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[ill] & Thursday's Posts

... ,i4 ?? & sMilaVOUD> V000,;£ FROM TUESDA Y'S' LONDON- GAZE TTE. _JIEI' Glozette coutaitns orders ?? ir 'uts:rirg into fllourning on the hst Jttnu- .ur il r 7atci 1'nmperor oali the IUIIsia, tot Chanlge on the Nith, and oil tbc 2-d togjo v-I of mourning. FOIrEltti)N rizPj, DEC. 27. The King has been pleaced to appoint fl-ans.- ac- ienzie, Esq. to he hilas Majeoty'a Consiul-Gcncral i; layti, ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 172 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

London, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1825

... FRIgDAY, DECEMIBER WO, 1820. IeDC Palris Paper s of 'Tuesday contain the isttict5sgivea above. -7,etters fromn Citiliz, dated Dec. 97. state tbata violent hurricane hldmtakcn place oii'that port, ?? ot greater devastation thlaunbad| 1rCorrel since_11110. The Tea Plantl, of' New York,I .a very fine ship,`f6lm fllavannuh, with a valuable cargo ,o.ais, wcnt Ol sihore neatly at the mouth of the ' ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1584 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... The fiollow~ini- is the llqurt of the ,olect Cor.- mnittee of the House Cf Couuriorre rppoinittd to inquire IS into thce etipenditure of the County R1ates, and to is- id port their obscrvatione,, thereupon to tire h1ouse i irs Your Commititee proceed to iay before the House sid the resrtlt of their enquiries ; 'remnising that by Stat. rs 12 Gao. 11. e. 29, anti Sd C'co. 1l1. C. li1, thre ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5368 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... 1To' 7/e PILNTElRS uf thel UA.IPl~lu TET.ELEGRAPff he' At the risk Of being thought a Wiseacre on ng Political lEconomzy, will yoen allow iuc a little of your &; valuable snace, to make a few observations on a sub- ly ject, wivich is now, unfortunately, of the most vital Iimportance to the whole community. I mean the secu- v, rity or nonsecurity of Banks. *d As this is a point which is ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1290 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ?? aotorvivt+ * SATURD.AYS LOlDON G4ZETTR. IVaXTEltLtiL, DEc. 27, 1l25. i HI, King7 blas been pleased to grant to T ?? Christopher Bnson,, Jfiaster bof Arts, the place ard dignity of a Canon or Prebentlary of' the Cathedral Church of *Vorcester, void by the resignation of tie Honcurable and Reverend Doctor Edward Rice. IVAR-OFFIjtc, DECEinritt 30, 1825. 6th RreqinEnt of Drcqooon?-Capt;ain ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 7151 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Monday's and Tuesday's Posts

... . Pwwlo?? F . ?? AIM 1? INOUDill 1. ? , . . . ?? , I. ?? t;lzthe lflarp prpem,) . j. HAXIBUuLttl, DEC, IV, CACORDING 10 accounts that may be 2 , depenldedl upon, the late Emperor of Ifussia | Was geiedL on the 27th Noyember, N.S. with ^ jflauuntIf~tio~5 and sore throat; he wa better t ^ ?? d atyd but dlied on the 1st of December, j;csrsgqueuce of the debility cautsed by the, disorder, P Pfl41t ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 233 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... The Actofthe 6th Gec. IV. cap. o0, for grarnting a reduiced duty on British spirits, and regulating the trade of idb E.A tillers ari dealera in spirits, comes into full operation on the Ath r of January next, and an many of its ?? are of a novel - an l importint natere, an abstract of the principal contents iill A no doubt be acceptable tt The new ditty commencee from and after the 5th of ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 983 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

London, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1825

... WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28,1 25. ia PrsPaper-s of Saturday, and the Ing, Doaile of Slunday1, uire received. from which we extract pr seine dieltils cf tile death of' the Eniperoir Alexander. errs Thle concoid whieh nil accounts agree in, stating, suli 'badl ela~ts bietwtefn the Grasel Dukes and th nI Epeor the .togetlter wivii the alleged fact that thle Emilpress was present when her bifsbatid ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 7595 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

London, MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1825

... ?? ¶LOUW BI' . MONDIC, If DECEMBER 28, &82. T$e Poris l'ap' eis of rda, ih te .,00 dated tiaturday, have arrived. Zettcvs fronm St. nsoburg'l, state that the late Emperor Alexander ;Itd le aid of' his phy'eicians. till thle 26th ulh. on .~Ichdyho ca fessed lrnself, arnr from that moment ?? medical Ixeatenent for his compulnint. ,'fh lsmhurgh'and Beu~seLa Papers bringr ac- Isof she ?? ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1290 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Friday's and Saturday's Posts

... I I i il0 Jyfo atit Jat'0 br:vto PARiS, DEC. 27. 3 Aknijeur of this tnoriing contains tyal (Irlonnance, graltilg a pardetn to tli oywing i,: ?? nersoes ?? -wBeiijainh ure, kelix Cossin, -a11rTI Lavacal, and, thagd. They are to remain for five years mreillanlce oti thic l igh Police. eught that the Emperor consuintine will be I1,ow alfter thc mourrding. -lie Quotidifenne M. die 2liAh and 271hi) ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 112 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... V, ootocrivl+ $A TURDA 1'S LONDON GAZEBTTE. th Fonr:;ose-O~z':CcE, JANUARY 7, 1828. VU1111H.E 1King has been pluaetid ito apitltflt ex 3Charles llankhead, Esq. to be Secretary to his ?? Jajestv's Legation to the United 6tates of ,t North America. chii WAnR-OFVICE, Jan. 7.-Unaottac h.C~ti . ai .1L' Robinson, from the 7th Dragoo iur t betha Major of Infantry, by purthase.-Lei.M .ii a gotf, frow ...

Published: Monday 09 January 1826
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 8929 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Monday's and Tuesday's Posts

... I 1 u . - - - FVR6VT1EUB OF Poi.A-m, DEC. 15. P IVA'l'TI letters from WXarsaw 'i 'e the feullowifC pwrticulars of the death of the Em- eror Aexiderv The Empcror appears to sve t~ilien coldl on his journey through the imea, wbere hie travelled long ?? on horseback n tbesea ceast; fever esued, and he returned ill to T~agsnl, w~ien 4 he grew. worse. Suddenly. the wound gho te, which had been ...

Published: Monday 09 January 1826
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 104 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News