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... pRT ER S&ASIONS. * 1*RjuTC& i~ M hE Borough Ses- Thoa Se T h mrmonlyY called Am 'bakeir, were2 StA; to Uketheir trials. P exhumation t adcted the vtosernt n, ylt 7t stated the ci ill * theetvidlence ag 4ae: stroihg was a b27s stewart w~as clrcaursqosaX i :bitt esu£- nthedits The s] Tad, a ,piteaously introduced himn atchman -f St. John's, and had ?? 40 s b k, if be would astist in hang ead ...


... I COURT OF COMAIO2N PLEAS-(SATUIIDAY ). }fothe2 Legal Fzcwcas.-In the course o't ?? relatit to a reward, but which was in itself destitute of intereah ee to the parties conceerned, .W-d it ,hiole AIr. Sergeseii' Mr. Sergeant Taddy were engage], the Iblaowing eosereo passed between the latter Learned Gentleman and the Cot' Mr. Sergeant Taddy wvas adverting to a rule in which ths 5Wu ssar stated ...


... P6L1CE. 1,6N_1OUSE.-Tup SPANISr RPFUar .waS.-In coilse- of the Report of the case of Captain Gomez Venegas qietf' brther officer in the Newspapers, a letter \ras received lad his dbr by Mr. Hobler, from John Mills, Esq. of Brighton, O ,3j .3 for the relief of the unfortunate Gentlemen. The jvtlo0Y,1 ; I do not doubt that my countrymetn will stretch %fniterb `r bands to relieve those who, ...


... COURT OP EXCHEQUML-'iTHURSDAY. HARTLFY V. WILXS.-This-Was an action on the case to re- cover compensation in damages for a nuisance-alleged to hava been committed by thd defendant, who is a currier, by creating certain stenches, smells, and vapours, in the course of his bit- Sineis, which tended to prevent the plaintiff, his next door neighbour, frpm having the lull enjoymentof hispremises; ...


... VICE.C HANCELLOIVs COURT.-TUEsmDA. His Honour was engaged during tbe hours of sitting, with the further hearing of -Arkwright V. Stoveld. The, case con- tamied no public ijtereat, embracing merely a litigated ques- tuon respecting the sale of spoICe Ibiuber. ...


... -iFRIDAY. The Grand Jury of Middlesex having been summoned for the entsuing'Sessions, and only fourteen -gentlemen appearing to answer to their names, the Judge postponed swearing in the Jury until Wednesday next. ;PO:IvDOYFR V. ADAMS.-This was an action of trespass, and a verdict bad been given tor the pIlintiff, damages 5001. The Cotrt was now moved, to set aside the verdict, and to grant a ...


... STRINGER, ADMINISTRATOR oF; BROCKLESBY,. V. MARTIN,. EXECvToft OF COVIL.-Mr. DENMAN appeared to show cause against a rule for a new trial, obtained upon the grouud of tLie misfiditig of the Jury. The case had been tried at the last Spring Assizes, at Lincoln, upon an inj unction issuing out of the Cburt of Chancery, to try the coaxpetency of G., Covil to execute a certain Bill of Exchange for ...


... COURT OF KIING'S BENCI-THURSDAY. The ArroRNEy-GENERAL this iday moved the judgment of the Court against several persons who had been convicted at she late Assizes of offences against the Revenue LAws. J. CHRISTOPHERSON vho had been tried and convicted before Mr. Baron Graham, atthe last IKent Assimes, bf having as Captain of a trading vessel called the Trafalgar, put four ot his seamen on ...


... ( OUIR1' 0OF ('01i0IdON PL H.IS.-TuF.wj .S Normi s AVDrA NOrTHFU V. POA 1T1.-Thii was an action biouight bV the plain tifl's, coach piroprictorfa, aga~insat thre ilefeialant, a toill keeper, fur hirvi rig takela a double toll. 'The action was tricd lit thet Lost Assizes orI~iaripshire, befoire till, Lord-1 C lilf .1lla. ticir .Abott, wh en at verdiet wits give i far lie plainirtiuff, hint the ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCH.-THunSDAY. Tog KINO V. TAYLOR.-This was an indictment for keeping a common gaming-house, to which the defendant had pleaded a plea of auteri'sacquit. A summons having been taKen out before one of the Judges of this Court, on the 5th ef Nov. inst. for leave to witbdraw that plea,and plead anotherplea of auter- foie acgitit, the Learned Judge refused the application for ...


... ARCHES' COURT, Mwmury. 1St.LlAN;V.,-SULLtVN.-'rThis Vag sruitot of.68eparation 4f 4inruyge, by reason of adultery, protinoted by the busliand, the 'i n of the Right Hon. John Sullivain, against his wife, who was fornperly Itiss Oldacre, the daugiler of the huntstian of the 8erkelev. Hunt. The parties ivere married in 1816, at the PNrish Church of .St. Olave's, Southlwarlk ; the validity of the ...

We are requested to state, in referenced to a report from Marlborough-street Police Office, in which a Mr. ..

... We are requested to state, in rcferejjcj to a report from Alarl- knrnmivh-street Police Offce. in which a Mr. Bernard Puttto bcer. to the Honotdrabte Vesey Yatzgeraol, was eurareu wjun 1haWIag assaulted the houwsgnaId & a warchinall, that the insinua. ion respectirtg seatnlfiieces of plate ihaving been mnissed,'is orally without foundgull. iMr. PltzgeitaldI to iFrance; iut hi, baukera, upon ...