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Exeter Flying Post


... 1 Ln A,1r1rzfeTr JURAL. anldi CO3'.[Jt, ROtIL.; Leeds.-'Ihe woolen trade iu Lpedsx.ontu;mies very I st ea dy, 1111:, ?? of the ap) or wvi(ter bhitn il *vit .Ith it trlooni aniJ desipondency, as was apprehededil two or tI ?? mirlths a f), sve See Intiuch that Jit3 cheering in tile ?? haiti of tr mlierchmat wnd imlalifacturer, as well as ill thaiat or the labhoriog ela:vses. ThIe partial o ...

Published: Thursday 26 October 1826
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 756 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

From the London Gazette, Of FRIDAY, Sept. 29

... f X 1'i F41D. -l, Seept. 2J. Adrflh'EA dirulty Deissions vill be held attthe Old Bailey ol, tile ?241 of (I to bel. [ ItL~PTS r Alog, \NVincanton, Somnerset, dealetr. -- , ( IstlI fieItli(lgi', Sm teset, inlli ?? _1 ' 'elI, lnt'shire, imi11kerp er.-JoII i Frederick ,lt *e, Ii ier8Ioul, nierchalit.-.IJiames Daxvies, Newvport, 11tl\6l~,,,l~Ue ?? Mooney, Hlanover-street, A4 ' . iet x tnilei.-S ...

Published: Thursday 05 October 1826
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 109 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... Pl-Y13iUsITFT, DEVONPORT, & STOWEROUSE. Our fricids at IPLY.MOUTIH, I'roN~onrT, uaid ST6,riOUSE, are desiredtotake noticethat Mr. NICHIs. LUJSCOMBE, Jun., Custom-House Inn, Parade, Plgninth s; Mr. RICI1jn. WIL- LIAMS, Booksoller, &c. 54, Fo'e-stret,3 Dvonport, and Mr. WILLIAM GRAY, Booksellee and Literary Auc- ! tiouleer Hiyh-street, Stonehouse, are appointed AGEN2IW f;i hi's1 Paper, at v hich ...

Published: Thursday 02 February 1826
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 652 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

CORN-EXCHANGE, Monday, Nov. 7

... CODiRN-t'ECI-ANGE, IMondaty, Nov. 7. .T Thte arrivals of English 'When.t and Oats, lasb week werea short, but viih Barley and Flour the market has'blent ffreely supplied., Poreigh Wheat (to be landed under Jock) con- tinues to nrrh'r in cotisidt'rable qtiantities, together with Ots -and Li6iseod. 'For to-day's Iiarket tthere xvais a small sbow of WhIieat and Becas, 'but a large.suttly' of ...

Published: Thursday 09 November 1826
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 635 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... PLY1W= THJON'nJPOTI& - PLYMUPI,~I~ ~ i, STONLEHOUSE. 'T'heBloni;,f captaiiin J4oId 13yron.1.hin sailed onla And- den iob 3Bertfia,. with LiLut. Colmitel Fanslhave, of the Ei- gincers, who inspect the ?? 61L.::rations etarrying on in that islind,. retui'r in the Blunde, aud make a report, to the Colonial departmrent.a- I he Mutkie and Sluedake, 10-gun brigs, arei ordee- ti le equipped ...

Published: Thursday 17 August 1826
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1461 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... AGRICULTURAL atad COMMERCIAL. A house in Wakefielde exten1ively engaged in the rape- seed trade, stopped pa`ament on Saturday. The number o hiides imporled laat week into Liverpool, was 14 5(i2. Some years since South. American JideJv wrte only 4dl. a pound U of late:thcy have beeti as hii as Is. The high pricee, however, is bringinig them in large quantities- thle cousequetice is that the ...

Published: Thursday 12 January 1826
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 810 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... Bolton.-Tbe most extensive and appalling misery is said to prevail in lihiP towti. Without food and closhiig, and attacked by a d sease of a peculiarly mal;gnant nature, a great portion of the manufacturinig population is repre. sented to be in a most deplorable state ; and the subscrip- lions are almost ezhausied. Much of the deprivation of the weavers arises from the extrene lowness of their ...

Published: Thursday 04 May 1826
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 796 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

Monday's London Markets

... F ?? lcaboll 1Tllavlt4r-l ol? Cii-iiORN- ANG3q: ffondiay, Jan. 23. Average Priecs of Gruioh, Jor dtl Second ?? of ?? SxC Wrchis ' plrecerdikry l5 1'itebl lratryi TVheat. Barley. Outs. 116C. 1Tians. Pt,1isc. 59c. 5d.. siis. 7d. -249. lld. 45sa;- ?? 14Os; ld. 4,16. gd. The NMvigltion binlg now fr;eedf'fromn tbe obstiuctioniocc.t sioned liy tilatlate flost, tiispics vecre oqivncl this imono1 ing ...

Published: Thursday 26 January 1826
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 710 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... PltYMOUTH, DEVONP1ORT, a STQNEHOB. | Our friends at PArFxOUTrj7 D1ronr, an2SroNvznnusz; are desiredio take otide, that Mr NIGHS. LUSCO.NM I3,EjJtn., Cieston-lHouse lnn, Parade, Plymonth, ' Mr. RICHD. MW}TEL LIAMS, BAikselleri &c. 54,.Fvre-strect, 1)evoport; and. Mr. W XLLI4 GRAY, )ookselher and Literailv AuG- tionoer, Miqhsitreet, Stonzehuese,..are appointed..A4RNXTS -fwr this Papier, at which ...

Published: Thursday 23 March 1826
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 830 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

CORN-EXCHANGE, Monday, Oct. 9

... CORN-EXCI{ANGE, 1h,,Liduy, Oct. 9. The niarkot silec the ?? report has beeti freely slip. p1i,',1vith l 17,al a od Flour, (74il)( 4 rs. Ei iglisi, aiii]. 3:35tirs. F i (ig, of thc frilnut' niid I i ?? Ii iE tigilif Liit tI. Iatt(T flxo~lgh Ililoudcittely vt Ji/t(rfi~i ~V~lltl Fl I nh it: Ir:dI tu Ie IIhas lbeeII ;L lt g' itr Aiv itl of 01f1s :31,os5 qs.) xvith so l' argoe ?? q ?? fo 01Jreland ...

Published: Thursday 12 October 1826
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 674 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... ?? 71-1 - 7. -, ? 1. P-V,'iTSCRf I.. 9 2'uesdqy^, Ai;91s Gazetle, WI/AR.OFIICE, QC.e. 1ยง26. lat4 Regt. LighJ &ra7qq'.S -W I N l, LAI, Geni. to be Cornet, D by pprebaf, a vice WVeV . rvOn0oted. 0AN KR U P*TS.- R. fbm~e70y $1\ yotzilgec. lJharg, ?? I~i~isPlynoputh, ,,olger; and carver J. Nvldlavrft, ?? thelclahlial, t. 4iicoisim, lTlcv4esfd, Cheste~, silk i e t C,Fdiff, Glulmovgaxn, bui ...

Published: Thursday 05 October 1826
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 86 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... PLYMOUTH, DEVONPORT, U STONEROUSE. PLYMOUTH, Tuesday, A1pril 25, 1820.-The Hon. Company's ship, Farquharson, passed up Channel on Sunday from China, she brings an account of the total destrnction by fire of the Company's ship Royal George, Capt. Timmiin's In the River Canton, on the 24th December; fortunaiely no lives were lost, but no part of the property was saved; she had on board about ...

Published: Thursday 27 April 1826
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 566 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce