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Advertisements & Notices

... TIHIOMlAS STOREIR VfRNS his most grateful acknowledgynents to his I.,Etle public in general, for the many favours con andi begs to inform them that he has decliied ihe in favour of lM essrs. G. and T. ASH BY, who he 11v ?? to their notice as Linen Drapers, Silk nC 1 u1 i in ffitare T ElO0I1AS STOllER in tends to casr i Drapery, latter, and Hosiery Business, aci licits a continuance of their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 16th OCTOBER, 1820. At a General Meeting of the Governors of this Institution, held here this day, pursuant to Advertisement for that purpose; SIR UODEV.W WIL-MIOCT, BAsT. or CADD:aDSDE:r, Ie, the Chair; RE 9S0LVrn, 7 HA'r the- thanks of this Meeting be given to the as President, FRANCOS MiVrNDY, Esq. N.P. for his kindness in accepting that office, and the intreest he has manifested during the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IILASGOW ACADEMY. GEOGRAPHY, qHB PRINCIPLES OF ASTRONOMY, THE USE OF THE GLOBES. it ALEXANDER WATT, Successor to the late Mir. DENtrFOLS, Will commence his WINTER , ASslv upon AlondaOctOctober 23,1 826. adies' Class . .. ?? 2 till 3, Afternoon. Gentlemen:s C1 ::--From 5 till 6, Do. Introdllctory Lecture to both Classes Free. prjeaie Classes will Contmence on the same day. 1'r w. wiLl; as usual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OMMNE RC 1,L C~OFi FV~E,-IOUSE, Ni~w B (INvr S-riltom, teedo. 1.YtATT'E, raeiipeethltiV inofritl tlho Uentry 011(l Public, tbat ?? ~IHT', w'hor, tliey nliny be a1clur011n34dtell %ith litoaltics and (Chopm ol. till Oc'rAo mif of the 101CA (,Oality,-oil the sburtest. *Notimo with a reprltirta supply ?? rhoe bost Milton Oytere, frot the Bteds In Ivhlic E. 0. inliiyalcio 6shr tho 111.11lle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *ITILMOI7's SUPERB STRA11BERRY.-IS i Is nosiV thle Sesisosi to paiut that ?? F1ruit, they .Aeto be had ?? of 'Mr. meeak, No. 4I, iank-Stret, lit 25.10S per 1110 Plalnts; and as Nkislibers liars beeii aild:or that Vairiety, J. WLIIT sill satbe espisisiih Fit' forsly but what are signed -by himself, ivith I nstruc5tions ias to I'ltilstiisg, Culture, &e. 'ise -Size of thle Fruit frejjin Six tO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [r he most pro inelit ttait of beauty in either Sex, is a Pine 11*1d, f H which is'easily produced. by the v onderful ?? ND'S TIACA1AsAR Oat.. - le ori~ihial and g6n- unmA~wh~yfplissesscs cexclusis'o energetic propertics inurish- ?? hInr, pres'ntin its Itiling off, or turning Grey in cases of Siekness, Alarm, Fright, Study, Aeclcmhemuits, &m-prcserves it to the latest period of life ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ^ PREMXPORiLT. FIXE NE XT WEDNESDAY, (I Mih This Month,) is Ite Day fixed, by Order of Hi~s M, ijesty's Government, Jbo the final Close of. all Lotteeies in this ffintgdoX~l. *When that dav has passed, the Public will no longer possess the chence of realising a Fotuae by the *isk of a few Pounds. All, therefore, who desire to court the favour of Fortune, through the I ottery, utnst apply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, T. either together or separately,-FIVE FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES, Land Tax redeemed, desirably situated near the new Church, in the parish of SL Clement, Oxford, producing a net rental of £57 4s. P annum, now in the ?? of good and punctual tenants. The above premises are well worth the attention of persons having as small capital to lay Out, as part of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... th UblIC, thalt iil Acditiou to biq Agency for seling It iti1II din,; I loe it(1011PNIC1) c OF IOICR, N'o U'1* BA'NK- At 2'i 'I R TaoI'I' Tfor ?? -sOili iiuuidilig,, Warbobute, [hid Pie. , ?? ID 1'012' to 1.122Ill I.eoilis and ice4 Vicinity, and forl the L.ett1llf 011:0103lo 11egs 0115 .'01)l'i17'whtlorlo !ialor cii Ltthing I- Xvii h ui .nior~eoil 11 (iu'oooI~b t :ide to P'ersons apply' CO2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL, QUEEN. STREET, GLASGOW. bi For the BENVEFIT of MlISS IVOEL, a Of the Theatres Royal, English Opera Ilouse, London ri and .Edinburgh. & On thi; present MONDAY EVENING. October 2d, MISS NOEL most respectfully takes leive to announce her BENEFtIl' on the above evening, when his Majesty's - servants wil I perform the Grand Romantic Opera, (with new and splendid scenery) of T FA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .,It Abrrdeem, the ixth duty of October, Eighteen Hu ndred and Twenty-six ?? a Meeting qJ- u the Proprietors and Occvpiers of Rorses uithin the districts of Broadford, Caruseyend, and dacent ynrts of Gitcornston, held within the NVew Inn, in ( consequence of public AIdvertisenment,for the pur- pose of considering in how far the interests of these e districts were affected by the p)roprosedZ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DANSTEREOMACHA.Mr BULLOCK re- IL spectfailv announces, that hlia FXtiyrriON of the memorable Battle of Poictiera to NONN OPEN It 209. Regent-street. Ti ec braedM cypn~ee~at(tn wich te Blatck Prince so eminently m lerals, anti Loise alee~,, tothe eradry Chvaly an Cotum oftheperiod to r~~~~~~VICTUALLING.OFFICE, OCT 9, 1626. r'jHE Commissioners for IFictuaffing his Majesty's Ar aetY, ke.. do ...