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Advertisements & Notices

... Aylesbury, Thame, ShillintqfoId, and Postcomb TURNPIKE ROADS. 'TOTICE is hereby given, That the General Annual M Meeting of the Trustees of the above Turnpike Roads will be holden at the Crown fnn, in Thame, in the county of Oxford, on Monday the 30th day of October instant at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon ; at which Mecting the Accounts of the last year will be ?? this 5th day of October, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POiIT8,1iOUTII V1CTUALIANIG OFFICE, 3d Oct. l I2QI ()NTIU SD Y ic t1h1 Ilwnsct, the, AGNTT Vie- r P,n itilt lie rertc/ to r'dcive Seatled Ct 'c'icelec', elnfH'? l trat/r GOU Qicsreern; (lcnreprricc lltvrastire) I- cf ENUiMSll WVHE1AT, to o rciqlc Co p et' Juhelh Xr sjlti's Wiititct tis Port, ne tine Monthf, ant/to bepacidfo byl I/ilts pujay b/s at (Cli uysv cafter c/otle, vwi/hoot ilhatrertI. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Galloway Stolen or Strayed. STOLEN or STRAYED, on Wednesday evening list, S or early on Thursday morning, out of a Meadow called the Spring Moors, near. Witney,-A BAY GALLOWAY, about 13jS hands high, rather long in the back and loose made, with a wen on the neck, on the near side. Whoever will give such information as shall luad to the con- viction of the Offender or Offenders, shall receive a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... By DEeNobilit, and Gen W, -R. iirdfrined, tir Tlast BALL ?? sepectfqjI place at the above Roomsnt o A;6th aanteb d y ta 16th October. istanetan 'noder Obday aor 4fitiltaei penerol sir ,Jamesa Ia on t yagab ' Pe Governor, and Ladyon O 1 .tli I t eArd'(st. fiom Wrdo. I Stewa(}rd-i apt. Y1Nn 'A IIASS AB'? 513tlS4 ,Regimeto. fMsclIsrmeX ej.0-d tbnk At the request of Many of the Su roi intndedg to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D OBER'I' S~lLLvP;I, SLATEA I - ~ SLA~ _&I IV ElICHANT (from Londn), 4St.i PM A6rl CmiCitssrE n, respectfully ac U810te he ?? carryingontheabov ee a3* d. Att'ss moderate charges, good workmanship ana t to merit their support. CROWN MEMETflftf, DEAt , T A very priue selected Cargo,'of t ,EME1'3 TIMBER and Dlais n i-,t cnarging ex Economy, Capt. flemhngr, dsa , nil a large and good ?? of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIIAiLBUR Y, Ociober 20, 1826. T EFT at the Bull Inn, by a person unknown, on 1 Monday the 25th day of September last, a BROWN MARE, rising three years old, about fourteen bands and a half high, marked with a little white on her hind legs. If the said Mare is not taken away, and the expences paid to Nazareth 1l1alins, an or before the 10th, day of November next, the same will be sold to defray ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTSMIOUTHI VIC.TUALLING OFFICE, Pd Oct. 13-3f. o N7'l0RSAy thelg9th Insta7?t, t/he AG.ENT VTCTIJALLE1 ivill be6 res'di to iwceiea Sealod P Tenders, and trcatlfhr Goo Quarters (Imperial mneasure) 2' ~3of RNGLISH WHE1AT, to welogh 601b. per Buihs/i n( Soryds o nt lesi/an nequattobe produced by at ar No regard will be had to any Tender in which the tprc shall not be inscrted in weoids at Lenyth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6T ANTED,-A Youth, of respectable parents, as an VW APPRENTICE to the BAKING and MEALING BUSINESS.-Apply to Mr. C. Watkins, St. Aldate's, Oxford. Oxfordshire Agricultural Society. MEETING of the OXFORDSHIRE AGRICUL- A TURAL SOCIETY will be held at the Star Inn, Ox. ford, on Wednesday the 18th of October instant, to audit the Accounts to determine the Premiums to be offered at the next ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Misic Room, Oxford, Oct. 27, 1Sa26. r9[HE STEWVARDS;lof tlfe MUSIC I1OONI'beg leave IL to inform the public, that TWO CONCERTS will take place on Wednesday and Thursday the 15th and 16th of Novem. ber ; for which ITSS STEPH7ES9 Her niece, Miss JOHNSTONE (being her first appearance here) And Mr. PHILLIPS, ARE ALRLEADY, ENGAGED, I ANTED 'imnmediately,-A well-educated Yti-fth, WV as an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MARRIED MAN, in his 35th year, wilhont in- F A cumbrance, wants a Situation as GARDENER, or .GARFD=E:ER and BAI3LIFF, both of which (however extensive) he is perfectly capable of managing, from the great experience he has had. He can have an undeniable character from a family of the first respectability, whom he has served in the above capacity nearly eight years, and with whom lie will remain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ LIS!7IIJN or X'OUNGU C1TLLIX EN, fr',,ai .1onr to Ti~clve YLiar, i ofag.. Under Sevca Years of Age 26 Guirlcas per A nnuml. Lj Abo ve that ?? ditto (litto Wasin,111g, & r ?? 2 ditto Ilitto L~atin and French cach fllnlf-a.Oaine per qualettr.- i .Drawing and Dancting, Oil E1ho USUR School. Terms, in UJST landed, eX baryic EnIilgheden, fitiln J Dritin-A p~irine C'argo tit lhATT'vr.`, 1)-AIJS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... \5TI CEN is 1kTeleC'1v ?? Appiili.-5 'tatiot jic intertled to bo mtiltc to J'itliaten t r h O ito brhic; ii a Bill ot morite vfetaly l ili V 1tc I' . Il~ttos amI; nod tlirewisc I -ut ioxi. tho II wit him Csilml, in the County of Solithalintou, to Il' fiq ,I UJhichehbr ; antd for Rcpealilng or for Altering, Avttetisln, tolld ?? moro e ?? Act pass1rd pr ih thie16,ht - ear of thc rei.,n of his ...