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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... I SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE 7 9RELIEF OF THE SUFFERERS BY THE ri CALAMITOUS FIRES IN THE PRO VINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. fo A Edinburgh, 50th Dec. 182.5. of ITE LORD PROVlOSi of EDINBURGH ha-' T ving received a Letter from the Ofice of the Secre- Ft t ; vof State for the' Colonial Department, recommending -nAppeal to the Public for aid to those unfortunate Suzf- rrers-the LORD PROVOST and MAGISTRATES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , ARCHITECTURAL ACADEMY, ; ., /. / 50, GiEORGE STRMEET./ ' ?? MONDAY, the 15th current, Mr DICO'S 0J MORNING and EVENINiG CLASSES for AltCIIC-TECTLURE and CIVIL ENGINEERING 0o jeill be resumed for the Summer, between the hours of seven re a id nine. *. Tilc Forenoon Classes to be continued between the hours 1 of eleven and three. t 1 5, GEOnGE STREET, 700tXlTiarchl 18, . & t DEAF AND DU1Bl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I-'/A7(T'RNoEY CERT'IFICATE DUTY. ,, 7fRIT ERS to the Signet, Solicitors, Notaries, and other persois liable to the Attorney Certifi- cate Duty, are requested to attend to tbe foll-wvinr enlait- meet in the statute, passed in the last Session of Parliament, .Geo. 4th cap. 4L. § Sd:- Whiereas i:mmy Solicitor's. Altor- . - ies, Writers to the Sigact, Notaries, Proctors, Agents, * Proearators, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... |1OYALECALEDONIAN HNUNT e M,,EMBERS are requesled to Meet rflipeglasss ?? on Tuesday t1ie 12th Decernber. zieeting they will appoint a P1resec, Yreauler At i for the ensuing year, w an sill. lix wiere tlb' rnd C etinV will le ll next r. .j JIUefl PAVOD NONCI.1EFFF, Bt.;Preses, SV. & HY. HAGART, Secys. -;DINBUItGH. WATEI C-OMIPANY. TIsE is hereiv given, intermstO die statutes ,7h, tile A NNUAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOVELTY. . > R.OTUNDA on the MOUND will Re- ¢3 riI~ l 0 uor dsdvy next, with the TOM B of BONA. 1 jeP1 ?? HEIJELENA, representilg the whole otlbl Oiserved at his interment, displaying Upwards qtgetol ~oures, as large as life, in addition to the spjen- tfgldi l ri peyistrephic Panoramas, from the Great c, 1J ' ,in Galrdits, L~sondon, illustrative of all the events :, I, 9,U1eO to lisonatrte ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I3 'a-C/>.r~te3L~,e~rurgD- i VOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FAMILY OF THE W LATE 0Ml GEORGE BRISTOJ. at T HE Death of Mr GEORGE BRISTOW, for- leT snerly of the Caledonian Theatre, having left his It Two Infant Children totally unprovided for, his Sister has e eudeavoured, by the most strelsocus Exertions, to support them, but her Labours, though unren;itted, not having hi- e therto been successful, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATEDT, rGOVERNOR and HEAD TEACH- for GEORIGE WATSON'S HOSPITAL. i reqliired is to conduft certain branches of'the edtu- 1 the senior Boys, and to take an active superin- tioot f every branchi ofthe Establishment. Ildepen- ?? O, taian nts in getne-al and classical literature, ,1niefiliit selv t5qlthat the person to be preferred boernttons nil possess gentleness of temper, pru- I5a Ytr afinrm ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIVIL HISTORY.G - VILLIA1 HAMILTON proposes to corn- ] uore a COURSE ofVLECTURES on MODERN w on Friday, 14th of April, at three o'clock. G Tickets (Three Guineas) may be had from Mr Wilson, J OILs~r of the College.: .3 -O TilE STIAREIOluI)ERIS OF THlE CALE- p)QONIN IltON & FOUNDRY COIMPANY. 7 I E DIRFCTORS of the COMPANY having, l ?? rheld this dwv, deterine d to af-ford those ieikis w.hao ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRTANS. ' rS[VE SALESbyPublicAuctionatStir .;-I f TARTANS, CAMBLETS, SHAWILS, II, lirld °~f ls O , t&c. belonging- to Sequestrated and C., If to commence ol ?? the 3d October pUta'tte-9; l, le 00111, nrill rI tn!ntI th.e folilowing I, A It till tile -hole is *lisplO) e Or. C ' I 'VI'LAErj:V, Tris':tec on the Sequestrated II ll' SuIt-t ' l ill clnlfltlle'e. oil Tueslay Ily e fl^ f'~ t 1? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~1AES O THECOUNY OF ROSS. - eclmudathy Hlouse, by Munloeby, 11th July 1826. And GCSIR FRANCIS MACKENZ[E has, by Cirel ar Letter, declared hinself a Candidate for AL C Dtati~lsof Ross-shire on the first opportunity, I RepreRwtjlledn nioi to intimate to you, that I aspire and I WID'Yislieished honour, and tbat itis mY fixed purpose mant lethtdilt 5ef as a Candidate fir the Represenltation of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e- _WI ig ?? VO MR,3 * M &..MISS EYRE of Eespectfully acquaint their Friends and the Public. that _ their BENEIT takes place on TUESDAY. 2d /Lty os When will be perfiormned the favoarite ?? oi'f WILD OArS. / -Y Lady Rover,- by Ir JONES. e- Lady Amaranth, by Mrs fI. SIDDONS. on After which, first time this Season, rid SIMPSON & Co. Mr Bromely, by h'r JONES. ti _0- Mr Simpson, by 11Mr MURA5 Y. C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR HUGOT, ?? ?? Assistant to Mr5 Espinasse, Z BIEGS leave to intimate to his Friends and the I D1 Am nateirs of the' French lanfuage, that his FIRST READING of SELECT P ECES from the most eminent French Authors svill take place in the Assem- biy Rooms, George Street, on Saturday the 11th current, at Books of the reading, price One Shilling, and Tickets' ,aiS, may be had on applying to Messrs ...