Advertisements & Notices

... EASTXEACH T URVILLE, Glocester$sd,'e. rrO be SOLD by PUBLIC AUC1'ON, 11 By Mar. TUCKWELL, On Tuesday the 12th day of December, 1820, on the premises at Eastleach Turville, in the said ?? of the LIVE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS in HUSBANDRY, and other Ef fects, of 3lr. Boyes, who is leaving his farm; consisting of 30 real Herefordshire bred cows, steers, and sturks ; a well-bred hunter, and I sow pig; 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FARMING S'TOCK, Kidlington, Oxon. T O BE SOLD 13Y AUCTION, To By Mr. EATON, On Thursday next, September 28, 1826, at Twelve o'clock, at the Rectory Farm, Kidlington, by order of the Executors of the late Williamr Hall, Esq.-The remaining part of the FARMl ING STOCK, &c.; comprising 10 Horses and Colts, a Hay-making Machine, a Winnowing Machine, and sundry Implements in Husbandry.-Catalogues ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l~isksei, Turnpike l?rsd, !esadinqg front Oafnd to Abinspqdott. >5O'FJCk is hereby given, 'J'hat in p1ursulance of an ii order of two of the 'Trustees of the said Road, a Meeting of the Trustees wvill be holders one Monday the 7th day of August next, at the house of Mir. Robinson Bertram, under the Town Hall, in the city of Oxford, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, to takce into ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? - fl- Wyishech Gramnmar School. riHE Mastership of the Free Grammar School of TLWishech, in the county of Cambridge, having become vacant by the resignation of the Rev. Jeremiah Jackson, Notice is herebygivefl, that the Capital Burgesses of the town of Wisbech will proceed to the Election of a Milaster of the said School in the Month of September next. The Master must be a Graduate of one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCHOOL-IIASTER WANT£D. IDI;DDIN'G TONv N~AT IONAriL SCHrOOL. rli1HE Annual Meeting of this Society wvill be hleld at U. the Schools, in Deddington, on Satarday the 2d day of Septenmber nest, at Twelve o'ciock, wvhen a public examination of the childrenl will take place, anti the accounts of the last year wilt he examined and settled. At the above Dleeting the Society will proceed to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE YOUNG KING 1 S nogw COVERING at Thprxias Hands's, at Sezincote 'odge Farm, near 'Bl oreton-in Marsh, at One Guinea each Blare, and Half-a. Crowi the Groom' The YOUNG KING is risitxg 4 years .old, he is a'good bay, with black legs, stands fifteen hands and a half high, and ,has proved himself a suxe foal getter. lie was got by that celebrated l',race hmrs, King of Dia otd~ ou~t of a tapital ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE WHOLE BOD)Y OF TITE LAWV. This Day is PuIqlisbled, in Four large closely- printed Volumes, Royal Svo. Price 5U'. 1gs. Boards, T HE CASES RELATING .TO TITHES,1 T from the Reign of King John to the Gth of Geo. IV. compiled and translated from the Year Books, the Reports, and other authentic sources, including a considerable numbner of MSS. never betore printed. Also all the Statutes relating ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lufewD th h .i,. . ' ' I Lotteries end for Everr There willbe no Opportunity of getting A LARGE FORTUNE for a SMALL SUM, after NEXT TUESDAY: on that day the vei last Drawing to be allowed in this Kingdom, will take place. SIX matchless PRIZES of £f309000 £30,000 £0,0 Q0p £30,000 £390000. -3 000: WILL BE DRAWN! i Sth THIS MONT - Vie Last and .0791Y Drawing tajt will he allowed in this Kingdom; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSEHIOLD FURNITURE, 4c. rpjO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. SMITH, on I Wednesday the 15th day of February, 1826, at Eleven o'clock, witbout reserve, by order of the proprietor, who is leaving Brill; consisting of four-post bedsteads and furniture, bedding, Windsor and chamber chairs, capital eight-day clock, set of handsome oak dining tables, mahogany pillar, work, and other tables, buffet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... |1OYALECALEDONIAN HNUNT e M,,EMBERS are requesled to Meet rflipeglasss ?? on Tuesday t1ie 12th Decernber. zieeting they will appoint a P1resec, Yreauler At i for the ensuing year, w an sill. lix wiere tlb' rnd C etinV will le ll next r. .j JIUefl PAVOD NONCI.1EFFF, Bt.;Preses, SV. & HY. HAGART, Secys. -;DINBUItGH. WATEI C-OMIPANY. TIsE is hereiv given, intermstO die statutes ,7h, tile A NNUAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOVELTY. . > R.OTUNDA on the MOUND will Re- ¢3 riI~ l 0 uor dsdvy next, with the TOM B of BONA. 1 jeP1 ?? HEIJELENA, representilg the whole otlbl Oiserved at his interment, displaying Upwards qtgetol ~oures, as large as life, in addition to the spjen- tfgldi l ri peyistrephic Panoramas, from the Great c, 1J ' ,in Galrdits, L~sondon, illustrative of all the events :, I, 9,U1eO to lisonatrte ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I3 'a-C/>.r~te3L~,e~rurgD- i VOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FAMILY OF THE W LATE 0Ml GEORGE BRISTOJ. at T HE Death of Mr GEORGE BRISTOW, for- leT snerly of the Caledonian Theatre, having left his It Two Infant Children totally unprovided for, his Sister has e eudeavoured, by the most strelsocus Exertions, to support them, but her Labours, though unren;itted, not having hi- e therto been successful, ...