Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Bl R BTIJS. On the 14(h inst. at Roehaipton, thel .ight Hon. Lady Gihorl, (relict or the late Master droihe Rolls), of a son. On lesednesday, at Billon, near York, the lady of the *llev. Tholuas Jessop, of r son. . AURR.I4CYESw On Wednesday hist, at the Holy Trinity church, Mr. William Griffiln mariner, to Miss Isabialla Lintolai both of this place. On Wednesday last, at the Holy Trinity ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Hlail -t6. this teteiain s~Ae ofstrife- hadl, lovely auialatnra sf life. Ont SodIaty '*eek, LndyCariIlfoe L~se~leazofadaotghit~. e9 On tbe 3rd instaat; at Campsall Park, near Doncattler, bs,' .tbe lady of Sir Joseph Radcliffe, Bert. of ¢- danghslr. ill On tte 2nd of Deceqiber, n'i Rio Janieirh, 'bet Majesty 6. lli E mpress of Breasl, itsi Prince.'' -- -'- *i' M'ARRZAGP : s - & o- ' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... £4lg sa;e qtr¢ed er3 ¶ tt5: - IMARRIED, i u Slay last, at the High Church, Glasgow, Mr. John Valen- snc Rshison. of the firn) of Robinson, Brothers, and Co. of to Amnelia, only child of Dax id Morison, Esq. formerly o; lebitO. Lately, at St. Philip's Church, Mr. Peter Landy, to Ellen, the third daughter of Mr. Breekell, cbairmaker, Derby-street. on Avedtiesday, tle 18th ult. at St Peter's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B I RT''HS. (in the 5st instant, atP1As-y-Vuin, Neati, Mrs. E. Waring, of a dsu hter. O ' Wednesday last, Mrs. ?? Tcrry, of Swansea, of 'a Datg ttr. MARItED6. liuly 9, Mr. John Beer, master of tht- brig Hope, to Missi | iVhIse. of Swsnsea. .Jnily II, at St. AMary Redcliff church, Mr. Thomas Vining, Jun., to Miss Mary Prediger, eldest daughter of Mr. John Prediger, of ltiscity. July 12, at the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ? ;a. !if; ?? ?? I 'i -, 1 Q;o Q ' -- ( b v V oten. IVEI)NESD'AY, A7 gvi 0 2. BI RTu.-At M luryicid, on the 20th ult. Mrs CmIIsI- oL nt, ef a dauoghiter. Married, at Aberdeen, by the Rev. l)r. (Ilcrnie, on the 21;rlt instant, Allr. IoII:n tc TAYLOR, to L l' RA. daughter of M)r ,JI 0u I T AYI. Hi. Mlarried at Balniageith, on the 8th ult. by the Itev. William HOyes, AL.L\. Mlt'1r1 , IsqJ. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... d | Zi ticrh. O At '22.'orgC Strect, on the 19th inSt. Mrn Dr MaC- I lagan~. of a hOfl. I At Batraelipore, Bcngal, on tile 11th of January last, 3irs t,. t v n. of a ?? At North Berwiclo lolge, on the 13th1 Curt. the Lady o, !ot)lajor-Gentral Dalrymniple, of a daughter. ! @~~ttrrtag~eg., I C ,Newniill, on the 12th inst. bv tile Rev. 31 Bu=ts, xAl. Waln(r, Pertth, to Janc Blair, chdest ...

33=~TUS. 1 h r a la

... t th e i , 7 , I j iflsodaV last, the lady of Jedediah Strutt, Esq. of a son. 0t'e0 2d ijestant, in the Close, in the City of Lichfield, the t Oll Jeh 1ott, Esq. of a son. XAXZL ACES. t at All Saints Church, by the Rev. C. S. Hope, t James Harwood, ironmoonger, to Sarah, second daughter of r Mr. William Collumbell, both of this place. f 6n the I.)rh irtn, a e1 instant, Capt. Charles Hope, R.N. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... n 3Z1L52S. M1 On the 29tb ult. the Lady of the Rev. M;r. Boothby, of a fr( e daughter. At Ashby-de-lst-Zouch, the Lady of II. C. Martin, Esq. of a pe son in On Tuesday, at St. Werburgh's Church, by the Rev. Mr. to e yakefield, Air. J. Saint, joiner, to Miss Elizabeth Willson, th. youngest daughter of Mr. Willson, both of this town. art On Saturday se'nnight, at Lapford, Devon, Thos. Bailey, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF LIEUTENANT DUKE. We are sorry to announce the death of Lieutenant Wil- liam Duke,* of his M-ajesty's ship Boadicea, in India, as appears by the following copy of a letter from his Captain, ?? James Brisbane, commanding the naval force on that station, addressed to- Dr Burnett, the Medical Cdiinission- er of the Victualling Board, dated- ; Head-Quarters, Prome River, Oct. 24. 1925. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ON THlE DEATH OF LORD BYRON. TRAN'SLfErlF FROM THE GERMiN OF IV. MULLER. The Author of this Poem is the saine MIiller (says the Editor of Janus, or the EdinbwTgh Literary Almaniacar, from whose interesting and well-printed pages we extract it) whose tragedy of Guilt has been SD well translated by Mr R. P. Gillies. The elegant version which we now venture to insert, has been handed about in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B1Rrl-rHs. In St Colm Street, Edinburgh, on the 21st current, the Lady of ARcHiBALD AmsoN, Esq. of a son. At 1, Lauriston Lane, oln the 6th current, Mrs Captain BROWN of a daughter. At Woolwich, on the 233 current, the Lady of WiLLIADE COCLHRANE ANDERsoN;, Esq. royal horse artillery, of a daughter. At Cunnoquhie, on the ISth current, Mrs PATERSON of a son. MARRIED. Ai Alderston, on the 17th ...

MARRIED, At Danchatt

... an, on Friday the 8th June, by the Rev. Dr. Hodgson of Blantyre, John Turnbull, jun. Esq., to Miss Mary Hlutclison, daughter of the late Win. Hutch- ison, Esq. C At Glasgow, on the 13th instant, by the Very Rev. c Principal Macf~arlan, Mr.James Grieve, writer, Glasgow, a to Janet, daughter of William Leechman, Esq. ironmonger, h Glasgow. - a Last week, the Rev. Johnl M 'Clellan, minister of ...