence frdm Sjiain is by no means discouraging theI for. the friends of the constitutional syse for it a iears, h by the French papers, -even up, to th atred fls week, that the biopes which, the Duke ?? had. expessedriim~e~issenstints.and conflicting opinion's of the, bi~otes na. Ahe_~ope of Cadiz were almost entirely un- r foundedL, ...

Published: Friday 05 September 1823
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3623 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... apr~t e rut> ?? POpuzr, * RIDAY, SEPTCV fliER 5, 18e3. . - lk.L- 1,V .11 ge wras a man, ~S~te him for all in, au, We moc'er shall look upon his like again.-Shakspfare. a It is a. remark of some shrewd observer of human na-bn ltre, that I no marns a hero to his valet-de.chambre ; nr -an observation which is peculiarly applicable to those who, in the world's vocabulary, are styled ...

Published: Friday 05 September 1823
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3166 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News