... T'ugsday, Dec. 27. LORD CHAMBERLAINS Outacx, DFc. 27.-Orders for the Cour going into mourning on Sundy Ithe 1st of January next, for his late Majesty the Emperor of all the Rusias, ?? Ladies to wear black silk, fringed or plain linen, white gloves, necklaces and ear-rings, black or white shoes, fans and tippets. Undress-White or grey lustrings, tabbies or damask The Gentlemen to wear black, ...

Published: Sunday 01 January 1826
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 989 | Page: Page 7, 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... I STATE. OF THE MONEY MARKET, &c. There is little to notice under this head, for the business of the week I has gone on without any new agitations, runs, or London failures-st least among the bankers. Mqrey is daily becoming more plentiful, and discounts in consequence not quite so difficult to obtain. It is expected that when the dividends are paid by the Bank, the usual facilities will be ...

Published: Sunday 01 January 1826
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1533 | Page: Page 4, 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... LEITHT SHIPPING. War -qn ITN, V Ru ef -ml-~a AARSIVED-Dec. So. Fly, Smart, from Glasgow, goods- tSI. Lord Wellington, Crabb, London, do.-Trio, Lees Stonehaven, barley-Maggdalenna, Hardberg, Landscrona' ditto. ChtEAroE OUT-Dec. S0. Hawk, Nisbett, for London, _ goods-SI. London packet; Davidson;'Aberdeen, do. The Robert Bruce, Anderson, at Leith 51st Dlec. from London.. GrTASGOWV TONTINE LIST. ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1145 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... STATE OF Ti1E GLASGOW MARKETS, DEC. si ?? - -.S tAl- . _n_- - n - SUGAR and MOLASSES.-The imports o' Sugar, (wh.. . include 1145hhds, brought earlyin the season from Ire land,) exceed those of last year by nearly 900 hhds.; aui: the im ports of Molasses also show an excess of 2214 puns The stocks of Sugar are also increased about 1500 hhds. but of Molasses we have only an excess of 195 puns.: ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1830 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: Commerce 

Bristol Price—Current

... 331iftol Murie. Sugar very 13r. t4s. 65.r. Coffr;, Jaaicai', triage 'lOs. 50s. - Drv Brouat, . 66 67 - Ordity r . t Middling 6 8 70 - (;ntd ditto . 62 6f -Good ditto .. 72. 74 - iFine ditto 70 7,4 - Good . .6I8 .- 1 iddling 78 80 t - e i9 0 - Good ulitci . SC g0 Brns~n Lumps 8 S - Fine. lit.o. 94 1CO e )ii'dlln 8092 - ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 785 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... - - - - ICw , i?iitjr??Pt, - -- FROM SATURDAY's LONJDON GA2TE. I)ECD ARATIONS OF INSOLVENCY. T. Taylor, New Snrnot, \Vilts, butcher. J. Brown, Whiitebirook, Mionmotih, paper manufa turer. liAN19RU!''3'S. Wmn. Siltes, Ii. Sikes, & 1'. Wilkinson, London, hankers. James Gregory, Briglhtlielmstont-, lodging-house keeper. M. Philits, Ctullum-street, merehant. G. W'eller, Birminighiam, liaceman. 31. ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 2753 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... The late panic has nearly subsided in Warminster, Trow- bridge, Bradford, ana Frome.-Dorset Chronicle. The public mind appears to be at rest as to the steps taken for the benefit of thptreditors under Messrs. Crickitt and Co's bankruptcy. A proposition has been suggested by a solicitor, and acted on, to apply fo' an auxiliary commission, intended to be held in this town, before which all ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 934 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... Dee, 27. JouN TAYLOR & COMP'ANY, grocersand mer- chants in Glasgow, and JAImES TAYLOR and WILLIA3 TAYLOR, junior, Individual partners of that company- Creditors to meet in the Lyceum Rooms, 6th and 2Othc Jan. at one. DcC, 28. JAMES TfiomsoN, timber-merchant and wrighh in Glasgow.-Creditors to meet in the Eagle Inn, there 5th and 20th Jan. at'12. Dec. 29. JAMES TAYLOR, baker and farmer at Whit ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 472 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

The Markets

... abe Baruct's. MAR1-LANS, Dec. 26,-The arrivals of Wheat this morning was but moderate; the trade nevertheless continues in the same dull state we have noticed of late, and even the fistest runs can scarccly be got oT at last week's prices, whilst all below this standard are from, 2s. to 3s. per quarter cheaper.-Malting Barley nearly maintains our last quotation, but the fine grinding qualities ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 1090 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... .M£kET31{.S or BAiiIKRJpTlS C.OMiLSSIIofERS TO El' BOLDEN I Tills Cl'J'Y AND SlEICIIBOIUIt OOD, DURlIING T:lE PRESENT WVEEK. _,AT7 . A.Ieeiing. H1 ow r and -ace. 3, Coturfenay iUlrray Batb, hard-} Iilird{ Grehlound 11111, %va lem n ,.. B th. 5, J jneg Sheppard, Frome-Sel- t3hird I,\WhVlitellartlnn, Wood, Somerset, clothier ..- L Bathi s3, Joseph Smith, Biristol, ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 2390 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... I QU!v7Ec.-1n the Alicia: F. K. Barnes & Co. 68 pieces oak S tiober, 17 pieces birch ditto, 320 pieces pine ditto, 2624 deals, - 502 deal ends, 7710 staves, 2 fathoms lIthwood-J. Evins; 95 handspikes, 50 oars, 50 maple boards, 1 parcel bear skins. NEW Dtiaswicx.-In [se Chlarlotte: W. Scott,42Spiecespine 1 timber, 1 piece birch ditto, 14 cords lathwood, 1 spar, 5 masts, 252 deals. Timeazrim and ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 1342 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... L ONION PRICES CUAREXT-Dec. 27. fi7l, vr ton. ?? 14 0 a 15 0 -Roach,percwt. I 10 a 1 I3 Ashes, per clt. Quebec Pot. Ist 30s Od a 33 0 Unit. States,do.S3s Od a 00 C Quebec Pearl34s Od a 36 0 Sound ?? S2s Od a 00 0 flarilla, per cwt. ?? ISs Od a 19s Od Carthagena. 22s Od a 24s Od A'icant ?? 222s Od a OOs Od Sicily ?? 2(s Od a 21s Od .hlr7i/Jstooie, p)er tooL. Ilolug l .L.7 0a 6 10 I(oll.. CO ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1826
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2793 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce