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... The fallowing letter has been addressed by Mr. Orlando, one ef the Greek Deputies, to a Morning Paper:- 149, New Bond-street, Aug. L0, 1821J. SIR-Under ordinary circumstances, I sholId not lhave considered it either necessary or becoming in me, as a public uan, to notice any anonymous publication respecting 18e, w whether avpearing in a newspaper or elsewhere. But as you have thought it right ...

Published: Friday 01 September 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 583 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... [FR1OMt TIlE FTjLIE OF %VEDNESODAY.1 PARt., Au(-. 30--We read in the Journ;al du Commaerce as c follows :- Hiistory offers no exampic of n commercial crisis vxactly like that of Great Britain. Tlre disasters which ful- 0 lowed the Soutk Sea schemes in England, the Mississippi in r France, the system of Law and the Assignats, had some rela- f tion to general facts, whicii were at least soon ...

Published: Friday 01 September 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2633 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... A townsman of ours, who has just returned from the North- Cast coast of Scotland, gives a discouraging account of the Herring Fishery in that quarter-a fact, we are sorry to learn; for when the earth fails to yield its usual tribute, the waters would require to be doubly bountiful. Agriculturists talk of crops that are rather thin on the ground, and in the town of Wick, every old woman ...

Published: Friday 01 September 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1330 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... MNIERICAN PAPERS. [rIlt 1'111. IILTI1NORE I OMIMEROCIAtI ttinO'iCLEl Sereral rni'oniptiorms are afloat, mildt galing considerable cLI retic!, iI Iteatii to thle state of Mr. J. felfesols alt;irs, and is trite object in uraking a l)ttity of his property. A friend FeIidil T il tliibis pace laiey wroe ;, letier on tbhe subject to Mr. I iholIas J. Raudolph, grandstln oat Mi. Jefferson. In an- swer ...

Published: Friday 01 September 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 741 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... IlII. GENIUs OF ENGLAND. ( there is, in the leaf sear and yellow, I ts allOWdl he's a prsom isilkg, fellow - Vill spring tip-for to all hope wii]l sick- '. 1 s mso d fer'd that it makes tbe heart sick. W; all itS frigittfol, of jlld1t meat to come, ,' maijy !Tess the full slinstance and sum; li t To Oe, loth above and eiovw, c .. emise of tbe mortal, we know = ;dl desciie this llobgoblin alnd ...

Published: Friday 01 September 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 645 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... e-To THlt EDITOR OF THE MORNING CHRONICLE. ed Richmond, August 13i, 1826. en SIR-It iSab~solutelytnecessary to clear the grounid of oir con- Ile troversy from thle incutubrances, in thle form %f insinuations, ,, and mere assertions wvithiout Proof, whlich hare bisen thrown Ldi upon it by your anonymous Corres'pondent. I must, there. elfore, here notic thflat part of h~is letter, whlerein lie ...

Published: Friday 01 September 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4750 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... The following story, with its introduction, forms an episode in all article in tle present number of BlacAwood's Magazina-, entitled Hints for the Holidays, No. Ill., said to be from the pen of Professor Wilson:- There is not on this round green earth, a lovelier Lake than Achray, about a ulile above Loch Veamachar, and as we approach the brigg of Turk, we arrive at tbe summit of an ...

Published: Friday 01 September 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1590 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... DUKE OF YORK'S NrV RESIDL-CE, LFrom a CorrespnnmicmmtJ Tie exterior of the matnsion erectitme fmr the future residult, of his kimyal Highness tibe l~ike omf tork, is almost tvii,' , , 4ni presents a very Ilagnilicemit arpect wheim seen fromm tile I'arks; tie turin of tibe buimdlimid is mearly a smmll mrc. Iliw fi oli side, which faces time (Carial im St. Jlime,'s Park, prij silim'ly at *m:clk ...

Published: Friday 01 September 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 586 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... ir e [FROM THF. NEIW MOVNTILY MAGAZIN-.] I, They are the S&otci o/.4envteria.-Like ihe Scorch, they are le ourwardly rold, severe, and seliish ; inwardly true, 5teady, and - obout as frarn as people who are brought *tp to be jast before t- they arce cenerou5, ever are. Like itbe Scotch too, they are Is shrewd, sensilile, inquisitive ; slilcere, frugal, and hard-work- y iny. Like the Scotel, ...

Published: Friday 01 September 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1719 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... STATE OF THE POOR. (FROM THE DUBLIN MORNING REGIsIrnH OF TUESDAY.] IMPORTANT MEETING OF ST. AUDEON'S PARlSI. Yesterday, pursuaut to a requisition most numerously and respectably signed, a meeting of the Parish of St. Audeoa's, in this City, was held il the Parish Church, for the purpose of taking into consideratiqn the present alarining state of tile working classes of this City, and to adopt ...

Published: Friday 01 September 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2761 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... DOCTllt BARCLAY. LI ROM TIlE EDINRIURGII 0SERVERt] -,6tinary ve have this daay annooun1ced, With much re- 0., th (fat, enlinelnt member of the Medical Profes- r. l *rA IJY, of iis ci iy. Having been originally intend- ,,rli, mtly of the Doctor's earlier years were I 1,, .t! idy of thleoliogy, and lie co tiiiuril to enjoy, to r we fries.!s hip AniSd esteem of malny of our ijiost clid- *i,, hIs ...

Published: Friday 01 September 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1145 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... CAPE OF GOOD ROPE, Report of the Commissioners of Inquire at the Cape of Good Hope, dated 7th of December, 382b, upon the Complaints addressed to the Colonial Government, and to the FEtrl Ba- thrirrt, by Mr. Bishop Barnett. LContinued finm The Chronicle o1 ,Sa-turdap .] Tlip su'n of one hundred arid sixty-seven thousand and thirty~six riz dollars was expended, partly in tile payment oft ...

Published: Friday 01 September 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3708 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News