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... . ? -II,; 1) A) o ; I I C) X 1, 1 I I ? ? ? 1, I , 141GU A:'- . ' fte 10. . - . . . I 1:, v?,,. 9 'Hill' a Y__? PrintedY and IL'I ,1e.I)Ohyt air. V Ln.d 1,owS Papers from LonidOl hy tIre LOlC nUb b men at the early hottr 0F O or;,I 0 taillsed ig !yrtw 4owhi.lg 121)Ai dJ ...


... I ENGLISHI VPERA ROUSE. , A new adaptation from the French, in the form of an Ope- retta, in one act, entitled Alilitary 7Wlics, was performed, for the first time, last night. The plPt is of course very sun- pie, consisting altogether of the embarrassment occasioned in the family of a country gentleman, by two Officers, one a Colonel, and the other a Captain, who Versonate each:other in the ...


... PRiSON DJSCIPLINjThI2RoUGHOUT THE.COUNTRY.. The Magistrates of a ! ' of Counries have shewn the grosse t ignorance of tlojsrovisioins of tbh new Bill, which has pAssed into a law,Yor the iReulation of Prisoni, anti is Galeu- tated to mitigate the horrors of coufinemnert totisose who arv. imprisouied previously to' trial, 8s. well as to those who are con, icted malefactors. The ne'v 'enactmifi ...


... LA AlBE'TH-ST1 EET.- -miVr. Leplaston, a watellmaker, of 7 . . - I-. .- .I . Mirk-Li. ;e, all' several others it) tile trade, stated to the Ma. -gistrat, tihat two fusiionable young men called at his shop, and caving giveik a fld ,epresentatii)n, but of which he had not the least doubt, selected sonie articles of jewellery, and ordered thlu to b' sent 110Iiit. Shortly after they left the shop ...


... HOOW TO FULFIL A P'REDICTjON, In the annals of duJilicity, never sva5 reeorded a umore deter- I DiueI2( instance tor impuden1t fpaqd on one hand, and silly con- hdenpF on thme qther, thnin lately too;k place ini a neighbourifig towml soml eighlt milcs distant. A few days since, a gipsy no- man called nt the houseC or an independent gentleman, in his abscmmce, and after a little prelimninary ...


... DEATH BY FIGHTING- -0On Thursday, an inquest was held at the Ship and Bell at Horndean, before Mr. Longcrott, k;oro. ner, on view of the body of Stephen Tee, a young man who was killed in a pugilistic contest with a youth by the name of Mark Hobbs. It appeared in evidence, that there had been a dis- pute between the parties, and on Sunday preceding the deceased went to a stable where Hobbs was ...

[ill] early hour yesterday morning his Royal Highness the [ill] York arrived at his residence in Stable-yard, St

... hol'l. Yesterd moroning his Royal [-Ielgness tb} \ d - i. eLsdn~i tb-yard, St, I, ,'~r N.elvala~rket. J.1 OeOLD camne to tovn yesterday evening froM rds ayfternoon, at t1Wo o'clOck, the Cabinet Ministers ld at ILe 1uorui,'o Office, D]Owim-strect, amon whum Ihe Dl-e Of I'V` ELLINGTON, the al'lls ol LIVERpoOz. QLV, \lWSTWCOI1LAND aind B.Ariuitsj, Air. Secretary Ir. S&c!retir' i;AN1NIG, tie ...


... EfTRAORDINArY BIOUF.S -Cittlarile Ward, a femnale who| lived till lately in the humble capacity of a servant, aWiM wao died on the 27th tilt., has left to the funds of the Belfast Aca- deinical Iltstiti6tio a bequest of Two H oindred lPounds.-Bjl- _ tst (erAniick, ...


... RIOTS IN THE TOWN OF NFEWV*Y ON THE 13TH JULY. The trial of the persons concerned in the riots which took place in Newry on the 13th of July last, came on on Tuesday before Judge Torrens. The following ten persons, tnder the denomination of the Orange Party, were broutht to the bar: -James M'Clelland, Robert Elliott, Samuel M' Clelland, John Moore, William M'Clelland, Sapuel White, James ...


... Tupg GUARDS-.- About live uo'cluck Yesterdav morningf the 1st battalion of the Coldsteam (iuardlsdiieli brked romLu ti;e boats at l'addington, to which place they hatd conie bythe caald from Liverpool, after having tloue dity the list twelve tuotitls at lublin. Yesterday mlorniing hlie 2d battalion of the 3d Rtegt. of Guai ds arrived at the Tolvei, lro~u Windsor, to relieve tile 21 biittalion ...


... CITY STREET IMPROVEMENTS, In the course of last week Mr. Alderman Heypate Bousfieid, and some others of t*e inhabitants ,f Ill place, Blackfriars, presented to the Lord Mayor a conteill that the Conlinittee, of tEhe Commissioneus of Sewaer3 5plalit rected the spatce before their honlset to be raised in, 'l d. adamised. 'I'hey complained strongly that ,this mIers heh been adopted without. ...