Advertisements & Notices

... .0 THIF3 GOVERNORS AtNDr SLTHISCRIBERS OF 91T. AXNN'S soCewTi' sufooiLs. LADIani AND) GrENTLKNaVI, H -ave much satisfaction in stating that I have been IElected to tie Mastaershlip of tle St. .Ano'~ 'ciety, tPeckhvirnA'y to, aold tieg you to accept my warmest, Hily most heartteit thaok. lor clan distlngtutshed tavoor conferred oiln a,. I tr 1st that inl the discharer IlA, importa'ot duti.- i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. One Hundred and Seventy Shars in the Prlotector Fire Innltralve (or, pany.-By Air. W. W. Mlti'StON, at (irraioay'rs, l, 'Ifoe-(ay ,.', Iec. 9, at 'To elve, il l ILot,, bi order of ;hr 'ropri,,t-r, NE Hundred and Seventy SH1AR{E't of D2I. eacil, V in thlat vry improvinog Ct) CEN, tie PROIt)'EC l'tl' Fllti 1N SULiANCe C(OMl'ANY, upon iihit1'21. per Shl~l. I, been iii H. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~I(E~sRING COURSE of LEC- Ii It' t'l' LCEIF of PHYSIC, MATEFRIA S5liDICA, 1 15 oli 11n1t1'l e at hie Celt~ral Infirmary and Di~ipen- Oareat ajuoter pos teln ody priv ~ ileg to ated li extensiee Practicei con~l ~rtate polion & union street, Bishops. 1ttir. Ramadg'll21,El'.y-Ploice. ___- ~ ~ ~ ~. t N ATO (MY I IET ID ill .t'iFE'',-T( pRINf; COURSIt. t1 I,,ECT'URES on mi(, III'; ,lftLO SU' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VPNASE LARG(E HIiSVTORICAL PlC- -1 COROtNATION DI 'iHARtLPS X., 16 by I2L 'bet erennnnine. coslintie. ttec-rlttiotno, Rn. Ln u rate- 1', II. t(tN, ten nInbine itnspstetio iH IS Di XV. tit ) tilos.- rect lnibrn frot uti ,ond-treut 10 ilegeti'l nI . i-te n Pittwe etal6ocn Is. 'The onnly set itO Pinc- -lnil tine its nI Id. HIENRYI) 'AVIES, Physiciain to the British )1~,1l.11'l_,opitI,':;rownitv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in-. illtlR) ANNUA~L EXHIIBITfION of the *BRZI liTS A iTi~iTCs, in SufflliI~tet Pall-mall I, the Pit Ibi bit l Moniday next. 1l~iv ecu2,. Adm is. .i ci _ __ T~~1. C. HI)FI.ANJI). ec. iii I IIA IL~-'r~Ir PI Il LI PIPS, at th Fii- jI' Ile~ti ii, veir Va lxhtai, thns ill ;II lan-,,L ilt'~ Tirijit ccii ti .liei- Ity I ithljl iluy-rr * ~ltidSeaI-Ott. iiiti vthythtemflelvts wehit Lift'i ~ I RN LI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O NILo \ to ANTWERp.-.Tihe SUPERB, LSt em P;c I CIetI, H.iSTRA it , . ,i c II fati IIImttIier with Pasn'ieigern, Car' hwirge, Hernse, atii urn ii hrelcfz, ci Ii lease the Ctiot,m .rhiome, lo, Air!. Wei ti, evcery 'Illt,.iriiy Moit nict1', a'l Nine i,'ciock precisely, returning it out, Arita,-r1. very Suiubldy lorinig.-Chlic'l Cabin,3. ci Fore Calti . 21. Children under it,l years, hralf pri ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )I to[~ j'A-f '~, vit D)OVER and BOtJ- !Iv vI,,tS r~ito P % , r,, I? (VAL GI-OROF, A' i\~~~~J tiN'. ii11 MI-t %., , I lie l'III ~iii ar- te-prctI- Il'-etiiiir PCIIPAi KI' TS lly eviu-I w Mi It-ii--, 1,1 theat lit illiIgyii i Puni wil I-f~ rot,, ai thee Mili rsae ,II- 4~:r cdi, ca, It Par-k twic, icc 1r, eralierI or--N.B. I hle Iioulo-,Ieir lilljiiil~e leav ti -et-fy I- -yl~ail~hie *i hIug to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (INDJON` and EPlNBUItRGH STEAM-PACK-. I>-T i eCIT1 ofEDlNtlU'ltCFf. ciptltin Ft AIN. starte ftomr , ', fr Newfirain. Fdiibnrtah, en 'flis IsVENIN'i, lmeIlie *JOtUtII!SI', Capt. 1 mt AR, ouI, esd'til'y Even' liv 0000APloot riti dA'rqi'N, ll,1 Satttr'1)ay EV~nfnlrg, '11b, .TADWIS WA'A1'?. Captain))lixt., on Tuesday Erertity, itt ,.i'vees Wbe oin board at l11lacklivall oil Tuesdlay and 1,, .,hd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I' X ~jYSNiC-HT -'NEW~ -VAUXH;XLL, f. idu~; 1-Irie PontonVille.-TO.MO0R8iO)1, Thuirsday, P1 EN~! ) lAI.A .i.l like place, Comnmenieiwic tuh a N~IXi'. Prioc 1'M Voc al Perftimeis'-Air. Wor~d, Mr. !I. ('lice. Mli Ye'i,t-e, Mr. Matlir-t. Miss Wilglit, hII'. (rmI lo~ llOpra. Th'll' leretino, 1111.iat 5 .1 il! li-hitodCo'tatTIc, * l1lue 11.on letsi Over tlii IBor, er. tei lii Pip~ by that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES B3Y AUCTION. Eiy-place.-Exceltent Hau~saAold Farniture, capital large Iron Rteposit tory, Con tin-house DeskI, Plate. Li nenHos ine, (d5 atld Chlala, anid Eiects.-lty Air. Ho(GGAIT, on the Premikes, Ely-place, Holborn, To-AiotROW, Sept. 12, at li, be direction of theliroprietor, THE remaining HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, T.comnprising French four-pesqt naid tent bedateads. with chintz pat- tersa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BlElBNER & MAITLAND, B00T AND SIDOE MAKERS, 1 ) ESPECTFULLY return ?? to their nume- KVl ronla friends, and beg to intimate that they are now REUOVED to No. 100, in Alr STr Ua'r'S new house, Union Street, where they intend carrying on busi- er ness as formerly; and as it is their uniform practice to trr prezure the best materials, and their workmen being al- of ways of the first class, they ...


... be Published itn a day or two A ?? l X had of the AUTHOR, or his Booksellers, .Xessrs. A>-ous-gratis, A LETTER, to .VDDIRESSED to the HARBOUR 2'TRUSTEES to Of tt/e CITI' of ABERDEE N. Pt By the Gentleman Avho lately circulated a gi 'Short Statement, &c. tlI Relative to a New ILarbour Bill. to As many as are of that opinion, say-ny As many as are of a contrary opinion, say-no: Which have it ? ...