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Advertisements & Notices

... spot. The interior of Westminster Abbey, the Grand Proces- Sion returning from the Abhey to Westminster Hall, and tire interior of Westminster Hall at the moent his Ma. jell's Champion is giving the Challenge, are represented Ji nine extensive Views, which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... commencing with Miss Fellows and Maid in undi ,treaving Flowers, &c. 9th Scene, the Splendid Banquet Warr jrs Westmninster Hall at the moment the Chliampion is giving Lac, the ChalleflgC highly interexting. chiei Dsy exhib ition from 12 till 4, Eveningr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ofessor Of Matzheematics ire this Inslut ion, ILL Commence a COURSE of LECTURES ,lVthe iA.rHE MATICAL SCIENCESboth WV ,, ?? n the Hall of tlle Institutio8n on Moln- .ae3d AitP tl5 net, at eight o'clock in the Mornirg, daY then'ud every lawful day (except Saturday) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Joscphutis, Baxter, ~Henry, Tillotson, Sacirin,' Sackier, la(rneit, Clarkel 0an, How, .v'Knight, Horse- le, Itiloiier, Tplaind I Hall Barrow, lill, Locke, Gras-es, Hamster. 'rhe Edlintburghl Encyclopaedia, 34 Par4, itu inasy other vauiable Theological and Ilistori- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... one volumfne small Svo. Y : RO;ERSON e& ATKINSON, - James Brash & Co. -Trhomas Ogilvie, M. Ogle, A. 'MI ri1 Calium, M'Leud & Morris, Thomas Murrayv Richard Griffin & Co., and J. Wylie, TALES, ' deL From the German of Hofrinan; Schiller; J. P. Richter 1' ...