MR. FOUNTAYNE WILSON and Mr. WILLIAM DUNCOMBE pre»ent their most grateful Acknowledgments, for. the numerous ..

... their Friend* at the Nomination Meeting yesterday; the Result of which impresses them with tile gratifying Conviction, that they must eventually attain Uiat honourable Situa- tion to which it is their Ambition to aspire. _York, June I3ih, ljj.-li. YORKSHIRE NOMINATION York, Monday, June 12, 182 C. The Result of the Show of Hands, at the Nomina- tion of Members for the County, this Day, wa* ...

Published: Thursday 15 June 1826
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3871 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

•s_ m\ Iritl^ rf^-^^^fc^^lf^^ir i__ft__T HiWr_for__^^_r

... •s_ m\ Iritl^ ?? i__ft__T HiWr_for__^^_r Price 7d. SATURDAY, July 8, 1826. w*-iw*t- rCT^S THEATRE.— Signoi CURIONI re- Ik ?? begs leave to inform the Nobility, Sub- »•**= ,p A_.Onera;***d the Public, that his BENEFIT will scriber^toth*^^^ _, mu^^DKY next, July 13, take p»ce » l Rossini's Opera Seria, in Two Acts, .vheawi»JT,AjJ IRA . Principal Characters— Zelmira, Ma- entitled, * v *|s|j m- , ...

Published: Saturday 08 July 1826
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16734 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... and Two fol- lowing Days, ALL the truly excellent and genuine House- hold Furniture and Effects of the late Rev. EDWARD MOON, deceased; comprising 4 post bedsteads with mo- rine furniture, capital featherbeds and bedding ; mahogany dining, card, Pembroke, and other tables ; mahogany horse- hair-seated chairs, brass nailed ; cellaret, capital mahogany wardrobe, solid wood, in excellent ...

Published: Wednesday 25 January 1826
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5965 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

MIINTED FOR A. GEDGE, | THE PROPRIETOR, S SUFFOLK. FHE Committee of Accounts of the several Divisions of the County

... will meet at the Times and >laces following, at Eleven of the clock in the Forenoon : — Beccles Division — On Saturday the 14th day of October, 1826, at the King's Head Inn, Beccles; Woodbridge. Division— On Tuesday the 17th day of the same Month, at the Shire-hall, in Woodbridge ; Ipswich Division— On Thursday the 19th day of the same Month, at the Shire-hall, in Ipswich ; Bury Division — On ...

Published: Wednesday 11 October 1826
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12626 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

*_ * a

... *_ * a Price Td. WEDNESDAY, August 30, 1 826. No. 17,379. DISTRESS IN SPITALFIELDS.— At a M__.«in^ ofthe Committee, holden in the Vestry Room • rbrU CnurchVSpitalfields, August 28, 1826, The RevRICHARD HARVEY in the Chair. _, ZJ ?? who have been entrusted wilh the distribu- _• ?? ?? subscribed for the relief of the distressed Silk Vr »c« in Spita-eld, have now the painful task of announcing ...

Published: Wednesday 30 August 1826
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12909 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

m FOREIGN WINES, _^r\RR\\TED Genuine as imported, 12 li doz. superior PORT, SHERRY, and MADEIRA. frmu ,he Wood ..

... * 6d - *> d°ze n * full size bottles, and 1 dozen of Samples of the ' following Wines (price labelled on each bottle) ' ' f)r their excellence, and that they are ' cheaper titan any other house in England ! ! ! ! MrHMP^IGV Sparkling and Creaming, CLA- RFT (HATE \U-MARGOT, and LA FITTE, I HOCK MADEIRA, LISBON, TENERIFFE, i Old Ousted PORT, Fine AMONTILLADO, I SHERRY, and CAPE MADEIRA, will be ...

