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Advertisements & Notices

... PASSENGERS' OFFICE, 11, flRoOxES-SQUARE, COOPER'-ROW. Established in 1823, by the AMEJzRICAjN CHfAMB'R OF CO.1f 586RC,5 W. S. FITZH UGH-I Agent. This Office is established for the purpose of preventing the frauds and inspositiois practised upon Passengers, and to afford correct information respecting Vessels, Rates of Pas- sage, &e. free of cxpense. Persons in the country applying by letter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TV JIA TTI'-JV Jl.ilL, P'.SQ. M. PJi fjHE Friends o1 t Ir Beli resideiit in H AL.TWiMSTLE T aid the Vicinity, have hvited him ti dine with themi on the 21st inst. at the Rcd Liii Inna, 1-altwhistl, to ti:i rk tih( ir A p- itiitl ian (it ills uianl i , ?? enty;and lionsorahlbe C ondi let durii ru Iis IWrc ictlit Contehsi t;ir the County. I'ie'C'idi: will be taken it I o5 lock hy ,T. R. Cotsol1n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l~isksei, Turnpike l?rsd, !esadinqg front Oafnd to Abinspqdott. >5O'FJCk is hereby given, 'J'hat in p1ursulance of an ii order of two of the 'Trustees of the said Road, a Meeting of the Trustees wvill be holders one Monday the 7th day of August next, at the house of Mir. Robinson Bertram, under the Town Hall, in the city of Oxford, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, to takce into ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCHOOL-IIASTER WANT£D. IDI;DDIN'G TONv N~AT IONAriL SCHrOOL. rli1HE Annual Meeting of this Society wvill be hleld at U. the Schools, in Deddington, on Satarday the 2d day of Septenmber nest, at Twelve o'ciock, wvhen a public examination of the childrenl will take place, anti the accounts of the last year wilt he examined and settled. At the above Dleeting the Society will proceed to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANONYMOUS LETTER. Jr F the Person who addressed the Letter To the Pre- I siding Magistrate of Police, Glasgow, dated I Ith t August, and signed, A *VrLL-1ISI1ER O1 JusriCE, will ,have thegoodness tqeall upon the Superintendent of Po- lice, he may depend. upOII the utmost secrecy being ob- served. POLICE CHAMSBEIS, t Glasgow, nth Alig., 1826.J .. . LIEU'rLNAY- OF :LANARKSHIRLE. NTIMATION. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ii (iND~1t C0 (i. 11ANY.---Notice is hereby J j riotl tha'fe l)lVIE Wi W fINES PER~ i SHARE, In. (o1missy will ('0lii nec to be paittlby liesorq. 0o ti the ';o'.1CrtIf c oirK tic IthII, iot intrcluslve; it ti rciportiou' it ',he baoianee remaininq subject to the iii 1.j AJINING ASM)4CIATWiN.-At a C F(A). )i FPI NG HI t hi. A-ucitotuo, held thil ii ioly teolvrd, Iiia Iat'luti cr Caiiof Oe P'ou ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | SIlEATRE ROYAL, LIVERPOOL- ? ?? JoafVSTOX, AIR. BROW,'0Y>E, qpYF AR ? ID 11111. bfANCHAP.D. of 'Miss STEPHENS, and the g i,5ltef he perfor-tmitg here this Season.-THIS q t~~itY the 2.5th instant, wilt be acted (first ,; IA I ie'favouite Musical Play of yEVNRI QUA TRE. I~rt Ixf Jocrlsse * ?? Mr. Blanchard. F~ ie ilart f Gt~reS .Mr. berifit. A Johnston. ?? 5eljsen )dr. time here) by Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - God -np TN the late ADAM JESSOP s Affairs.-The Cre- El I dltors of ADAM JESSOP, late of Dewshury, in the County) oT Yolk, Gentlemansl, deceased, and the ?? unler hiS Will are desirctd to meet at the Mall and Sadd le I1n, .,wsb.rl. oni Monday, the Fouriteenthi Dayt of August lest. at Three o'Cloc); IIn the Afternllloon l when the Ex~ceutors wvill produce all Account of their IReceipts tuld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONCERT AND BALL. TQ 1-JE Young Ladies (Irs. QUlCKEPS A Pupils) will give their CONCERTor. Taestq evening next, at the Society's Hanl. 0' Tlte Concert to commence at half.past tlr. Tickets for the Ball, 39. 6l. each, to be had of Mls. Quicke.-No Tickets sold for the Concert.-Schetitm of the Concert to be obtatined of 51rs. Quickel 69c , George s square, Portsen. To SILK 3IERCO:RS AvD LINEN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VA LLU A BI2,Ej 1-1 OUS ES. OR SALE, Iat Stover lodge,, by T. Hssey, ou FL 'rtalav thi 22d of. Ani-st,. severil Pair of excellent CzA RRIA GI H O RSES 9f ?? .Str eilgtlvs~n1 utuS 1lZrs~ others tm' Single. Hai ness; Hl U NTIE RS, rIIA(: fiS, 1'O.NI ESi;,: MARES, somm6 kintelm to (rey. 'ns; ThIee, 'th¼, alld One vear. old Oilts, thie pruiperty of'J; Gould, Esqg. who is abott to reinovel'foir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATEDT, rGOVERNOR and HEAD TEACH- for GEORIGE WATSON'S HOSPITAL. i reqliired is to conduft certain branches of'the edtu- 1 the senior Boys, and to take an active superin- tioot f every branchi ofthe Establishment. Ildepen- ?? O, taian nts in getne-al and classical literature, ,1niefiliit selv t5qlthat the person to be preferred boernttons nil possess gentleness of temper, pru- I5a Ytr afinrm ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nAY. F Iew Cargoes, about 50 Tons each, of fine up- l, hnd MEADOW HAV, commonly called Horse f;.v, deliverable at any Port ol the Eatst Coast of Scot. I oi'i-contlitionally, that a proportion of 011 (.AKil S i e t Jkcn to ballast the vessel, which Cake shall be de- S i v r d at the very lowest current price. 1/ is intended that a ?? part of each Cargo 9f ?? be in Bales of from 30 to 4t) Stone ...