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... The C~yclops of the Ring, Harry Harmer, took his benefit yes. terday, at the Fives' Co.urc. The day was excessively cold, but still there was a very retpectable muster at the ?? atc/, and the sports were excellent. The bu.iness of the day commenced by a set-to between Old LENt ux and a young fellow of the name of CltArMsAN, in which Lennox had not a chance. Indeed, this old cove would be ...

Published: Thursday 17 March 1825
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 774 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... TEIa MORNING CHRONICLR. LONDON: FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 18W5. The intelligence from India is altogether of an alarm. ing complexion, though we have no doubt the prompt measures adopted to suppress the mutiny will, for the pre. sent, secure the obedience of the troops. But we can- not help regretting that the Burmese War should ever have been undertaken. The utmost success would not have reconciled ...

Published: Friday 11 March 1825
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3176 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... LONDON: WREDNESD4Y, ITMRCH 2, 1825. ft - ti Never was triumph more complete than that which P the Catholics obtained last night. Sir FRANCIS BURDETT introduced the subject t to the House by an eloquent and conciliatory I speech. He disclaimed the character of advocate tt] of the Catholics, very properly observing, that o the cause was neither a Catholic nor a Protes- tant one, but that of the ...

Published: Wednesday 02 March 1825
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1575 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... BEIKSHIRE ELEC7 IOX-- -TVWDn!sDAY, MATcH30. The death of thle late L~ord Biraybrooke haviakg called thle lion. Mr. Neville to the Ifouse of Peers, a new writ was is- suedforthe lcciouof ?? f thle Shire to represeet thle county of Berks in PaWieameat; and the ih Sheni, . 1. Mvaitland, Esq., appoinled this dany for the i!lection.We av already slatcd (see CMosig C/jrlt o?,lve of Friday last), ...

Published: Thursday 31 March 1825
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3174 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Saturday, March 5

... plromn the LONDON G.4Z TTlE, Saturday, March S. CROWN OFtICE, MARCtt 5,1 S. , Sega1 R 1t2TURNEeD TO SERVt IVN TIllS r1StIIINT PARLIAMXssT. IBoRouCnII oF BRACeLEY -James BHrdsilaw, Esq. a Captain tn his Majesty's Navy, in the room of Henry Wrottesley, Esq. deceased. WHiTEHALL, leaD. 26. 1825. hnlr 1 The King bas been pleased to normimite the Rev. George Cha(n, lr, Doctor of Civil Laws, to the ...

Published: Monday 07 March 1825
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 806 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ny X ..JOlBNING CIHRONICLE. LONDON: TIHURSDAY, AIARCH 3, 1825. lire trust the Clergy of the Establishment will profit by the excellent advice given to them by Mr. PLUN- KETT, and not oppose themselves any longer to the removal of the restrictions under which the Catholics now labour. It is by no means good policy on the part of the former, as Mr. PLUNKETT observed, to compel the Catholics to ...

Published: Thursday 03 March 1825
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3534 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... ThI DIORAMA. The exhibition at this place was in part changed yesterday; att a moonlight view of the Ruins of the Chapel at HIolyrood House I being sabstitu ted for the Harbour at Brest. The view of the fun Chartres Cathedral remains as before. The present exchange cut is eminently advantageous; Brest harbour was but poorly exe- the cuted in comparison to the other works that have been ...

Published: Tuesday 22 March 1825
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1747 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... HIGH GATE CHAPEL, There bas bedin a report :very prevalent, for some time past, Hill', Wte and its popul ous and respectable neighbourbood, t t &,apel in this ha inlet is in such a very bad condition, § t al'e it unsafe, if at it actually dangerous, to his Majes- t'5 * i*nwho resort thither for public worship. Such a i- dissemsimated aS %t is has been, with much industry and ouir, ineuitY in ...

Published: Monday 14 March 1825
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1637 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... Early on Wednesday niornmig lai, the budy of Daniel Reynier, Rsq, a gentleman of considerable opulence, residing opposite the Terrace, in Higbbury-grove, was found floating in a horse pond by the road aide, between the Bdfaced Stag and Finchley church, at East Finchldy. Thedeceased was weilknown in the City, and especially on the Stock Exchange, of which be was for several years a member, and ...

Published: Saturday 19 March 1825
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 604 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ST1RU(GGLk/S OF NO poPiI'. USIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. We have to record what we trust is one of the last struggles of No Popery in this country. How changed are the times since the fat and pursy.Dignitr had only to, shout this darling wari-word, to hear it in- stantly t&-bellowed from noisy crowds throughout the land! Alas | the Ecclesiastical Corporations and heids of Universitieshave it no ...

Published: Saturday 12 March 1825
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1002 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... REMS ND :SREDS'. H-RA'VE O mwetrees -for He ?? yeai: ?? ¶l am !orryf Its, it 'heigdisappinhntt t0 ~a-geat ?? Fntemieu; 4ut, *1 ?? SwediskTuriitp eedand 'Aazu- ?? Aeed. -14m ame of the very best of both. The for- mer' Us W. 'a Amd, Often .pour*.m taken; Wand-xeav6d. if a less quantity The ltr, 2s. 3d. a pound, -ifYen pauzind 2. 6d. if less. I warrant them both, Waving grown them myself from ...


... [FROM THE EDINBURGH OBSERVER.| Monday being the time appointed for this momentous en- counter, and being Saint Mnnday besides, every drunken son of Crispin, and every knight of shreds and patches, was early on the move for Wincbburgit. Irishmen fight for pleasure, Englishmen for fame, and Scotchmen when they can't help it. The last love to look en, however. The place of rendezvous, through ...

Published: Saturday 12 March 1825
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1375 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News