Published: Saturday 23 December 1826
Newspaper: Lancaster Gazette
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5044 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

BOROUGH OF MALDON. A T a numerous Meeting of the FREEMEN -™- of MALDON, held this day at the King's

... Head, in the Poultry ; Mr. THOMAS BYGRAVE in the Chair; It was unanimously Resolved, That under the Charter of the Borough of Maldon, recently restored, there are upwards of Two Thousand Persons who have been admitted, or are entitled to admission to their Freedom. That It is highly important, in order to give efficacy to s*ch right, to support a Gentleman of independent Principles, and wholly ...

Published: Wednesday 24 May 1826
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10725 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 


... Meeting, Nov. 20, 1826. %M*fJ. ¦¦•SAMi PAZ.KIO'nrT-e, President, in the Chair. ,____ ' : Tifß TRVRQSAVims BASK. Per Contra CrT \Abt* $0,1826. £ 2sb I Abu. SO, 1826/ [ £~ZTd. To amooßtdae to Depositor* for * By tii»»mc« in the ¦*Pfj»aurattV--._, pnnc.pal and interest, viz. hand /. . .7. . _T _ ^-ftl 3 >% 398 Depositor, not exceeding 20/. By Receipts purchased to Nov. 20* C ...

Published: Saturday 23 December 1826
Newspaper: Royal Cornwall Gazette
County: Cornwall, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6676 | Page: Page 1, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

: J MONEY WANTED. WANTED imrnediarrlv* on very desir able I FREEHOLD SECURITY, th- N»m of THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUN-

... DRED, or FOUR THOUSAND POUNDS, as Hfiay suit' tjie convenience ofthe leuder. Apply ,(jj/ by tetter pdshpmU} to the Printer ortii%;P.ipei. Baled November Z&;A&2B. * ?? ■ .. i ?? .. fc . . . i-• MERCERS AND DRAPERS. , TOO. BE DISPONED OF. in nn* of the prin- -117 cipi.l Market Towns in the West Of Corn- ••.II. atl OL.O--sSTABr.lsai*l> 11 'AllY mosrV general A JpKAi»5sTSr BUSINESS, Together ...

Published: Saturday 25 November 1826
Newspaper: Royal Cornwall Gazette
County: Cornwall, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5942 | Page: Page 1, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

TQ PARENTS— A LAND SUR- ' VBTOB; In jfreat Practice, bas a Vacancy for an ARTICLED CLERK. A Youth wbo

... writes a fine Hand,, draws well, and has a general Knowledge of A ccounts, will be treated with oa liberal Terms n poly lb mi Printers, rfby Letter, Post-paid. FEEDS & HALIFAX TURNPIKE ■i BQAD— EMPLOYMENT OF THE POOR. The Sum of £2.000 is wanted on the Security of toe Tolls of the stare Road, which produce an Annual Rryenue of. £~ij>t a. Interest after tbe Rate of £5 per Cent, per ' Annum, ...

Published: Thursday 27 July 1826
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 15748 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

s.*TE, the undersigned, do appoint a Meeting If y of the Proprietors of Fen Land, or their Agents, in to

... t pait of tlie South Level of the Fens which is situate below Seport Bridge, to be held at the Lamb Inn, in Ely, on Thursday the 21st of September instant, at Twelve o'clock . ,oon precisely, to take into consideration whether it will J' expedient to introduce provisions for OPENING ST. j 0r ?? EAU , in the Bill intended to be brought into Par- i--.merit for the improvement of the Drainage and ...

Published: Wednesday 20 September 1826
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 15112 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

•'■'••-'-•. ' * y .

... ?? ' * y . . TttymsAYi,^ September 14, ?? Pric« 7d No. tf,392. ?? „ . .nt pi^ofthe Raow.— APriaewUUie run for pr fa* N'ghtbnt ' w r^rinihimn Tom, JensJ Hawthorn, hypoiir Ponies, to «™ ,j ,, k&? j^ B d w^t^^W_Mlu| Ld.t ottbis V^Tn* and Jerry Mr - BWkmnre wiH take his ?? Jj£j .tbeMa^e tethe Gallery and back again, e™«*£ft*i ht T2«rf VTre Works. 8 ' J_w\tSr_ wStS THEATRE and RACE- EVENING ...

Published: Thursday 14 September 1826
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10471 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Classifieds