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Advertisements & Notices

... VoCAi, AND INSTRUMENTAL MlUSIC. MRL J. ROBEELTSON ,,Pectfully announces to his employers and friends, 2that hc ill, as usual, hegin his WINTER CLASSES for VOCAL MUSiC on Tuesday first, the 19th instant, in h Class Room, Lawson Court, 125, Trongate, first entry ti of New Wynd. y~ung Ladies, from 5 till a quarter past 6 evening. Gentiemen, from a quiarter past 6 till, half-past 7 do. e Silver ...


... . DUPLICATES of the STANDARD MEASURES transmitted to Glasgow being now Prepared and Adjusted, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Per- sons authorized for that purpose .will be ready on VNednes- day ntet the 22d of this month, and following days, at 10 o'clock forenoon, to lIeceive, Adjust, and Stamp Copper 0 and Pevtcr Mleasures, according to the 1IMPERIAL STANDAiRD, in an apartment at the South End ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IT OTA4 GC INSTITUTION. pBLIC PRlOM1EIADE. lR CTORS- desirous of gratifying those La. t'ss Dl d G3entlefen who are not Proprietors of, nor F ?? ribers to, the Garden, have resolved to admit GI poetal ~nenade on SATURDAY first, May fith, anld SC tI the wvlen the Bands of the Lancers and of 11 'ilt2~tr a bre, bv the politeness of their Oflicets, - egilent, The Promenade to commence at two, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ~ lBOOKS. lge Press and speedily will be publirgied, B- WILLAM REID & SON, BOOKSELLERS, TRONGAITE, A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, To.beferedatuncommonly low Prices for Ready Mioney. I-his Catalogue contains a valuable and useful Collection f paees in every branch of Literature, almost entirely of re latest d best editions, includin0g also, some r&'e mriThi 1Wl cdioiS1Wo,& Works, verge s: lf o-m to b ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cBENEFYIIA L w1VESTM , obe sold, by public roup, hh ceum Sale REooms, 'elson Street, Glasgow, Qs T ursday the 28th day of , 1)ece8ber 1726, at iwo o'cl0ck P.M., 'LLibat lately uit and Substahtial'cornerTENt- I-I blENT ?? OUSES, bein~g Ns~19 63 65, arid 67, 1n GEORGE TRE'Tand67' 5, in rP-bi.9NN PL4CE, and lying orthe souih side'of' george Street, along vhich tbe satrnexeteri'supwards .of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IAZARSy /2ANATOMICAL PLATES' : COMPLX2zETED. This day/ is ptublished, Dedicated by pernnissiol to TE[KING, :. Jt one.~ volume folio ANDi S39gf BY JAMES BkRASi & Co. And the; other Booksellers oNTAINING 101 PLATES, from actual Dissection; C- together with one very thick. volume of Descriptive .l.rre6ss, demy-8vo.. price - 77m- plata, or £1212s coi tred after nature.(the'plaio copy contains l5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. A PUBLIC EXAAIINATION of the PUPILS at- A tending the DEA Fan(dDUMB INSTI1UrlON will take place in the Trades' Hall, on Thursday the 28th September, at Twelve ?? noon. ARtCHIBALD NISBET, Secy. WANTED TO BORROW, 19YE HUNDRItD POUNDS, on PROPERTY L hin TRADESTON. The present Rental of which is £72 lOs. Apply to Mann & Smith, writers, 107, Trongate. Glasgow, 21st Sept., 1826. FOR SALE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIRD SUBSCRIPTION CONCERT. DlaEc~at¶ -s WILLIAM SMITH, Esq. . CHARLES STIRLING, Juw., Esq. WILLIAM JAMIESON, Esq.: -HE Subscribers are informed -that, the THIRD CONCERT will take place on Wednesday the 8th instant, at which MISS TRAVIS will perform for the last time this season. Tickets, with plans and words of Songs, &c., to. be had at Mr. Maefeat's Library, 105, Trongate, (where the Sub- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUABLE 'ES-TATES. FOR SALE'. will beexposqo to',public-sale, within the Tontine Thorerl the course of tte month of' March e e5tl E LAND$and SSTATE o6f AEST-BURN 'in 1' the parisl of Cambuslan- and cointy of Lanark. ie- onr the Sooth Bank of the Clyde, about ais fro~mGdr;sgqw, -and contains 640 Scotch Acres t~nour~ heiIs~ Mansion House upon it, whiich, at .&th7erpensenabi bermade ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; A. ' 1NFA R t E-NNFR1EWSHTIE.t- - . . Fo.&aiebky Pliftuz* ?? r TM FAR -of LITTLE CORSEI44L1i, in the ?? of Erskine, Iying attbe back of Bishopton Inn, Withinla quartersof. a mile- south of~the: High.road from. Glasgow to Greenocks,. and commanding a-.fine view of.the Clyde, the ?? and castle of' Dumbarton, and the roman- tic sceoeey o tbe nworh. SThe lands consist of sbont 16 0aO%--f.0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RLOCtYTION. * g. H RTLEY respectfully intimates that he has VI GANj.TREE~s July 51st, ;VALUABLE NEW WORKS. edduringthe present Season, by Mr. CO LBURN, b ISlOjjylington Street, London, (removed from Con. ?? FE & TIMES of FREDERICK REY- I. | NoDS (the Dramatist), Written by Himself. H T n~tner~uS 4necdotesofdistinguished Persons, A cemprt Fashionable, Musical, and Literarv.- in llo'vol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .TjjATRpE ARYAL, QUEEN-STREET. Maost EBIraordinary A'ovelty. h present MONDAY Evening, the Second ap_ oS wr-rice of that most , onderful Performer on the LASS'STANZER, HERR CLINE, 1:KLEIN:I SELeftil and splendid exhibition onl Saturday even- Vle55 ?? received by a crowded audience. rD¢ fr1ap1OCe5 this Evening will commence with, o f hes d time, the new and interesting play of the (tt jE W OF- ...