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... proved, that when he stated it, the room that the violin was worth seventeen quineas, and that lie was going to play in Drury Lane £heatre that evening, the piisoner advised himt to take a nap, and said he would then be in time. He distinctly said, that ...


... stealing fron the person of George James Lewis, a hat, value ten shil- hirgs, on Christiras ioorning, in Russell-court, Drury-lane.- Tire prosecutor was going tnat way in company with a friend, wilen they were siobbed by a gaas of sweenty or thirty buys ...


... :erta *alled Teohaldo e Isolina. Applications tOr IlOxes and Ticketri to ba made at Mr. Ebers's, 27, Old Blotid-street. DRURY-LANE;'I THEA'TK(4.-'I his Evening will be presetited (for tile 10th time), a iew National Ballad Opera (twe sub. ject from Ossian) ...


... Wednesday last at this office, on a charge of stealing different articles of theatrical properly fromi the perfor- miers of Drury-lane Thentre, were yesterday finally examined before Sir R. BIRNIE. Mrs. Orger, Mrs. Tenatit, Mrs. Wetb- ster, and other ladies ...


... uttering. Row IN THE THEATRE -A powerful fellow, namedJoNEs, a costard-nitnger, was charged with creating a I row In Drury lane Theatre, on Monday night. It appeared from the 8;atemnent of Bond, jun. and a Check taker of the Theatre, that I whenever ...


... existence. About o'clock on Thursday morning, a destructive fire broke out in the house of Mr Storlees, oil and colournian, Drury lane. About half-past one, a qttastity of gunpowder exploded, but wyitlout doing any stisncief. Not a vestige of tile property ...


... MEETINGS OF CREDITORS, APRIL 25, AT THe COURT OF COMmISsIONERS OF BANgcitLiPTS, BASIN GHALL- a STREET. M. B. a R. Henesey, of Drury-lane, timber-merchal t 3 10 W. Merryweather, of Long-acre, crach-maker 3 9 d G. Johnson, of King- Stanley, Glouceitershire, wool- ...


... himself the most prominent, actor in the dreadful C tragedy, from- the corner of Stephen's-green to a grocer's ol shop in Drury lane, where, seeing himself in danger of ap. hI prehension, he hid between two sugar, hogsheads, in which I situation he was ...


... Charlotte Flemming, who, two years ago, was considered one of the most alashing eourte.lans who figu red away in the lobby of Drury-lane theatre. But poverty and ill 1Walsth had so re. duced her, that she had for a length of time, ezistedz under the most abject ...


... beuse, that he was totally ignorant of what rcrwrred, till be found himself in a house of ill fame in Wellington- court, Drury-lane, with the female prisoner. He fell asleep, and in the middle oif tile night lie was awakened by a servant of the house, ...


... (Mr. Peto) could not attend to it himself. Mr. D)ay appoiuted ai person of the trame of Mullins, who worked iunder him at Drury Lane Theatre. Day gave Mullifts direc- tiolrs to see that the monkey, or great weight, recoiled on the lheaid of the pile, twenty ...


... knew. Mr. D. on his .professional capacity as the-anthor of several dramatic t x -pieces,' produced -at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane,. ofK it hich thea prosecitor was a manager. and that the depo, a - fent, who is a tiiarried man and the, father of two ...