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of Ol Thursday last,

... Edwvard, son of J. D. Charlesworth, n Earl. to liss Claphaor, only daughter of Thomas Clapham, . seq. all of this town. Same day, Mir. Robert llopps, of this town, to Hannah, ? * daughter of 31r. Win. iliowrsorn, of Roth well. Ir. On Mo!day lbst, at lKippalx, by the ilon. and Rer. A. H. Catheart, Joseph Clarke, Esq. of Balrisi. y, to Sarah, eldest dauighter of John Cllyton, Esq. of the former ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Oe n BIRTHS. On the 20th current, Mrs EDDIONTON, West Maitland g Street, of a son. _ On the 19th current, at Howard Place, Mrs FAmRaAIRN' of a son. a On the 22d current, at Newington, Mrs SCOTT, of a daughter. On the 23d current, at Douglas's Hotel, St Andrew's Square, Mrs LOCKHART of Castlehill, of a daughter. ve - MARRIED. In St Paul's Chapel, by the Rev. Archibald Alison, on 1e the 21st ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At Kensington, Thomas Henry Thoresby, Esq. of Eroxbourne, Herts, to Sophia, eldest daughter of P. E. Otty, Esq. of Rensington.-Wim. Thompson, jun. of Watling-street, to Ann, eldest daughter of J. Baylis, Esq. of Ponder's End.-Mr. J. Canning, of Bishop Stortfoed, flerts, to Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr. S. T. Day, of Stanstead.-Thomas Maclear, Esq. of Biggleswade, to Mary, third ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH Of tYOOeR teHON. F. ASHLE CO E, THE SON OF THE EARL OF SHAMSB5ERY, IN A PUGILISTIC CONITST WITH MR. W~OOD, A SON1 OF COLONEL WOOD, I (F LITI'Lr.TON, BUCK$, AND NEPHEW Or THE MARQUESSt osr LONDONDZEnRy. 'On Sunday last, about the bour of two o'clock, two youngt Gentlemen, Collegiaus of Etan, the 1-In. F. A~. Cooper and 1' Mr. Wood, were, in the play ground, when somne words arose between ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i; U., t; v WEDl)N ESAY, I'Ii'/ 9. IIll ?? llatilyv Strcut, on S taurday the ath inSt. US rse. A\1.EX. SUA \I), (Of SO P(,fl. pa At .M iranicII, New Brl hlnswc k1. 11 ?? I1 i h June lhist, tb the0 *ViiLt ?? l FlIA E IL, jkl1l. IEli. ?? ilI. bC00 N1I1Iriud, at AMlarV PheLe, 'wtzukbridgc, oI the 2d curt, ar by tihc R1ev. A rchiild A] l Sl : It (IN is .Jt11X lilt;)\I'0\ r msq. flerchailnt, ...

On Thursday last, Mr

... . Wilson, cloth manufacturecr, to Miss Ranisdeti, both of Dewsbury. .Oa Wednesday last, at our parish church, by the Rev. T. Furbank, Mir. Joseph Shaw, of Shefteld, of the firm of Taylor, Y'eonains, and Shair, spindle anud flyer manufac- turere,to .Ella, youngest daughter of Mr. Petty; of Beeston. 'On Tuesday last, at W'Vakefield, George Mogridge, Esq. of Birminghalll, to Mary, eldest daughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ar IC Ott Friday last, at DOstoic, cicar DnenCster, the Lndy of , a the ltev. Rohert ?? Conke, of a daughter. . IcS or .SItLtt~i. s m 9ii Thrrsday last, at Ilarn-ety, Thomnas Beceett, flog. F tit third son ef SirJohn Siecliett, Bart. of Gledhoir, rear Leeds, ' at to caroliae, second daughter of Joseph BckI ett, itq. of ly Blarnsley. i- aute dlay, at Rehdtatle,JelOi, sroi of Mr. Ts'ee'lale, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SCM wan u arpasslo. fan BIRTHS. Or On the 19th current, at her house, No. s2. Great King the Street, Mrs GILLIES, of a son. O'c On the 14th current, in Great King Street, the Lady of H. LumsnEN, Esq. advocate, ofa son. at On the 22d current, at Broughton Park House, Mrs YULE, of a daughter. On- the 15th current, at Newhall, the Lady of Jornw Se: BUCKLE, Esq. of a son. MA RRIED. At St George's, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Elise IVEDINESD)AY, XMore/ 123. bloc -- -- -- lead Tillrtb-A t ?? M. anis e o f R i rkinicl taecl, o n th1e I,)th in st. hecw Mr Is fT tu.LCir, Off a (1. shot Married, at Stonchaveni, onl 111th inst. Mr ROTrIFRi ignc - X ti t, Iiicrcltiit, to MiSLIzn Til AW~ ?? to SI t o' tho ictc .11 r Law, Sometime fthrmcr at Newton JLevs, and D ied hcto,, on the l1th torrent, MAl A Ito a T. 'i'third no S ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EARR IED . John, third son of Anthohy Harman, 1Eiq of Croydon, to Eliza Susannal, youngest' ?? of 3. Nixon, Esq. of Trinity-square.-At Godalhing, Samnuel Blapland, Esq. of Devonshire-sqnare, to Elizabeth, second daughter of James Weale, Esj. of the former place.-Mr. James Colquhoun, solicitor, of Woolwich, to Miss Bradbury, of Chatham.-At Lambeth, John Keymer, Esq. of Drayton, Middle- sex, to ...