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Advertisements & Notices

... just published, 12no. 5. bound HE.RUDIMENTS of GREEK GRAMMAR, as used in the College at Baton; with the Quantity, both in Latin aud Greek, of the ?? Vowes, on which the Pronunciation depends; and Ex- planbtoru Note6 in English: intended to combine some of the advantages of the planaoroyl ?? the imoe modern Grammars of Matthita and others, with the jnotly.esteexied and well-established ttona ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JAy ARREt.Tonorrovv, Quite Correct. And Sweethearts s 'Twit the Cup and the Lip. Paul Pry. And Thelide n b OG-Wdedy Quite Correct. And Paul Pry.- bsd y, Paul Pry. And 'Twvix~t the Cop aand the Lip.-Friday, The Village ts-er. Thirteen to the Dozen. And Svweethearts and Wives.-Saturday, Tihe Rivals. Anld other Entertainments. rrqiE APOLLONICON, a Grand Musical Instrument (under the A imuneitiate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NNIO TIME FOR DELAY! . Tomorrow-Week, or Never. HAZAID &0 d~ Contractors for this the Lait ofvall Lotteries, respectfuali'remnid C the Public that the presenitis Vosilively and inceiia6bly the Last that vi ssill beallowedin this Kingdom; andastheDrawving issonear v at hnaid, those who intend for the last tinie to purchase, should 'J recollect, that by a few days delay, the oppOtunity of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -iaR ~ s_t- rr: r7 . r ; 7 -: e - NEW EXCH ANG . )!?AAl'RRTT)GE. PUBLIC WART OR BAZAAR, For the Sale of Aliscellaneous Articles, on the General Pla - : of the London Bazaars. TO HEl LRV, at DalloryIor i,'oek Rents, HROPS sitaible for gentcel '1'rades, on a brnall scale. Y Al-o, COUNTERS and SITTINGS adapild for theSa~ of Light F'ncy Articles.-The peculiarly advantager-u and corimaniiding ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? - fl- Wyishech Gramnmar School. riHE Mastership of the Free Grammar School of TLWishech, in the county of Cambridge, having become vacant by the resignation of the Rev. Jeremiah Jackson, Notice is herebygivefl, that the Capital Burgesses of the town of Wisbech will proceed to the Election of a Milaster of the said School in the Month of September next. The Master must be a Graduate of one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lufewD th h .i,. . ' ' I Lotteries end for Everr There willbe no Opportunity of getting A LARGE FORTUNE for a SMALL SUM, after NEXT TUESDAY: on that day the vei last Drawing to be allowed in this Kingdom, will take place. SIX matchless PRIZES of £f309000 £30,000 £0,0 Q0p £30,000 £390000. -3 000: WILL BE DRAWN! i Sth THIS MONT - Vie Last and .0791Y Drawing tajt will he allowed in this Kingdom; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ME3A 'TING OF ROAD TRUSTEES. F I'*HE TRUSTEES upon the ROAD leading front T INCHBELLY BRIDGE to GLASGOW arere- 1l1ested to meet in the Black Bull Inn of Glasgow, 0n Wednesday the 19th day of July next, at 12 o'clock 0oon. to consider the propriety of, and give directions respectingr certain proposed improvements and alterations oil that Road, between the Infirmary and U1owgate-head Toll- bars, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. RI. CAUTY respectfully in~tSteatftolO M the Nobility and bentry too of ~e PICTURtES, Can.' poristing several Chef d'mee tga igni , and valie termingwe Oirst part of a Conwigninent jnod,, by as 1,riflta ial0i~l Acnown as a Scietiitlic Patroll oW ttt Fioe - troo, pahich he i onFtninri'0 ed to -,ELL by AUC'1lt)Y, atl1 preCedfi~g; ov n Frat.lio July 14, at One.-Mlay he viewIii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY M LR. 1E11YRE1. . :53 ~nyPfiz:X ~.t. 't $ LE of C'ountcrs, Shop Fixtures, Scales, Tubs, Can- t nisters, &c. Also, Part of the Hftooehold Farniture, pair of twelve-inch Globes, large Pier Glass, Shop Stove, Barrels, Coppers, Stove Grates, &c. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, hy Mr. LEYRE, I On the Premises of Miss FLETC1IEst, TeaDealer, Corn Market, t Derby, (who is declining business,) TO-IORROWX ...

Advertisements & Notices

... zUItES .&A GLASGow, 'eeral Meetings of the Road TrusteeS of the I f tbe nenfre, and of Magistrates oF Towns, ptsle° upon the I8th day of Slarch-182S, and at si jat P~l~tiOh~eh of October 1825, they Unanimously 1 'rfc' I ke steps for an enquiry into the state of the i *lved th Bridges at Glasgow, and for adopting mea- lt Otevent dny new accumulation of debt, and tor ha- ,stesyt° declared free ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ('VRB I.,l E1, for the B~ENEFuII of the I iT'd teN R~EFU(RES, tili take place at the t~~'I V4IAUXIALL, oil ThUT,,dayfnext, the 2oth ofjuly. * b¼.,.t~o Ha GRAND) C0ONCFRT, andi a FANCY or DRES,, 'n ilrtwill include all the AMusical Talent ow, litt the ii 'od dleisesds on the funds5 of the Rtefutgee fCornMittee heave xre'Vehn'tstedt their resource; anid the numttber of 4p&,,Lqh ~t blyben gea~y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W~-wr NV; _ LONDON, 17th JULY, 1826. THE PUBLIC ARE MOST RESPE:CTFULLY INFORMED, THAT The Lords of the Treasuy Hare beon pleaReM to issue their Warrant, ordering the final Day otfDraw ing the Lottery ( I hich was to have taken place on Tuesday, lJth Theis Month) to be postponed to Wednesday, 18th of OCTOBER next. ALL PERSONS Who have omitted to takea farewell venture for *30,0C0, have now the ...