Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .tlarrfat0i anb Beatb0 MARRIED, On the 30th of October, Mr. Peter Macintyre to Miss Mary Thomas. On Tuesday, the 27th ult. at Bolton by the Stlnds, near Lancaster, Mr. Isaac Gaskill, of that place, bonesetter, to Miss Taylor, daughter of the Rev. James Taylor, formerly curate. of the same parish. The bridegroom has had three living and two dead wrives within the short space of thirty-three ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIJRTHS. -On TuecRdny weph, the Llidy of Stephen Wilkinston Esq., Hotlteriees Roiid. ofa sn and heir. On Monday Week, at Weslo, the lady ot Sir Tatlto SYhes Ba4rt. o/a it0an and heir. ' M-AfxlRRIAGES. On the U2th ijst, at Sctlcoalem Chterch, Freaeis Quick- fall, mariner, to Mrs. Sprina, secoud. daughter of the late Air. T'imou thy Porlinion, fruiterer all of tbis pface. - On the 12th intianlt, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED-.At St. George's Church, Lord Suffield, to Emily Harriet, youngest daughter of Evelyn Shirley, Esq. of Eatington Park, Warwickshire..-William Drake, Esq. of East Darelisfi, toMartfli, dau-giter of G:. P. Loekley, ZEs of Half loon;street, Picendill y.Frfncii-aslin Sto6keEi sq.:of Wal- barn-lGreenFulham, to Juliana, second daughter of J; Davies, Esqe of Sackville-street. - Mr. Joseph ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IWtARRIED. At Kington Ifagna, Dorset, the Rev. Thos. Manners Sutton, Rector of Great Chart, Kent, and Chaplain to Earl Brownlow, to Lucy Sarah, only child of the Rev. H. S. Mortimer, Rector of Kington Magna.-At Oddington, the Rev. George Elliot Ranken, to Harriette Anne, youngest daughter of the late Steph. George Church, Esq. R. N.-At.Biddenham, Beds, the Rev. G. I-l. Bowers, Chaplain to the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Tuevelaylait, Mtr. Joslm ni 11clldstims)i., ?? ?? - AMisst .istse, of Bingl c). Ou)jl Stdindy lanst, Mr. Thorxntas (AmlhIst , ol rtitt, to N1i .1 tlle P; vlier Rolbintle llinece If Afr. 'Amn. Fultont tl 51 f Siiotoll. sln edtly, t FI-Tlfrieldi , :r. .;eoilp Ktllner. to ?? 'Imollaiti Rt;- 51s lito ottl(u the n~ic itifv~l ?? lIv. .lotin ?? .er ?? lic ikI tOI Lhll ieeI-it. I itl 8.torldai ltat ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 21th inst., Mrs. James Playfair, Garden Square, of a son. In St. James's Square, London, on the 19th instant, the Duchess of Bedford, of a daughter. - t Onl the 25th instant, at DUpplin Castle, the Countess of Kinnoul, of a daughter, still-born. At Ruchlaw-house, ol the 25tIh instant, the Lady of J. Buchiin Sydsecrf, Esq. of Ruchlaw, of a sui. MARRIED, At George Street, ...

BIRTHS. At 22, Georg

... e Street, on the 18th instant, Mrs Dr MAc- LAGAN, of a sat. At Barlanerk, on the 15th curt. Mrs HILL, of a son. At Southfield, near Stirling, on the 9th curt. Mrs Captain FOR RESTMR, of Craigannet, of a son. MARRIED. At Edisburgh, on the 16th current, by the Rev. Caesar Malan, of Geneva, the Rev. ALExANDERS WATT, A.M. to CHARLOrTE ELLEN, only daughter of the late Captain. Ro- bert Rutherford ...

iisd BIRTHS.- )ard A

... t No. 13, Pitt Street. 'Ediw a..gir, ?? Dr Axcaari be Tssomssoss was safely delivered (if n 5(.. -ra- MARRIED. lost At Edinburgh, on the.-i4la Curt. SL011TS LtWT~nS% Esq. of Lu~lt Plean, Stirling-slaie, to I-IELeN, ejld,~ ea'aghter of Adam ore~ Maitland, Esq. of Diundrennaan, stewartry of Kirkeud- nly bright. tile At Northfield, on the 120h inst. by the Rev. John Thorn- to son of Duddingstaan, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B IIT H S. On the 7th inst., at the Hleriitage, Brompton, the lady of Dr. SUtherland, of a son. On the 3d inst., at ('rttle ilill, lifeshire, N.8., the lady of James Dewar, Esq., of a Soill. Oct. 2, in Upper Berkeley-street, Portman-square, the lady of F. Swinfen, Esq, of a drigtirter. Or, Friday, Mrs. W Kew, or New Palace-yard of a son. On the 3d irrat., the lrdy of Robt. Iinatihorn, E>q., of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On tbe 21 st inst. at Faulkbourn IHall, Essex, Mrs. Hen ry Bul- lock, of a daughter. At Aherystwith, the Lady of Captairt T. It. Ricketts, R.N. of a daughter. MARRIEl). On the 21st inst. at St. Pancras New Churcb, Thounas Wil- kinson, Esq. of Bryanston-street, Portman-square, to Eliza Maria Brswn, only daughter of Mrs. Brown, of Pratt- place, Camdenl-town. On the 14th inst. at Hampton, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -- -16 ?? ?? - ?? ? ? (Z-4 b, c, r b e tn. W'EDN)ESDAY, X.alfw'i/i 1. Iipn ?? told ?? Sncet, I L4)on1 , the lo n. . lrs 1; :ilp(;I:s.N ot 13itOur, if' Li Daughter, L At the house nf the Rev. Robert Smiith, LiotiLrSe. Oil C the -itl, ult. flies Snit it. of' at sonl. s Narriei, att lBorllM, oin tilo tbe 5it. Iv the illev. !1 , ?? OfliliSkinl, NIV.l.tIBlA. iAZEt.: EIli. Iell, to - f1LIkty, ...