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of Ol Thursday last,

... Edwvard, son of J. D. Charlesworth, n Earl. to liss Claphaor, only daughter of Thomas Clapham, . seq. all of this town. Same day, Mir. Robert llopps, of this town, to Hannah, ? * daughter of 31r. Win. iliowrsorn, of Roth well. Ir. On Mo!day lbst, at lKippalx, by the ilon. and Rer. A. H. Catheart, Joseph Clarke, Esq. of Balrisi. y, to Sarah, eldest dauighter of John Cllyton, Esq. of the former ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... te aed re On thelitt isnit. tbheady-ot' LL ;.Tfrtels ye Esq.. fir SwiJthland-l-lall, Lejtest-eeshifer of'. a daughter. On thec~ 14th mitrf. In Ldnidon, Lady !,anse'cee, 'if a ay daughtee. s' at it Onl Thursday lkst, at Devswebur, by the fiev. J. BRu~if- w~or th, Vic-ar, Mr. Samuel oates, to baa, secolad daugh- ig ter of Benjamin Brearey, Eeq. p.II of that place. [it Same daY, at our parish ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - ?? ~~~F i, I ?? - It Y ?? Thlrtisay last, att Eastly, Lie ?? ileirry Lane, _ Yto tl cIonut. IHarrict Frances ho-idas, second (Utu1g):er of tie Right ion. Lord DuIdirfs. OnL Tuesday lost, at Addle. by the Rev. George Lew- 1 thillrto, rector, the lRev. Wim. Andrew, of Wighiil, leiar f tTadcaster, to ?? lester, only dangihtor of P'ter i I-I;rtdesastl, Eso. solicitor, lazte of Walecfield. S ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IIZ wi=s toh0 wn, On the 11th inst. in Liverpool, the Lady of Thomas 11. ma- llesketh, Esq. son of Sir Thlioitas D. Hecsieth, Bart. of aL all soui and heir. be- illy A arr itb hal OnT lTnrdat' last, at St. Jaortjij'saeumkk-Grcgory, York. bsy the Rev. ?? Richardson~a, SIr. L. Metealfe, ?? ,r, itt k. Teighiley, to Mlariani, eldest daughter of the latc Mr. I. tom Robiiso;n, wholesale druggist, ...

sides- tents, Vtt.'s

... On Tuesday the ?? lisoratit, at Pontefraot, thre Lady off fthe Filinto.ff Leathttite, Esqi. of at Oslo and. heir. Cent, S lrrib jelc On Thursday loot, tilt. It. W'totniald, hatcher, to Mrs. fr Lloyd, sta-a~ssuarteboth ifthls towi-i. sit at Same day, at iDarliold, Air. Thomasa St lie, fairmes', of soany Wart, to Mliss Allen, Of tiidhsiist-iittsi, near Baornsley. Samne day, Mrl. Jisist Ambleir, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 6 On Thursday last, at Marr, Mr. Thomas IHeslington, of tc e biccrtcni-leieloor, to Mliss Styall, of Mfarr-llall, near Dowi- Castel. Ru r Same dav', Mr. James Jowett, tailor and draper, to Ruth, daughter of Mr. Wim. Bedfoid, aigent, all of Leeds. Onl Wednesday ]list, ait Alconocdhbcry, Saimuel, youngest It soon of Mr. Coolcsons Stepheiismn, of i-ioloimirth, aittotrney at T itle, to Mary, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I, On Thirsaay jast, Mr. ilnyCoe, of this towns, but cher, to M isis sarah W.alkery, of lla1,,rwick-in.Eltmet' tie On, Wedheisoay ilasit, iat otley, Mr. Habltahawr, jof Mien- eii Stonle, butcher, to Miss Domnain,. of Gulealey. at. -Same day, Mr. 'Josephc SmIthcola, schoolmaster, to Juisa !il Elizabeth Vairey, bath of thlat towni a e tSaeday, Mr. Wrin. Wheater, clothier, to Saerah,~dausgb- ni- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Th.4ieb. Oln Thursday last, Mr. Thoimas Cope. of Barnsley, linen- draper, to Miss Taeior, of the saimse place. Sazme day, Mr. Oldroyd, of Roystone, to Miss Hopwood of liBarsley. Oii Wednesday last, Mr. George Paloy, of KInostrop, to Mliss Anhs iilks, of Bo rley. Sane day, at Ailmondbiury, Mir. William Willans, of Iludrierslicid, to Elioiabeth, secoud datiglhter of Mr. John Wrtigley, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On, the 26th ult. the Lady of John Blayda, jun. Esq. of Oulton, of ason. On Thursday last, at Birstall, by the Rev. Win. Heald, Vicar, Mr. Jlohii Lawford, of Mill-Bridge, manifaecerer, to Mlry, daughter of Mr. Thomas Parkinson, of the former place, plumiiber and glazier. Saine day, at Pontefract, Mr. Jackson to Miss Jane Hunt, sister to Mr. T. Hunt, Bookseller, &e. alloftheformerplace. i Saine ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Tuesday last, at Beech Grove, tbh. Lady of John William ItlRodes, Esq. of adallughter. On the 5th inst. at Selaby-hall, Durham, the Lady of the 1ev. E. Egremont, of a daughter. On Thursday Is.t. -. On Thursday last, at Manchester, Mr. Henry Bowrman, to Sarah Ann, second daughter of Mr. Tiiomas Varey, grocer, of this town. On Monday last, nt our paristl church, Mr. John Carter, joiner, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'rt ?? ?? cO Ol Thursday last, at Biarnsley, by the Rev. 11. Willan, Mr. John Blirks, chemist, to Miss Amne Mla.ssey, youngest e daughiter of Mrs. Massey, late of Burton-Grange, near that IL, town. Ly Same day, at Thornhill, Thomas Shaw, Esq. of Nether- ton, to Jane, the daughter of Mr. Johin lilburn, of Thornhill. IS ODr Wedlueday last, at Swillington church, by the Rev. h1 Thomas Woodcock, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *Onl Thurdylat.agS.,ohn'a charech, Wakefield,- Mr. e bled pin un f hstown, tqI Mies Asldred; OnlY I. of daughtpr of Mr. Julio.,Aidred, of'thc former place, hairf I by dresier, -I aod Oht Wetlllneedy Ylast, Mir. Robert Hi~gins, ,boot~mnlaer, to S 1 11iSe Steel, both of thil; town. -C sins- Jeantson 111org Lit IBurseston,.hy the -11ev. ,taillea Ner- jea n Gog loyd, Vsq. only. son ?? Thomas Lisyd ...