Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRLED. At Rochester, Joseph Lee, Esq. of the Bower, Maidstone, to Matilda, daughter of the late George Gunning, Esq. of Frindsbury.-G. F. Walker, Esq. of Chalk Lodge, Herts, to Julia, second daughter of Thos. Sanders, Esq. of Cheshunt.-Walter Burrell, Esq. of West Grinstead Park, M. P. for Sussex, to Mrs. Chishohne.-Matthew Mason, Esq. of Stock, near Chelmsford, to Anna Maria Teresa, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WARRIAGflS. T'ireonreioe. at St. Peter's Church, in this town, by the Rev. ?? .iupson, A. -M. Mr. Joseph Bridgett, to Mlary, only 6v,':oz of the late John Gregson, Esq. of Manchester. ?? -,r Friends Meeting-house, on Thursday last, Samuel 10 ln. [s'ier, of this place, to A. M. Stansfield, daughter of J, r-seldM 3.D. of Woodhouse, near Sheffield. 0, Aee?laev se'nniglht, at 3Marston-upon-Dove, ...

of Ol Thursday last,

... Edwvard, son of J. D. Charlesworth, n Earl. to liss Claphaor, only daughter of Thomas Clapham, . seq. all of this town. Same day, Mir. Robert llopps, of this town, to Hannah, ? * daughter of 31r. Win. iliowrsorn, of Roth well. Ir. On Mo!day lbst, at lKippalx, by the ilon. and Rer. A. H. Catheart, Joseph Clarke, Esq. of Balrisi. y, to Sarah, eldest dauighter of John Cllyton, Esq. of the former ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... te aed re On thelitt isnit. tbheady-ot' LL ;.Tfrtels ye Esq.. fir SwiJthland-l-lall, Lejtest-eeshifer of'. a daughter. On thec~ 14th mitrf. In Ldnidon, Lady !,anse'cee, 'if a ay daughtee. s' at it Onl Thursday lkst, at Devswebur, by the fiev. J. BRu~if- w~or th, Vic-ar, Mr. Samuel oates, to baa, secolad daugh- ig ter of Benjamin Brearey, Eeq. p.II of that place. [it Same daY, at our parish ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - ?? ~~~F i, I ?? - It Y ?? Thlrtisay last, att Eastly, Lie ?? ileirry Lane, _ Yto tl cIonut. IHarrict Frances ho-idas, second (Utu1g):er of tie Right ion. Lord DuIdirfs. OnL Tuesday lost, at Addle. by the Rev. George Lew- 1 thillrto, rector, the lRev. Wim. Andrew, of Wighiil, leiar f tTadcaster, to ?? lester, only dangihtor of P'ter i I-I;rtdesastl, Eso. solicitor, lazte of Walecfield. S ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I)n ]d 2-11 b erb .e ellith WEDNESDAY., JeiY 27. Birth.-On the 24t! inst. the Lady of' Major J. S. P1 at S'INCX.A1IT, ?? Artillery, of a daughter. f On the 24th of .Janulary, I 825, at Arecquipa, Peru, the E j5 Lady of Udny Passniore, Esq. his 1Majesty's Consul, of m of a 505. ra ., Birth.-Mrs. MloRisSoNS, Ilaughs, of a daughlter. eW l On thc 21st instant, Irs 1FRASEIR, CuRliLtIlel, of a P1 ...

'0 g o jtartlaifi ??

... ?? ' bMARRIED,' S On Tuesday.-the' 30W ul. ?? D-fnifllosses, bort and shoensaker, Tlthebarn-stteet, to lilis 3d. Jones,'eldeftsda'ghter of Mr. Win. Joneso'Nova Sedtia. a On Sunday ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . B1irtihrs. At Terreglem Hlouse, on the 17th current, *Ir. Ai c. Gordon, of a daughter. , 3~rriagect- On the 1 th current, John, eldest Son of Lord John Townsend, to E1ivibeth Jneldespt deughter of Lord AtSt. George's, Bloonisbtir. London, on the I7tht inlst., William Gordon, Esq. I.. to Agnts Marian, third daughter of John Ilyslop, Esq. sitrgton, iof Upper l(Iedford. Place, Ru~selI Sipuare. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tirrbly. A MtAorlingsid e, on tiic 12th in st. rs ( Crn flird, o! a da -h rbtr. At I atliclin, onl the 2tbi Cuirt. ?? Lafdy of ionc.s. tCnimpbell, Es. (it ' iarcaltlitic, t' it soil. a,)ar Hi geg. Oni c tt Tib clirent, at Alitenlicod, al nitm go Cantl pb fs, III.rclanIt, t ilhsgoyv, to Isabellh ( Grirg o (;o di. ?? dl; IghIte r of.Johlti (Cordoni. q Of Aitkli.IL. id. Art N vi Aloolnlaid ?? ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 6 On Thursday last, at Marr, Mr. Thomas IHeslington, of tc e biccrtcni-leieloor, to Mliss Styall, of Mfarr-llall, near Dowi- Castel. Ru r Same dav', Mr. James Jowett, tailor and draper, to Ruth, daughter of Mr. Wim. Bedfoid, aigent, all of Leeds. Onl Wednesday ]list, ait Alconocdhbcry, Saimuel, youngest It soon of Mr. Coolcsons Stepheiismn, of i-ioloimirth, aittotrney at T itle, to Mary, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IBIRTHS. April 19, the lady of Charles A. Elton, E'q. of a son. May 1, at the H otwells, the Ildy of John Peart, Esq. of Waterloo Villa, of a daughter. May 4, int this city, the lady of Lieut. Dowling, of the 96th regt., of a son. MARRIED. Oct. 1, 1824, at Ceylon, the Rev. Thos. Norton, of A'e. pie, to Miss Lee, lateof Clifton. At tire Friends' Meeting-house, Sherborre, William Spence, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY JU 6, ? Y 25, ;3IRTHS ; Friday last, lrs.;Blssell, Nofthernha' Tearkaceofl a.roi. Saiturday, in Macglaleile-street, \ s. E.- Woohlinei', of sohi At Totnes, oni Thursday last, tbqelady of C. Midhelanore; Esq. of a son and heir. -At ntiapp 4F'Bideford, the lady of J: . qi4, J.AC of awdaughterp ?? At BJudWigh SalterDonl the lady of qIf, ldding;tL !Simoet 8 ayof' .:.I e, lsq ozf ?? rqda~ ...