Advertisements & Notices

... Di. IPARISHT OF LIVERPOOL. 'W A T the ANNUAL VESTRY fhied inl ST. NeCHO- N. .LtA.'.S CHRCHet, on Easter Ruiesiday, the 28th day of rIr. ed-'h Jtosepa-LANGTOrcr, Esq. Church warden, be the thairinan of this yes r,.- rd Re1ivse~d-That the uoder-n cutionred Officers be and they In. are itow ?? . it Mir. IA-i~AeNs EAsRF, ?? of the in ,Ar. Wt LUAI RATHBOX t, I Poor. ' Mr. ItiCriARD lHOooeTi-, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VTtf fT LL0-rbp tl~t HAT application is intendede to be moide to Patยถ TI liament in the next ensuing Session, for leave to tritig in a Bill, and to obtain an Act, for the better supplying with Water the 1nhabitants of the Towns and Parshes of Sculcoates, Sutton, and Drypool, in she East RIidilg of the County of Yopk, and also) a certala place called Triplpet, iil the Pal ish of the Iloly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE 7 9RELIEF OF THE SUFFERERS BY THE ri CALAMITOUS FIRES IN THE PRO VINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. fo A Edinburgh, 50th Dec. 182.5. of ITE LORD PROVlOSi of EDINBURGH ha-' T ving received a Letter from the Ofice of the Secre- Ft t ; vof State for the' Colonial Department, recommending -nAppeal to the Public for aid to those unfortunate Suzf- rrers-the LORD PROVOST and MAGISTRATES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , ARCHITECTURAL ACADEMY, ; ., /. / 50, GiEORGE STRMEET./ ' ?? MONDAY, the 15th current, Mr DICO'S 0J MORNING and EVENINiG CLASSES for AltCIIC-TECTLURE and CIVIL ENGINEERING 0o jeill be resumed for the Summer, between the hours of seven re a id nine. *. Tilc Forenoon Classes to be continued between the hours 1 of eleven and three. t 1 5, GEOnGE STREET, 700tXlTiarchl 18, . & t DEAF AND DU1Bl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I-'/A7(T'RNoEY CERT'IFICATE DUTY. ,, 7fRIT ERS to the Signet, Solicitors, Notaries, and other persois liable to the Attorney Certifi- cate Duty, are requested to attend to tbe foll-wvinr enlait- meet in the statute, passed in the last Session of Parliament, .Geo. 4th cap. 4L. ยง Sd:- Whiereas i:mmy Solicitor's. Altor- . - ies, Writers to the Sigact, Notaries, Proctors, Agents, * Proearators, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHRISTIAN EVIDENCE SOCIETY.-The Fiity-fifth Discussion 'vill be held in the Great Room, Paul's Head, Cateaton street, enTUESD AY ne.t, at Seven o'clock.-Subject: The Bishop of London's Sixth Proposition On the Moral Precepts of the Gospel.-T'hle Reverend Secretary will deliver an Oration ' in exposure of the mischievous and wicked character of those pretended Moral Precepts ; open to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HlE RETROSP]ECTIVE REVIEW, Part XXVI is just pulb Jli1hed; contAuinirg-L. Ponlsppidan's Natitral History of Lotway-[I. R*- ~rt ltontetth'5 Theatre of Mottality-Ill. Beckford'O Thooaghta on Btunting- IV. Poems of Miebaet Angelo Brnenaroytti-V. Tory Ljife of General Menk-VI. 5lbarP'O Dissertatiorn on the Pageants; or, Dramastic Myateries-Vll, ?? 0f Mlarshal Bassornpierre. LOidO: printed foe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... just published, 12no. 5. bound HE.RUDIMENTS of GREEK GRAMMAR, as used in the College at Baton; with the Quantity, both in Latin aud Greek, of the ?? Vowes, on which the Pronunciation depends; and Ex- planbtoru Note6 in English: intended to combine some of the advantages of the planaoroyl ?? the imoe modern Grammars of Matthita and others, with the jnotly.esteexied and well-established ttona ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nCECILORAMA, EGYPTIAN HALL, Piccadilly.-The increased I popularity of this Exhibition makes it advisable to visit it before two or three o'clock, it being then less crowded, and seen more conveniently. The painoings are by Stanfield, and exhibited with changes of atonosphere as in the ierosa. Ino the View of Rotten, a Storm and Rainbow are introduced with a ceess novar yet surpassed; *and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JAy ARREt.Tonorrovv, Quite Correct. And Sweethearts s 'Twit the Cup and the Lip. Paul Pry. And Thelide n b OG-Wdedy Quite Correct. And Paul Pry.- bsd y, Paul Pry. And 'Twvix~t the Cop aand the Lip.-Friday, The Village ts-er. Thirteen to the Dozen. And Svweethearts and Wives.-Saturday, Tihe Rivals. Anld other Entertainments. rrqiE APOLLONICON, a Grand Musical Instrument (under the A imuneitiate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHIUISTIAN EVIDENCE SOCIETY.-The Seventy-first Dhscussion will be held in the Society's Chapel, Lotlabriry, on TUESDAY Evening, the 12th instait, at Seven OlllOtit. 'Subjest: DrsitlFI'TED- Chap.,4. Sect. 2_Oo Atiracles.1 The Rieerend Orator will deliver a Diatribe in cen;rrirr of the niost wicked ald cruel insult ever put on the understandings of area. The irtense interest of the discussions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In 3 vos. post 8vo. price l. l ls. 6d. A L M A C K ?? A Novel. Second Edition. These volumes present perhaps tthebest picture of the gayest fashionable life that has ever issuedfrom the Press.-.Literary Gazette. Printed for Saunders and Otley, Phblic Library, Conduit street. RIGHTS OF THE POOR. On the 1st of January svill he published, Part 1, price Is. AN ACCOUNT of PUBLIC CHARITIES, ...