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... were elected Vice-Presiderts of the C1- lege for the year ensuing. Madame Catalati has just concluded an en- gagement at Drury Lane. She sang three songs per night tbr six nights, and received from Mr. Eilibton z(O, or about £44 per song. The iron trade ...


... case that stood over for the Lord Chancellor's opinion on that very point ?-Mr. FARRAR replied that it was the case of Drury- lane Theatre.-The VICE-CHANCELLOR: It was the case of one of the Theatres. You agree by your articles of partnership to go to ...


... morning on IBarnes. Common, between two gentlemen of the tiames of Stephenson and Kendrick, in consequence of a dispute at Drury. lane theatre, on Monday evening. The parties firod twice and missed, and in the last round, Mr. Stephenson received his adversary's ...


... crowded court. CHARLES WILLIAM COOTE was indicted for assaulting John Alfred Choune.-Mr. Choune stated, that he went to Drury Lane Theatre on the 22d of February last, and was shewn into a box, in the front seat of which were three persons, of whom the ...


... cuuarf in thle TeMple, *vhere she said a lady, who gave her a &euy, desired hier to walt for her. The prisuner wvas found in Drury lane, with the articles in her possession. it was also proved 'that the prisoner had ofFered to piLrn the clothes, saying salc ...


... Royal, Dru~ry-lane. Win. Henry Turner sworn-Is a gentleman of independent fortune On the 4th of February witness went to Drury-lane Theatre with three friends, and inquired for a private box. He made the inquiry on the Kin 'a side, and was directed to ...


... entleten have for some time lived on amicable terms. Mr. kVilliams had been permitted to sing at Vanxhall, had per. formed at Drury-Lane, and he believed, alsd at Leamington ith Afr. Elliston, and he hoped that Mr. Williamns would be satisfiedvwith a nominal ...


... never fet 0 orsnfortable a sensation as wbehs under the water in the morning. 0u Wednesday, tte wife of Mr. Prestridge, Drury-lane, grocer, pat a Period tv Iter existence. Her lusband, having been in a very embarrass ed 'tate Wass subject to repeated ...


... It had appeared that Amy Thonilas was tile wi- dow and sole executrix of John Thomuss, late a licensed vic- tualler near Drury-lane, and s1e w-a cited by Mr. John Tel- ford, a creditor, to exhibit an inventory of her deceased hul- band's property. She ...


... family near Covent-Garden, which she bad left, in consequence of preg. nancy. She lately took lodgings 'with a Mrs. Lewis in Drury.Lane, and appeared exceedingly drepressed in mind. She went to Leicester, and returned on Thursday week, looking exceedingly ...


... family. The CHIEF JUST1CE: Where doe6 he live, and who it he ? Skinner: His name is Walker, and he lives in Hertford. place, Drury-lane. The CHIEF JUSIICE: Why was not the child brought down this morning ?-Skinner: My Lord I did not leave the prison till nine ...


... Newby, pawnbroker, Drury-lane, stated, that the prisoner pawned at his master's shop, on the l8th of August, the spoons which he produced, for 25s,. They were pawned in the name of Ann Stokes. The shopman of Mr. Bird, pawnbroker, Drury-lane, pro- duced plate ...