Advertisements & Notices

... :SALya OF LANS.D MAT CAV: -IYO BE SdL D BY -aUCTJUIb, :~ r~ off - ork% At the louse of Mir. J~ohnx Cotstable, the Whte hEart J~n% tn Ntorth Cave; inz the Eost.RidfrK offe Cut f7tk * On Wednesday, the 25th day of .lanuary, l82C at Two o' lohk inT-the &fteruoowy ,b f in~less p)restiaasl# Disposed Of Py Private Cntruet, uIhick de 1Vitecc tUill be gis~eaJ; --- tn tlhe following, or such other ...

County Fire Office, and Provident Life Office, Regent Street, London, Established isog. PTSIDs.n' AND TUSr1*0, ..

... P.HE: WI ARQtESS 0' NOR TI!A'VPTON ; .ARL GRtEY. ; K 0$1 N KIN, &o. &a% . .ramfsConst~ Eoiq.' - 1)- Hon. Thomas Parher 8rr George l)cl-kett, Bart.: Villianii Praed, E.q. Sir John Harington, Barf. General SShrapnell .Non. 'rederikk Ilotbaim Sir WrinE.'ZWelby, Bat., Sir Richard King, Bart. Sir Robert$Vilsou ;.~ ~ ~ . P. . . . -';. J A Million Str~ling an pwards. HE'Ia-PROFrFS are divided ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'hevr Last LotteryBUT' ONE' that can ever be o ere. in this Kiig don will be all Drawn On the 3d of MAY kexte ae~~toT' BI -, BS^R,'i 4, Cornhill, and 9, CGaring Cross, London. 0ONTRACJTiOB RX, Prizes o2 1QO Bs Great Lucik! id other Prizes, amoumting to £3937,760, all to be Tbe tide of sueccess continues to flow iniiiterruptedly I3V itUi toBISH's Offices; every Drawing produces him the 3d of A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... as ?? isI1daysIIRERY atc OFiday) tI e 22 infnan olwugdpa of 11 trecislaly each dy otePmis.No. 59, Verin l ?? uppeer end (I rhrl~leet Py'haiil STXig~1OCK it, lHDI ofM.Tnos. u reon sittin D saAP, SIlK3l(DFRICER, &c. who is re. of rich plpin andfiguired Gros de Naples, ?? &iC~l~tSSatins, heC. handsome Nor- .l~t~~rhEil linette, Thibet, anid.Angola Shawlsanid ;hEcO i tBrosiscl, Lti~ D~re.,ses, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 601D cg~ Bopa,gl iLOitp3ert~oo'I.| ,5l 0eA5g 0r? TBWt r WORStP'UL TDgD MAVYOR i3 ?? OF Tb'U SUFFiARFB.S rY THR 74 y MIRAf4fiCHif0 , -ANID A LIVE1R- ri, jc4|y,% T ONTr C F'SrI111hr INVSTITUT7O.2M , f the Committee for scuperietendlng tbe be , 5emlo ,luote purpose, respectfully acquaint L ?? fc thatec afterconsiderable trouble, foedti . t i eba it fiholy an Amatenr performance, n ?? to l:htr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ja Qa sr r0 it fcn ToIE WANDEaING WESTERN Miwotitt.-Last weak, il troducing to public notice a stranger of great rru.; I talents, we erroneously stated that he was anl llutlgartitu We taske this opportanity of observing that Mr. Heartl. a Bohemian. CANAL PAciEuoS.-We agree with a Lady, that the vatious alterations made in the times of sailing of the'e boatsought to be advertised in the papers. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PASSENGERis, FyICE,-S Eot5)biished in 1823, bv the ~/A.VSZC11.Y. CHA.MBAER 01? (OV.113RRC& W. S. FiT Z HUG I I;gent ISofficels established for the purposec of prevelitifig the R'isdS aind Inspositiossl pr'astised Upon Ps5oi55cis, and to gfford correct information reapeotisig Venselsry apes ofna. jage, &-&free oif expense. Persons in the conr app~ bV letter. (post paid) may have Births' ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIIHEATB,&.ROYAL, LIVERPOOL. erR MAKAY AN MATERBURKP. ?? r. SNCLIRanti the j~i~~i I~~fhis erfomin her thi Seson. This the29t intan, wlt e erformed the 'tfFrni Osbaldistont. . Mr. Sinclair. Tili~t'artofFLB~a~iiie Nieliol arvie hylir. Mackay. I I'lto eaort~ of the vening, the' fitlowing 'Songs and ues I), 1Tbouah I leave thee now% Inl Sorriow, Mr. * Ph jld.-Song, Auldl LaiingSync, lir. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PASSENGERS' OFFICE, 11, flRoOxES-SQUARE, COOPER'-ROW. Established in 1823, by the AMEJzRICAjN CHfAMB'R OF CO.1f 586RC,5 W. S. FITZH UGH-I Agent. This Office is established for the purpose of preventing the frauds and inspositiois practised upon Passengers, and to afford correct information respecting Vessels, Rates of Pas- sage, &e. free of cxpense. Persons in the country applying by letter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... zlti oner, o0 one ro-e PlSCC. e 6 'C0 orrogponblto~l[.. e APPEAL TO TrHo PUBLIC.-A eorreSpOIIdeot, who signs A Pr rishioner, is informed that our lips are sealed on the sulbject h of his letter by the individual herself, in ivhose behalf he rt would intercede with the public. It was our partiair. : wish, as It Is, in our opinion, the duty of our townsmer, S . to serve the respectable female in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE 7 9RELIEF OF THE SUFFERERS BY THE ri CALAMITOUS FIRES IN THE PRO VINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. fo A Edinburgh, 50th Dec. 182.5. of ITE LORD PROVlOSi of EDINBURGH ha-' T ving received a Letter from the Ofice of the Secre- Ft t ; vof State for the' Colonial Department, recommending -nAppeal to the Public for aid to those unfortunate Suzf- rrers-the LORD PROVOST and MAGISTRATES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , ARCHITECTURAL ACADEMY, ; ., /. / 50, GiEORGE STRMEET./ ' ?? MONDAY, the 15th current, Mr DICO'S 0J MORNING and EVENINiG CLASSES for AltCIIC-TECTLURE and CIVIL ENGINEERING 0o jeill be resumed for the Summer, between the hours of seven re a id nine. *. Tilc Forenoon Classes to be continued between the hours 1 of eleven and three. t 1 5, GEOnGE STREET, 700tXlTiarchl 18, . & t DEAF AND DU1Bl ...