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... KINGOS TIIEATIMI.. ?? - . I ft lr the band was convened on Mondnys ! lthe rcestra, to give Signor Rossini an op. t eseii6 '5tr the first time, to judge of their capabilities, e portUtatl) etlect and tone of the different instruments, psrloio to, the reverberation of the house. After the S asP ~ls ntiltto kel l their seats, Signor Rossini was intro. band had all Bt lh, the stage manager, First ...


... EDINBURGH MUSIc.!. F3jV. to ir. T Te Treasurer of the late Festival- presented a re- en port of his intromissiosi to a meeting of tle IDirectors, he on Friday last, from whirl it appear's that the aa Receipts were L. . 4.9 i 4 4 10 of Expences .. . 97 18 It to ~~~Surplus Lre51 re As there are still some tr ifg clais against tiel at Festival, a small sum baa been retainled to satisfy he them, ...


... 'PT II ,,ri iTI.. ?? nu,, tudirt! tins tot, llltllis i,, /ds s.itil, i.; ;fin; , 10I(11/.Ill - )l , ?? il e uii' l I I ) St/ Stmud bet The lovetr of holriarmnny.-wvhiih cxpressiot: in Aboerdeon c tie'C trti!t iS syiltllinniit ii i'ilth the public in general, as'vc etll joy'e( l imont ?? trvct ifthordled by the litera- litv of oatr spirited Ilan ;icr, io the scientific twarblinigs of SI-.tNcI. ...


... Lvit week Mr Dick closed his drawing classes in this Fa institiition, which finished the course of instruction for C this year. The number of students who have received Cal instruction iA the class amounted to about sixty, divided' into classes of thirty each, and each class received about twenty-eight lessons of two hours. The teaching in these Es classes was limited to architectural and ...


... REVIEW OF THE ROXSBURGSHIRE YE0WOANRY 1hV11g On Monday lasti the rghshfie Yeomanry Cavalry, at the conclusion of thei-qp'ii pe? ?? ex. ercising'for the year. vereeviewed ID tbe Duke of Rox. barghe's lawn. 'I'he satlshet!on experienced by Major Stisted, from the excelleat order hr which he found the regiment, in all respects, said fiom the soidier-like ap- pearance and ?? throogaout the l aue' ...


... PINE ARTS. was ROYAL ACADEMY. Neiv Chere ?? about 200 fewer pieces than usual, and unit 'the upper parts of the great room are hlung With a hieavy drapery,. instead of being laden wit~h pictures to of ht Ole ceiling. The room itself is quite ais int-erlstingto upo th pctator as on any occasionl which we remember., 7 11~losih we miss Turner i lan II eape5 and Wilkie a n it Iamiliar life thle ...


... CURleUS EXItfMITION. There is nnw exhibiting in London a female of the Si name of Crachami, a Sicilian by birth, and now within sI a few% months of being ten years Id. A tolerably sized i doll, arting and talking would not astonish us so much-for a nature is, it this instance-, far more wonderful than art could be. ovly imagine a creature about half as large a as a new-born infant; perfect in ...


... THR THEATR E. On Monlday night was brought foward, play Ronan's Welt, founded on tile novel of thra name w though not a particular ravourite %vithe I uhlie, Which teIublic, itil! car tains scenes and characters of great interest. On whole, it went off' with ecntt, and appeared to give grea amusement to the audience, who were not numerous. M Mackey, in a female dress, personated Nleg Dods sod ...


... L as k-i) ?? iki N. i. . j/.t s Si.l'' ?? tl ?? fvi 1 'tn!i-t. l- 1 \Whlcel I rn''dl ayi'e: i lii 110112 . ',1l thle Clark it 1 t1, A.r l clinl'd tV 15101:ClD IBO11jO. !i Mop.-Il, oft 0105' sow , T' ?? t0 !-c torrent that ?? hn'ileai, til tl! ' l Int of the tt (lp10s 1 th:!t gatt! r'i br.ili' . 'u 0or'! bv he senCo. atr ltlr L!) tle. . Aad 'lit ?? tile riltoj (01(0r10 IllV 1 ilr~niy 101s', ...


... EDIN'TURGIl MUSICAL FLSTIVAL. [The fbloa:~is0a ltillicationl lf s bects sent by a respec- iktle cevvesi)oalt to the Editor of the Wechly .1,llttrl..l AV, have hid the greatest pleasure il running nver the te' cdclbrlltod lsotlieiattS engaged for the Editiburgh ::eel, ferznS wvhiclh it is obvioui that no ordinary pains :Id juslreilt have becis employed ill the selection; and ]l~re II') ...


... TjlEJ THIEAETRE. Oti Monday evening a new melo-dramatic play, flin the novel of the Pirate, was performed here, with toler- able success. Althou,,h the play is on the whole rather heavy, it is by no means devoid of interest. Some of the characters, particularly those of Snrna, Yellowlees, and Snalsfout, are wrell brought out. Magnus Trodl, too, makes a tolerable figure hut of his most ...


... FROM THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR JOHIN SINCLAIR, BARONET, 'TO MONSIEUR ALEXANDRE. Uncommon deeds, uncommon strains demand, Ev'n those who seldom touch the poet's lyre; When they behold such scenes at your command, Are rous'd, once more, and feel the muse's fire. Accept these lines, to laud what you achieve, Which mnatchless,-wonder and delight impart 9 That mortal man performs,-we scarce ...