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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... isirtl,2. At Milton Ilouse, Edinburgh, on the 20th curt., Irr Lce of a son. In St. Colm Street, Edlinburgh, on the 21st tilt. the Lady of Arcbib~ild Alison, E%11. of a son. At Calton Place, on tile l8th ult. Mirs Charles Mac- kay, of the Theatre Royal, of a son. Qarriotgc. At Alderston, on the 17th ult. by the Rev. James Traill, M lajor Norman Pringle, youngest son of Sir James Pringle ot' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I' il 1.I.,-Li Iclol(Iwif.l iP I ' KLriL~ L'CoLBLICLLf' ?? et!CilCli~L L WI!'> ('LLLILLLIttIL'L t iil. LIL-,L fitL;v'', ; S~il', .CLL 1011,21, 11.1(1194l' 1'Jl ILothiil:, to lit Ci 1llIil fo v Ih C'zl '¾L'CC I CC i Vt~ IinI ?? 10 LI. ILL' ILL, V Ipvroi, 1> 1'1. 18111, ClIII ?? it I ,l o i(svI', tI~ 'LI (If' till Iu ?? C L'ICL 1. ilL i ii fl :I CaLI'' Iv, CC o CO 1CiCl Ll 11211 ?? 'wilv ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 4Q. berbm I I. e R w e . . WEDNESDAY, Julp 5. EBrnTii-In St. James's Square, London, on the l9th tilt. the Duchess of Bedford, of a daughter. At Kinloss Manse, on the 27th ult. Mrs ROUIERTSON, of a daughter. .BxnTH.-At Wick, on Monday the 25th ultimo, M rs tROBERT Tmoassox, of a son. Married at St 11lary's, Bryanston Square, London, on the 24th ult. Andrew NVood, Erq. of the Bengal medical ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... c4 berbeem I.. ,t . >t43X4 WA, L ,L On IVEDNESDAY, October 11. BIRTSI.-At Cork, on the 2d inst., Mrs CLiAs. Com- l ANI), of a daughter. It Malarried, at Frascrburghi, on the 205th oIf., CIIAn 1.:S tI CIIE1.3 Esq. merchant in Belfast to BARBARA, ?? n daughter of the late Mr WVIL[IAMI COrnER, mcrchant in Frascrburgh. W at Died, at Aberdeen, o01 the 211th tit. in the 72d year of . his age ANnItaw ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Oibrhbten,. WEDNESDAY, June 14. pa BlMrricil, on tilt 21st February, at Plantation MaLt-en- fuilI Mcer Zorg, Dimrerara, by the Rev. Alneas Gunn, the sta HIon. JAMiEs AT.I.AN, to Miss JANF, younlgest datigliter a of Mr. John Ord of Itedhall, in ilortayshira. Died, in Union Plice, on tie 7th instant. ISABEEL.LA JANI. vountiest daughter of the late Major IChampin. pu Died: at rlhazecepore, on the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Blivths. At the Court of St. Petersbuirg, on the l.1th Noretntbcr, 0. S. the Lady of Viscount Straugfbrd of-a-sti. At Queen Street, on the 01th uIt. Mrs 1Ballilngall J]was safely delivered of a son. On the 30tb ult. Mrs Abercrombie, 19, YVork Place, of a daughter. 2? errinlzeg. At Mlary-le-bonne Church, L0ondlon, on tie l7th ult. W'illiam Knight Dehany, Ehq. Solicitorto ?? its Scotland, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ax 4 ME DA, I~ WEDs,1NESDAY\, ?? i. PI'.ltrr.-MAt P'arl I'I , oll the lit:1 im stunat, .',Irs di~1)U N of Il'arok, of, 1 clatiglitur. At .Il)CrtILcl. I 1111 ilC llt i l;t. thle Laly of tito lion. A ?? l:oo. Ii Itllth.--\At MontriHvls, on tlo lI t'i inlStlalt, i1e ?? of' si LitittC IIttt I'I it I l:, tit' I s ?? 11 Iicol here. onl thie 11th ittSt. ?? lI I. : I Itit ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * ;, Il - - I I I - 4 s U io A' wi I ti j l ?? 1s, ?? ?? . jc't e' * I ' - . ,I, Ij: ?? t on A-d!ii : i:: ?? .1( it ?? \'ci c: ?? 31,!. ?? I ' 'l ' \ ?? ?? cc..i ?? 1. ,.vil! I t . , I. } ?? ?? .i.- ?? ?? c ?? > 'l LV} !t I :Mv;j 1 . - I' , , t i ?? i' it i i: c, it Lit c ' ' ?? c jt I :1rt!: : !t: {t.!l 1I I rt' L ?? ?? ccc L i ?? .i c~:;i i. ?? it ., 1 .1 j ' .. .. ' ' . I !, t' ' ,I ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NVII)NESDAY, 'Ifay 17. 13ii'riT.-Oa thle 2d inst. at Prtorhead. the LSady C ?? Atisov, R.N. of a son. The child surivi'ed but threc houts. 0G [ITie chore itmtactioni wttuq,bv mqistutu, miat aceud hina teacolpiec app ol'our last iiprestiuion we tlitereore r 'p~eut it.] i it to At Logic Elphinstone, on the (iti Current, Mrs DAL- fold ny.)i~rit Ifoits~ ELPIIINSTOINIL WAS SLfely delivered of last ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t 'lirtthIB On the Gth inst, at Kilrenny Mrsanse, Mrs Brown, of a. daughter. At Shaws of Closeburn, on the 3Mh ult. Mrs Douglas of three danghters-all doing well. At Kirk'iay House, on the 11dt of October current, the Lady of Iobert Inglis, Esq. of Kirlimay, of a son. Oln the :30th ult. ons board the George I V. steam vessct r on the passage from Liverpool tot Newry, during a -ic. lent gale, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEV1'DNE 'SD \AY, 2-Yt' oibL' ?? Birthi.-At 'M1anse of ouiarm, on the 22d inst. 3Irs Folais, of a son Bi wit S.-At D inltt ?? on the °Otlh instant, tie Lady of Captainil x l.,NM, of the I 11th regi ment of' light LIM - goons, of Et son. laerricdl, at Stoke C'hurch. Plymnouth, on Friday, thie 24th Nov. Cii ,xIMES DtiLis i itutce of' Vorlk's ovit l lilc (Corps, third son of' John Lcsiic, Es(t. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -- -16 ?? ?? - ?? ? ? (Z-4 b, c, r b e tn. W'EDN)ESDAY, X.alfw'i/i 1. Iipn ?? told ?? Sncet, I L4)on1 , the lo n. . lrs 1; :ilp(;I:s.N ot 13itOur, if' Li Daughter, L At the house nf the Rev. Robert Smiith, LiotiLrSe. Oil C the -itl, ult. flies Snit it. of' at sonl. s Narriei, att lBorllM, oin tilo tbe 5it. Iv the illev. !1 , ?? OfliliSkinl, NIV.l.tIBlA. iAZEt.: EIli. Iell, to - f1LIkty, ...