
... Wtt. -5S5O S. atae sors0s io~s ?? pO ' ' n, ?? ua bcl-tid is lday's 7y etedose ! ?? IN breee Is belthunto.the wounded soust - Thi1s'akda ?? a mild repose. 's'eatfi ?? rft ..-The spthst le llse ?? now : Are poieerksaand past. The wea*, blest ,With transient calmn owD a reviving glow I Aeanwhile each finer impulse of the bj&#stv To him-who gave, alternate morn and night, $e.8ua teo -wheel bis ...

Oracle of Fashion

... r, f ic , it np.,; ? i. n. CAt'1 CHA beSrE OF *I ?? it Thie 7'heqtre.-A, itiutigh. hls 1 ote's re-appearance on our stage onl 'I'hitrsday was rather unexpecied, ife liuse has been well attended, partictilarly on lFridav' righth the Ot'epeak of the Clifton bachelors: the same archnesq, njaivrtf. and simplicity in her style of acting, end the same eager kindness of the 'audience in Applying ...


... I'IX,~I.V ('.B'L]. SHOW1 AL I 1z It XJWtI Is IIL ,Ilards.It [E I [lost I os1,ettait. 1tIL zI, ta jtv In hiiihic avivaz~lltI dXll atalfi tal hi(|t i, utsi-l lId. .1 hr- lusi1y l1i: .,1 i.ii:.! : q1!ltit niWtl Irwisl-l~lglip(ptlahiletl ta ev lIttlla'ln} arIti l Ii tai 6 li t : I'Siiir IlVl ];, I Ill o 1th lCioulnt, ild bv iizulIi tIn I tat: iitli ;,itt , eI 1li ( . (ill i'! E i n L t irc l tI1 t ...


... I Aw Oratrio (since it appears we are still thus to style a Salmagundi of grave and gay, solemn and frivolous, sacred and-we will not say pro- ante, but-Isecular) has been performed at each House this week. That at Covent-Garden, wherein parts from The Creation of HAYDN, and MoZART's Requiemu, his last and perhaps finest production, formed the legitimateingredidnts of theentertainimeat, was by ...


... The Duk e and Duchess of ClaBwNcE arrived at their resi- dence in Cli arlea-street, Berkeley-square, yesterday morning, from Bushy. Their Royal Highnesses dined with the Dnchess of KaNT in ,the afternoon, at her apartments, at the King's ralage, Kenuitgtoa. The Duke and Duchess of CLARENcr fctrvwards reta coed to Busby. The CHANCZLA'Oit of the EXCHEQUER left town oa Tuesday ele in for ...


... P0ET 1It Y. ~lE O~~RdRAVI& (A F'atph~dA.) A N1). Is it o'cr? MA, yes, VhAI eyc W hici s0111'e ?? no0w with gpltindoaril xafi rmo c move itl diek.it lover's sigh, No inure ia lover'a hetirt sball ahed. NO Wor thnIC t voice, with nCceT9I Lsndi , Shail I ?? tht breast Vith iVoC dIktress'd, Wia.:!cinr bas ?? cold gras entwviued * The ?? by MW'90 (ftCI j'rei WIhat mournful steps the cliur'clvnd ...


... V. VI NI GMAi ?? lgti rhAilrtiS tii,-I am enar'-m. anvd Orid, 1 mii ,inmtmnl! miimm'.lI rimt-tlike' a dia inoid hiuiic; ail ;lka1xt113(l al sof4,-f- atln 101r,0 s^Iili~tilf, Ii i t- (iatit ti':t il itV4 izs ...


... ik'I1ThI or, IriE ftm Y~AL Ab 11;' Ordeal ?? ?? RiPrPNAGILL9 An'accttri',ate nd I~ turesqule ililustrationt of one of the 55nctified andl alsiurd obt$5 e 0vaices of a superstitiouls age. The couilnpoili3t rcprcesnits tli solermn formula by whiVII a p-,rstoaret' for trder li4 Cconfronted with the lifeless remains of the victiiit, for the t pose of axcertainittg, through I ?? wlethd( he was ...


... COBURG THEAXRE. The Easter visitants at this Theatre were less numerous and en that account alone less noisy than is their general custom. The Managers had prepared two pieces for exhibition the first a new production, called 2 he Prodigal Son; or, the htes of Memphis. Thie second a revival, or rather au abridgement of one of Mir. CRossS pieces, entitled Sir Francis Drake and It o Arrm; the ...


... TRE' MIRROR OF FASHION1 On Saturday the Duke of YoRK antd the Duke and Dacbess of GLOUCESTER visited the KING. On Saturday the Duchess of KENT, accompanied by the in- fant Princess VICTORIA, and the Princess FEODORi, and the Duke & DuchessofGLoUCESTER, visited ?? AUGUSTA. The Duke of CAMBRIDGR and Prince LEOPOLD honoured the Earl of WESTIMORLAN D with Iheir company to dinner, on Friday, at his ...


... Sunday the Duke of CAMBRIDGE attended Divine Service at tbe Chapel Royal. The Duchess of CAMBRIDGE and Prince LEOPOLD attended Divine Service at the Royal German Chapel, and beard a ser- won by the Rev. Dr. KUPER. Sunday, at three o'clock, the Duke and Ducheog of CAMt BRIDGEathe Duchess of GLOUCESTER, the Princess AUGUSTA, PrciCe GEORGE, and the Princess AUGUSTA of CAMBRtDGE, Vi- sited Sir ...


... VIE $1Xrn 4RR dP 1ASHION. HIS MAJESTY'S ENTERTAINMENTj Yesterday the KING gave a miagnificent Oak at I Pal-Mall, to his Illustrious FamilT, some F- -Ls Palace in tiuCtion, several of the Cabinet Minisfr .reigners of dis- of State, and a nullerouas assemblo,' .,rs, the Great Officers of distinction. Being a State F ,e of Nobility and persons invited to appear in full o- -ntertainment, the ...