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Advertisements & Notices

... LUtCAS & SONS bee, leave r'e-peCefull to IM,, ; iCY their Friends and the Public, thit thcr thave P. NWV FRUIT, Uartedte' fit .la-aarsni- LEIMONS. GRLAPES. FIGS, .1J)RDAN A1) l N AlUSCATEL anod l EXIA RI ISINSvwhich are Sale, at their Wrrehouse, No. 86, RdEocL;FF-STatET. October 25, 1826. BRISTOL AND BATH AUXILTARY BAPTIST - I 1MISSIOvARY SOCIETY. T HE Public are'reSmectfuily i;formed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,_ T it is intended to apply to Parliament in the en- ifAD ~'Session. for leave to bring in a Bill for altering suing the line of the road, ar railway, referred to ?? by, the Act7, Geo. 4th, ca 103, entitled O t for making a Rasiway from the fonkland and lloc Railway by Garnkirk to Glasgow, caBled. hl Kik and Glasgow Railway, and for anthorising tec Glnany of proprietors ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S;;TISfI 'UNION INSURANCE COMPANY. 5ANINUAL GENERAL MEETING of the fHgAEHOLDERS, resident in and around Glas- J f r the purpose of electing Three Members of the efer ?? f management, in room of the three who ill be held. in terms of the Contract of Copartnery, tire h ck Bull Inn here, on Wednesday the 18th aitat three o'clock afternoon. Cult-) t 13By Order of the Board HUGH MONCRIEFF. Gasgow, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Misic Room, Oxford, Oct. 27, 1Sa26. r9[HE STEWVARDS;lof tlfe MUSIC I1OONI'beg leave IL to inform the public, that TWO CONCERTS will take place on Wednesday and Thursday the 15th and 16th of Novem. ber ; for which ITSS STEPH7ES9 Her niece, Miss JOHNSTONE (being her first appearance here) And Mr. PHILLIPS, ARE ALRLEADY, ENGAGED, I ANTED 'imnmediately,-A well-educated Yti-fth, WV as an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MARRIED MAN, in his 35th year, wilhont in- F A cumbrance, wants a Situation as GARDENER, or .GARFD=E:ER and BAI3LIFF, both of which (however extensive) he is perfectly capable of managing, from the great experience he has had. He can have an undeniable character from a family of the first respectability, whom he has served in the above capacity nearly eight years, and with whom lie will remain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... er Thi es venin,, \V E I)NESDAY, October 4. I820, I in be performcd, the highly admired 'RAUGELD' of is WILLIAM TELL. r- tsr E.NS) or 'T'lir ECE A COMIC SOING, by MIR. WHITE. . The whole to concludle With the favourite FAaR(E of CRAMOND BRIMG is ORt, THE GUDEMIAN OF BALLANGEICII. Performances on TnITIfSDAY. AneI on IlFRIDAY, 8 ilth Oct. an entire New and highly 3 Coumic Version of P1AUL PRY; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ LIS!7IIJN or X'OUNGU C1TLLIX EN, fr',,ai .1onr to Ti~clve YLiar, i ofag.. Under Sevca Years of Age 26 Guirlcas per A nnuml. Lj Abo ve that ?? ditto (litto Wasin,111g, & r ?? 2 ditto Ilitto L~atin and French cach fllnlf-a.Oaine per qualettr.- i .Drawing and Dancting, Oil E1ho USUR School. Terms, in UJST landed, eX baryic EnIilgheden, fitiln J Dritin-A p~irine C'argo tit lhATT'vr.`, 1)-AIJS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tandsc FO It's VE~G1 A 'fLs TEETH 4Mlk Gi~las. ol beni~eigroral use that it is siorut -ci*#ry to oifisrany it thatiliejh, c~oarriutaiattt Compolied of Ve~*iuhleq, W44lout qine the adoiliture ofuaty Alitteral Ut' mc~ious iiU tgreifieut s harevrr,' irt joind istre iroi thruiuni ~jcion a~tkioat lie Use of other ?? bel.Its !eterbjve patwer is just suflficieti to annihilate thoise detitructigie .to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AMBOYNA TOOUII POWI)ER ANI3 LOTION. I; DllRU;G fromw ?? tie AMBOYNA POVIEIR alid - 'n oL LOTIONa *t * prepared is ilia produce of A~ia. 'I'he Natives - as well as Foreigners esteem it ?? its peculiar efficacv in cleans - iiiU;4 and beetifying tile Teeth, and remsoving dis,)rders of tile - e ?? and Gumis It whvienis the teeth, anid by its ;rstriugent e e- Iii tton the Gir si ?? tiose wahilt are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mIULL. To the Creditors of Rtobert Belt-, A DECEASED, A I~Persons having Cilanis nrpon thre Estatenil Etifiects ofR()UERT BILT latedthte Town o KinistonlpoflHltII, Tailor, D~sed, are requested to scul the amount and particily~s thereof, together %vith tile Ilature ol their seeulllsf Any, to Mewi's. LENGLAND anul SHIACKLES, SolIflhis, Hull, on or before Mondav the 6th day of Noveniber next, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B ALS$:'L AUU~ FUMM. 0 JUNV~~I orlet.tti ick. . *. G &YIktv th eiL~crl4ei3 eif 4'st t VIcInitY,- tat h has ret'elved for ?? ~ tNOD CXS.~it~-' rilg$ 5Lts5 teallh. oif tho fojilowillg RQQt 7iz. vyahcrild :Ap ;ihlcb' will be. StLYINIY AkICTLON, Sht. hit Vtkialsidvitl satle- 3&tl atooeo'ClOTIklprirtlS~lY. . Air LADIGC'` COTHS,COTN , &e e-lvC. M'IRNITYRl, OnIL tire i'rttmistS, No.1.15, Fleert ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TWENTY POUNDS REWARD. BERE AS, on Friday Night last, or early a W on Saturdav Morning, some evil-disposed P Person or Per-sons, did steal from out of the Stable and Chlaise-house of WAn. EDGE, Clerk, of Ned- giug, TiiREE SatTS oF PONEY HAttNE.S, andi1 ITWO SAI)I)LJ.S, &C. Whoever will discover the Offender. or Ofleuders, so that lie or they may be convicted of the above offience, shall receive ...