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... ACCIDENTS, OPPNC2ES, & .- - .| Stpvoasb MonDDR. -,Ah inquest. hainbtee ha beiI e the body of ,Je>es Derfcseerth ,(not Baclioe) who ?? fomud 4ead, near Prespect-lalfef Bethul gteee, as tfated in our last. It hppears that be was a sober., i dusettious wetn, ht had been in a dejected state for the last. fortaight. O ne the day he left homes be took a razor vrith fhim, saying he wae going to have ...


... COURT OP KING'S BENCH.-Spn/j 23. (Londan Iternetiet SIttings after Hilary Term, before the Loed Chief Justice and special Juries.) BAIN V. IMASoN.-This was an action for criminal conversa- tion wit], the plaintiff's wife. Plea, Not Guilty. Mr. SCARL5ETT (With Whom werc Mr. BaoUGsHAM and Mr. BARNAReD) stated the case. The plaintiff was a wealthy mer- chant, nowv retired from business., He had ...


... COUR-T OF KING'S B.LNCH,. J4x. 31. POYAIS SETTLEMENT.- M'GREGoIv.THWAITES ANDANOTnER,-This was an action for an alleged libel of and concerning the plaintiff, published in T2he Alorninag Herald newspaper, of which the defendants were the proprietor and printer respectively. The alleged libel purported to be a report or accountof an application made to the Lord Mayor, by certain persons orn ...


... Yesterday, two men, each of whom appeared to be about 34 years of age, named WILLIAM SPENCER and SAIUEL JOHNSON, were brought before James Scriven: and James Woolley, Esqs. t Surrey Magistrates, charged upon suspicion wVithi having mur-t dered Mary'Wilkins, tbe wife of Henry Wilkins, of 15, Mag- dalen-street, Bermondsey, a carman, in the employment of Mr. Myers, Fellmonger, of Bermondsey. The ...


... TIM Al URDER oF TEE FAMILY OF THE FRAVKS. TRIAL OF TH3E MURDERERS. Coal;, APRIL 10.-PATRICK, MAURICE, and JOHN CItEMIN weie put to the bar, charged with the murder of the Franks family, on the 4th of Septembtr last, at Lisnagourneen, in this county. The intense interest which this trial excited was wound up to a still greater pitch when it became known that the principal witness was the person ...


... EXTRAORDINARY INVESTIGATION. Yesterday, JOSHUA ALEXANSDER was brought before MORRIS SWAaBrY, jun., Esq. the Magistrate at Union Hall Police Office, for re-examination, charged with violating the person of Mrs. Anti Palser, the wife of Mr. Palser, No. 5, Church-strett, Blackfriar's- road. The prisoner is a young mai, and an assistant to hiLs mo tiser, who keeps a furniture warehouse, at the ...


... COURT Of COMMON PLE LS-SATURDAY. [Sittings at Nisi Prits in London, before the Chief Justice and a Com- mon Jury.] EVANS V. SWIVET.-Mr. THESSIGER opened the pleadings. This was au action of trespass and false imiprisonment, to which the defendant had pleaded, first, Not Guilty. Secondly, thsst the. plaisstiff had becu arrested, and hal put in insufficient bail to the Sheriff; and that the ...


... P'OLICE. veryresectblelooking young womian, about £4 yrars oi -8, nam11ed 1\]AYHa, ish i fit of despair had attenulped thro erselfinlte river about two o'clock on nhursday sm ing, bitt was providentially observsed cud prevented by the %was:r. man of Biackfriars-bridge, was btoeght up yesterday before Sir. Aldermntt ANStEY.y Shte hadl, it appeared, been lisio~g in tens.c e with a respectable ...


... GU1LDHALL.-A very erroneous paragraph has been cir- culated through severnlof the Newspapers, relative to an affair that happened in Shoe-lane on Monday afternoon, in which it was stated that n Iad, after having been beaten in a pugilistic contest with another, returned half an hourafterwards and, watching his opportunity, stabbed the boy who had beaten him in the belly. 'ihe real ...


... OLD) BAILEY, WEDNRSDAY. tin. the Nerw Court, before the Recorder.] -BLASPHEMOUS PUBLICATIONS, sBt The Court was again crowded this day by persons who wished ' to hear the trials of Mr. Carlile's shopmen. an At ten o'clock RICHARD HASSALL and MICHAEL JOHN an O'CONNOR were pift to the bar. On the Jury appe an the box, one of the defendants addressed the Court. bti REcoaftEn: What says the ...


... COURT OF COMMON ILE.-THUSDY. [Sittings before the Chief J1ustice and Spieclal Jaries.] ; WoontIsY AND ANOTIEIE1 r. I'AUL,-Mfri Serjeant VAUGHAN stnted that this was atu action brought to recover the sutm of 7251. 14s. being the amount of 236 quarters of wheat sold to the defendant under the following circuinslances:-The plain- tiffs were eminent corn merchants in London. and the de- fendant ...


... pO'UR kro EXCHIEQUER.-TuESDAY. At the commencement of business this morning, when the Special Jury were called upon, an unusual number were re- jected,, onjaiceount of their namies or address being improperly stated in thb panel., In some instances, the Christian or sur- 1 I m iStatsd iD the uminons, and in like manner in tile pa bul,,btbthe Jary consider tbey are obliged to attend the ...