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Morning Chronicle




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Morning Chronicle


... BRUSSELS, OCT. IO.-The Session of the States-General was open d to-day, in the usual form, by his Majesty in person, with the following Speech:- HIGH AND MIGHTY LORDS; I feel great satisfaction in being able again to inform you, that I continue to receive from all the Powers marks of the kindest friendship. The conclusion of Conventions for the in- terest of commerce and manufactures, so ...

Published: Friday 20 October 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1460 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... DEATH'S IDOINGS. The usual dulness of the literary world, at this season of tbe year, has just been agreeably relieved lby the appearance of a very clerer seork, uinder the above rather alarmilin!g title. It , consists nf twventy-foulr plates, etched by Mr. R. D)aRley, from designs by himelIf; and illustrated by nearly sixty conmposi- tians in prose and verse, thec friendly contributions of ...

Published: Thursday 05 October 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1933 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

From the LONDON GAZETTE of Tuesday, Oct. 24

... I rol she L4,VI)ON tLIZL I 'IL Tut'sdaq, (hi. '24. WV . It OjFFl CE. 0Ci I 2 1626. 1 t lteginient ofDial)rsr1o (inards-Cornet George AriguOlls Ilatifley to Ire Lieutenant, bly nuruchase, vice Elrvei, Frornored. :31( litto-Captain l'atriok Chalmers, from the hRslf-pay, to be Cap'aiin, vice Edwin Buttirnaby, who exchanges, receiving the difference ; Cornet William Henry Bowen Jordan Wilson to ...

Published: Wednesday 25 October 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3008 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: News 


... COLOMBIAN BOBS. I The Statentin The ~strisrof last night has, like most Statements wro and an, upon ths suject, a tockjibbis air and Some marks of ignorance and unf airiesi. There is a 'trone jilterest among many XtockJobberq to raise the value ofths Bondistereiso a strong interest among others to depress them. The bargains between these dee de-aerareimebsrgaHlef orbargains fora futurly ; is ...

Published: Friday 20 October 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1291 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... PERSECUTION OF THE FORTY-SHILLINg I FREEHOLDERS. . DUBLiN, THURSDAY-We haVe been labnuring IRdieIr a ,reat delaisioii in fNnc vijn that the Voenerolus And cole ilit -r '! duct of Sir T. Ch apmlan would ie imitated by the Other I:i lti of Irelanid. WVaterforal is in a flalne at this mno0w nt, ,, i; .here be any triuth in the evidence of Mr. Leslie FIoter ,r F. Lewis, tbe con lry pr iiises to ...

Published: Monday 30 October 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 748 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... FRENCH PAPEIS. I i ROM i li I UCOIL ( O.55Al URLAXISfr VSN A, SL V. ~'.-1% e lie ar th~it the I afant, Doli M iLIenI, NhiL has .w, i eovivecl a,;stoitiirznsficmlii; histe the R'egen tof Po r- motl tugsal to dei~lc e iii three d ys conzcerning the oath to hle Izihen fler ft. t le C'oiltitutijonal Charte ,of hli. brot ier, Din Pedro, sent ati iii swir to , on tan I t~~~~~atei al tle oLi sboozi ...

Published: Monday 09 October 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1533 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... I A Lisbon Mail, bringing Papers to the 23d ultimo, arrived yesterday. The following are extracts OFFICJAL, LisnoN,SEPTEMBER 22.-Consideringthatill-disposedpersons have, latterly, eiudeavnured to disturb the triinqilllity of til Capital, and grossly to deceive tile ignorant and unthinking, by the false, seditious, and inflammatory accounts which they spread abroad, by means of lind persons ...

Published: Tuesday 03 October 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 465 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE MORNIING CHRONIcLE l LONDON: IVEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1826. In the article on PsitoR's Life of lBuRKcE, in the last Quarterly Review, the writer alludes to a political party in England, by which the name of !3URKr; is held in deep execration, of which 1 the dogma is very simple, being in fact comprised in a single proposition-WV/hat- ever is is wrong. Resting on this truth, of which the ...

Published: Wednesday 18 October 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2079 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... ' ON THIE CIVIL DEAD WEI(fiHr. TrH REGULATIONS I 1F01t SUlPERANNUATru)NS ANI) RETIRING ALLOWV- ANCE, THE WAR OFFICE, &c. WVe lately alluded to the changes now making or Imade in the 11ar-Office, by which, the brother-in-law Zof the Noble Secretary, it is alleged, is to be raised to sthe situation of D)eputy Secretary at U ar, and Air. AMerry, the present and iong-tried. Deputy Secretary, re- ...

Published: Thursday 26 October 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2545 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

From the LONDON GAZETTE of Friday, Oct. 13

... CROWN OFFICE. OCT. 2. M.IRN31ERS nRTURNU?. TO S Iave IN THR NEW PAnRLIAMENT. CIUNTY AND TOWVN OF CARXICpIROU9S.81r Arthur Chichester, of Cggtlecary, in the rounty of Donegal. Bart. COUSVTY Or ('AVAN.-Henry Miaoxwell, of Farnham, Esq.; Alexander Saunderson, 0t Castle Saundersion. In the Raid countYFQ do COuNTV OF RLtDARtI.-L.ortd William Charles Orikrle'n'ltzgenildof Canton ; Rohert Latouche. ...

Published: Saturday 14 October 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1643 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... SIERRA LEONE GAZE'i'TES. FRtEETOWN, JuN4E '24.-OnSunrdAy,the biArque Jltmes lrnlop, arrived here iu ballast, for timber, in tweaty-seven days from the Doivwn, br!Ugin' 1Ieivepaoers to the middle of May; by whiicl we Larn the arrival of tbe Sir Williatu Wallace, off the Cove of Cot k, ou the 4th of that month, after a passasge of 5)0 days. The ntelanchlol news of the deat t ,f otor late Gov ...

Published: Saturday 07 October 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2207 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE MORIVING CHRONICLE. LONDON: FRID41' OCTOBER 6, 1826. We have received the Paris Papers of Tuesday, and the Eloile of Wednesday. The following are extracts: ti CONSTANTINOPLE, SEPT.O .-Since the conflagration, & the h replacing of the Standard of the Porte, the meetinga of the C Ministers have not taken place under the tent in the Court of the Seraglio, but at Aga-Capoussi, the present ...

Published: Friday 06 October 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2298 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News