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Advertisements & Notices

... g INEVITART Y TfiE LAST BUT TiPO, ANVD THBY LOT- TRINRS 1471VIAe Fol AVRSR. T BISH respectfully acquaints his best Friends, the e L* Public, that the New Scheme, which hbs refeateidr 2been advertisedat length, is inevitai4jythe inst but tao thatcp~n be submitted to the Public, Parliament having- decreed th;3 . at the expiration of that period, they bhall for ever eea-e. e T. DISH thereforq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USICAL REPOSITORY, .79,-BRIGGATE.- , NV. SYKI&S -and SONS, impxeesed'with opailtude for pist. ,UV s beg ?? infor~il theirTiends, RAU'0 the Public, tbat they * ?? afielo- Coned'ORGA~N, 'in R beantiftil Olk'C(ase, with r tops S. iitt4)le formi simill Chapel. TWO. CH-AMBERt (W~NS,ti Palistod Mlahogasi Cas~s, with Foure~Stops each, SM&1LiL OR'GAN, -Iin peantditt olevvood Caic,.with Throee $to a5I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,Aoodsa.k, ffdd;114?'ton, Elnstone, Rollh-gh-t Lane, antd LEnslolw Bridge Turapihe Roads. N OTICE is hereby given, That the Tolls arising at 5 N the several Toll Gates, upon the Turnpike Road from Woodstock to Rollright Lane, and from Enslow Bridge to-Kid- dington, all in the county of Oxford, and called or known by the several names of OLD WOODSTOCK, KIDDINGTONE BURGESS's,GATES, ENSLOW BRIDGE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A Gentklwomii bfgs leavc to hest sevicsew L~lPAl'O am FRIEND tosa te~spectobc Lady.-.Particulars will be explained by re- f'erring to ilesrs. olottley and larrison, Portsmouth free of postasgc. DOMESTIC EDUCATION. A Ladv wishes to educate wvith her oivn , Daklghter, Two or Three LITTLB GWLS, who would have all the beriefit of maternal solicitude, coupled with the best instruction. As the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 E V.-S, ~ S um% from 200 to X7C00, are to M l ready to be advanced upon approved Sucurities. Apply ta CIr 'hristopher Bell, Conveiyancer, Ilexham. Ilvxleiao, 30th January, i836. URF IO'EL, COLLINGWOOD STREET. V HOMAS LOUGH begs respectfully to inform his Frieiids and the Public, tliae h has entered the above Inn; and having laid in an entire new and select Stock of the very best Wines arnd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (I £ -NOWEXHIIBIT1ING, 209 ri q. l C~,t'i~dr;,r ait - . Jn e tii Aie Ill~ it :,I I raiei tl Il \ ~ U' 'R ( H 'I f'viCSvilleCrn t'C ailth~q ittio I 'heel 'flil ye, F(Lu, NOWt~l .,nTt be vril at mhr. Pratr I - a .0 t flayi.e Ft(,t IlPIN 0 '.I'll \ILMIC INFIRM UI Y, a ,, ''.' (il I I ~ i o Ij\N ', 1'Iiysicitin Accoi4cheur totheJ I I Ir. LE Y, I IV il.t I I n A rheit to tIIe i iii iil~iltii I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PACKETS FOR NEW YORK, To sail on the Ist and 16th of every Month. 5IA The COLUMBIA Captain H.GRANA R;! Burthel 5:;0 t-ons; to salon the 16th of February. tA The MANCHESTER, Captain W. LEe, Jun. Burthen 5.50 tons; to sail on the Ist of Mlarch. 'rhe PACIFIC, Captain S TIAMSx LL; Burthen 550 tons; to sail on t1hc 16t of JMarch. The Wt. THiOMF5ON, Captain R. R. CRocKER: Barthen 495 tonI; to sait ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIRD SUBSCRIPTION CONCERT. DlaEc~at¶ -s WILLIAM SMITH, Esq. . CHARLES STIRLING, Juw., Esq. WILLIAM JAMIESON, Esq.: -HE Subscribers are informed -that, the THIRD CONCERT will take place on Wednesday the 8th instant, at which MISS TRAVIS will perform for the last time this season. Tickets, with plans and words of Songs, &c., to. be had at Mr. Maefeat's Library, 105, Trongate, (where the Sub- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . T N116CHI11,' S ORlANGES 19O t SAlEi-A fewv BOXES, first qual- tyin excelictcondiion, on renronable terns. Apply to J. Rands, Portsuroun.h.-24dr,7 li-to S2C.~ Cll l CHlESTERt,;1LTSS-EL ?? he LEI by th Y'ear (or a Lease niav -- be had, itf required). aund entered upon at Ptlady-: day next;-A confortable FAMILY DWELLINGi- HOUSI, wvalled-in Gardenr. Ceach-liouse, and Sthbk'. The 13ouse contains ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INEVITABLY ThELA$T BUT TWO AN]D THE'BN LOTTERIES FINISH FOR EVER. Respectfully acquaints his best Friends, the Public, That the WED NESDAY Ist MARCH, when Six oft 2,0000 Bcesides other Capitals and minor P rizes to tbe Amoun t of UPWARDS OF A Quarter of a Mlillion, ALIt SIcLSNG MONEY; Must ALL be decided in ONE DAY. In the very last Lottery EISH solad 7,34L9Class A. a Prize ofe;#30,000 ! 10 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTiLEMEN, CLERGY, & FREEEOLDERS OF THI1? COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND T ANTHONY GREGSON, Esquire, Sherifl of the S._ stid County, havingireceived His. Majesty's Writ, under the Great Seal of Great Britain, for the electing, of onc Knight, to serve for this County, in this present Parliament, in the Place of .harles John Branaling, Esquire, lately deceased, do, in Obe- dzence to the said Vrit, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES. W. JONES, TAILOR, GOWN AND CAP MIAKER, HIGH-STREET, Corner of King-street, T MPRESSED with gratitude for the liberal support he h bas been hitherto favoured with, begs leave most respectfully to announce to the University and City, and his Friends in gene- ral, that he intends making a very considerable reduction of prices in the different articles of Dress, and ...