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Advertisements & Notices

... :SALya OF LANS.D MAT CAV: -IYO BE SdL D BY -aUCTJUIb, :~ r~ off - ork% At the louse of Mir. J~ohnx Cotstable, the Whte hEart J~n% tn Ntorth Cave; inz the Eost.RidfrK offe Cut f7tk * On Wednesday, the 25th day of .lanuary, l82C at Two o' lohk inT-the &fteruoowy ,b f in~less p)restiaasl# Disposed Of Py Private Cntruet, uIhick de 1Vitecc tUill be gis~eaJ; --- tn tlhe following, or such other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE 7 9RELIEF OF THE SUFFERERS BY THE ri CALAMITOUS FIRES IN THE PRO VINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. fo A Edinburgh, 50th Dec. 182.5. of ITE LORD PROVlOSi of EDINBURGH ha-' T ving received a Letter from the Ofice of the Secre- Ft t ; vof State for the' Colonial Department, recommending -nAppeal to the Public for aid to those unfortunate Suzf- rrers-the LORD PROVOST and MAGISTRATES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHRISTIAN EVIDENCE SOCIETY.-The Fiity-fifth Discussion 'vill be held in the Great Room, Paul's Head, Cateaton street, enTUESD AY ne.t, at Seven o'clock.-Subject: The Bishop of London's Sixth Proposition On the Moral Precepts of the Gospel.-T'hle Reverend Secretary will deliver an Oration ' in exposure of the mischievous and wicked character of those pretended Moral Precepts ; open to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BAKIERS. TO be Disposed of, the TRADE of Mr. Lcic;, Baker, TNarrow Wine-Street, Bristol, and to be entered npon immediately. 1 here are baked from Thirty to Thirty-live Sicks per week, and the chief part sold in the 1louse. The Rent is moderate, end the business well worth the attention ot' any Per- son wishing to enter into the above Trade. Coming-in £250, for Good-will, Fixtures, &c.; as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (To sink the ?? stone of 8sbs.) ef 4s Od to s 2d Veil 4s 8d to s 1IN 4s Od to 5s od Pork 4s Od to Ss 61 READ OF CATTLL THIS DAY!- jsws 2,811-Sbeep 17,520-Ccjves 136-Pigs 90. REAL' OF CATTLE ON FLUDJAY:- BeasLs 527-Sheep 4.960-Calves 183-Pigs 70. j.1VGAT1E & LEADENHALL MARKETS. (By the Carcase.) Ss od to 4s 4d I Veal Ss Sd to 5s 4d to* ss od to 4s 4d I Pork Ss 8d to 5s Oa S e prnce ot Talloa 2s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : sut 7 FIRST SUBSCRiIPTION CONCERT. I T HE Subscribers are. respectfully informed that the thc ;t * lIR~lST CONCER'l' will take place in the AS- I i, S EMBLY ROOMS od Wednesday the 18th instant. no ;, .. DlIRECTORS. . sar v The lon. The LOItD PlROVOST. del K!RIRKMAN FjNLAY, Esq. of r HENRY MONTEll'E, Esq., M.P. rio Grnd . ACT La or ie Gratird Overture-Der Freischutz,-C'rl VOZ Meber. dai A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TM IHE DERBYSIIIRE. LAW SOCIETY will dine ield w9together at the l EAD lxw, in Drnsy, on Tues. day the 10th instant. 1 o n Derby, 3v'January, 1912. of Wz±iA COTTFA~rlE, iy, LEA AN1LY situated at Castle Orchard, near tor L ld, to be LET, and entered on immediately. tav-nquire of Mr. HAItlsor, Duffield. to tns - TWELFTH DAY CAXES. oin JOHNSON begs leave most respectfully to intform ter T o t4ie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V~ Cl U I ionsehold PUILVITURR, 40. 8;c. BY: i N BRANCHl 4 SON,. Xtthe 30th i~ n,3 Eleven &clook, at the t 1dv Il It1tlltovr Roomis, t jitie 1l 0ULSKHOLD FURNITURE, ai 'jxlSeriptlul'sa hantdsotte F'our-post Bedstead, a) eeC ,tings, anjp~pid edn.Clue '.pes Cl EiVCS fLOSOE n zla 11t ,,a'eih -I Clt, d leins-ter and t 91 lo''0 ozdinso Chair, Sofa, anui 1'res Beds, Wir'e Fenders, .Firc-irtlflh Ste. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TaSPECIAL VFS TR 'lhld. in Sr ihlssano A Church the 26hdyZfjg '6i,1S, ovnd , i Publici N~otice to receL en act upon tre eortofthl Itt S ?? on th 8hof- Cotrnittee appointed at th ihth ipO1t~ Dlecemiber last, as to their ?? Commfll~ittee of thle Corporatioii, on the suhitofair ;t Police Establishment, lial JOSP1I1H LANGiroNl. rsq. being called to the. Chair, l Y The following Repi-rt wa ?? bv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to the Mercantile i-Vortd. 'ubishe1d thik day, Price Is. (id. A SET of 'TABLE:S3 of -the t W IMPORT AtDU'I'1Es, chargeable by the Cusitoms ; aalso, a Table of Ithe New Iutie.4 of Customs ant Fxcise on Stpirits distilled in England, Ir eland, and Scotlani-d and o0 Foreign Spirits, Strong WVa7ters, and Fo;. ign Wines; and liktewie on kltil nlade in Englaid, Ireland, and Scotland; con ?? fromii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i ?? AiDVit, Eit'.- T/u8s Doly is publisylicdi PIice 12s.-Iekhy 061avo, iza H~E wFJF1H EDIT10N of th'&GENTLEMEN, AbV~i1,SEiH,;; gitvng a 1.'aceticnt IweIljilfonofzt h e~ Powvers of ci~hilnery, Vi ~lt i'dlzlCof: .diemusoration arid Wei, bri ef ;veey Spsecnje; efot' ;: ~oidae.ln tlaaprtilets; ~av(:n;~ipntatibs Or d r .olher Artillcers.Worls, an IdiV eastiC ?? tvd tihe lri-eis of vavioni14s WTM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COMPLEXION. PATRONTIZED BY THE ROYAL F.4MILY, The PRINCE and PRINCESS ESTERHAZY, the PRINCE and PRINCESS POLIGNAC, his Imperial Majesty the EMPE RORofPERSIA, and many High -and Distinguished Personages,. I ROWLAND'S :ALYDOR which resists THE AT'TACKS OF INCLEMENT WEATHER, and immediately allats the smarting i rita- ibility of the SKIN, produced by COLD WIN DS;' pre- ventsthe skin CHAPPING; and ...