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Advertisements & Notices

... Ja Qa sr r0 it fcn ToIE WANDEaING WESTERN Miwotitt.-Last weak, il troducing to public notice a stranger of great rru.; I talents, we erroneously stated that he was anl llutlgartitu We taske this opportanity of observing that Mr. Heartl. a Bohemian. CANAL PAciEuoS.-We agree with a Lady, that the vatious alterations made in the times of sailing of the'e boatsought to be advertised in the papers. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tBLRTOXUP''TRENT FAIR. 0r Otober fallivng this year on a Sunday, th e adATLiFAIR will be held on AMo DA -J. D. FOWLER - ?? Oct. 18, 1820. Bailiff. HOSPITAL, NE ARt NOTTINGHAM, 'iA October 18, 1826. IroSTY-FO~~ANTMRS GiENERAL MEErTNG, hleldt this day, PRlESENT ,lON. the EARL of CHESTERFIELD, PRESIDENT. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAX~ W AU~CTION. YiCAII.LANP. 1i ft S.`-TJIN RiN.DiAP1J1`E. li1SWI~'t, &C.- 13' y ot LUI'011 en Yic1adyp the Met~ Vilo al' (lihtar, I-162, Daiprlt ~er, ulitit '131 Is tittipioedl D1'. hf', (irde' ol' lthe Ad., IV~ 1~1l,s l~iiof 'Ov1,t I'O(R.-1KURADE, caflidqt- ~.ilig -ii 1'~is -I'Mminqll, caliv',es. Ciechoi., I ?? aind othe'r Liteili. TicliiI. SN)11o,6, 1I I mino, ii't oii~, a% l.oiulllete ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aylesbury, Thame, ShillintqfoId, and Postcomb TURNPIKE ROADS. 'TOTICE is hereby given, That the General Annual M Meeting of the Trustees of the above Turnpike Roads will be holden at the Crown fnn, in Thame, in the county of Oxford, on Monday the 30th day of October instant at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon ; at which Mecting the Accounts of the last year will be ?? this 5th day of October, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on he l ILTONIAN SYSTEM, ill ?? 6ZV->lxo. 20, 'GEORGE STREET. go;,, ar- R HAMILTON-reqpectfully informs the Pub- le ' lie, that a LATIN CLASS for Gentlemen begin- nd ners will assemble (in Tuesdav evening, at seven o'clock. Ler A GREEK CLASS for Gentlemen beginners will as- he semble ont Wednesday the Ist day of November, at 8 o'clock .. in the evening; and on that day, the SECOND EDrrIOS of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Artiltmur~cmtnt0. TEI4E ATRE.ROYA b, LIVERPOOL. SAi- SALTER'S LAST NIGHT BUT ONE. D T 0HE BENEFIT OF MR. SALTER, F r) ig (y~iday) will be acted Shakspeare's Tragedy of l JULIUS CZSARI. ?,r. V.ADrENnoiF.-Cassius. Mr. SALTER. ritl The Part of Portia by 31isc LACY. . ODE ON THE PASSIONS will be recited by the SLktlsd gy whd ryee iitly perfirmed Deslenimia. JsiaLn witi Sing, La! hear the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIIAiLBUR Y, Ociober 20, 1826. T EFT at the Bull Inn, by a person unknown, on 1 Monday the 25th day of September last, a BROWN MARE, rising three years old, about fourteen bands and a half high, marked with a little white on her hind legs. If the said Mare is not taken away, and the expences paid to Nazareth 1l1alins, an or before the 10th, day of November next, the same will be sold to defray ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 14'0TI IS HEREBY GIVEN, i EETING of the PROPRIETORS - ~at 1C f the EDINBUR&H OIL GAS f5T ?? is to be held within Budges' Ho- jl~rb ftlestr on Saturdaythe 4th Novemtber -next, at . Dl okreit y order of' the Directors, $S D RODrt. MACKENZIE, Secy. th NO A LEITH OLD SHIPPING ' p;DN COAMPANY. Ca ArJAL GENERAL MXIEETING of the a fgEAFR I ETOI'S Of ?? COMPANY will be held a, | Jj~rtee H~11tel, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Misic Room, Oxford, Oct. 27, 1Sa26. r9[HE STEWVARDS;lof tlfe MUSIC I1OONI'beg leave IL to inform the public, that TWO CONCERTS will take place on Wednesday and Thursday the 15th and 16th of Novem. ber ; for which ITSS STEPH7ES9 Her niece, Miss JOHNSTONE (being her first appearance here) And Mr. PHILLIPS, ARE ALRLEADY, ENGAGED, I ANTED 'imnmediately,-A well-educated Yti-fth, WV as an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .0 THIF3 GOVERNORS AtNDr SLTHISCRIBERS OF 91T. AXNN'S soCewTi' sufooiLs. LADIani AND) GrENTLKNaVI, H -ave much satisfaction in stating that I have been IElected to tie Mastaershlip of tle St. .Ano'~ 'ciety, tPeckhvirnA'y to, aold tieg you to accept my warmest, Hily most heartteit thaok. lor clan distlngtutshed tavoor conferred oiln a,. I tr 1st that inl the discharer IlA, importa'ot duti.- i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !S EDOM UvOpaIl, ~Ib~rvtnf . ? I' rVHE most imposing Spectacle of' the day, ee I s 1FA USTUS~, from the German o1f Gr6the, -l e having been in preparation since the commencement of nr the season, will be brought forward on liednticsday even- If ing, in a style of Splendour never eqnalft'd icc this Clit. 7]1 7/his EV0csiicig, W~ednesday, October '25, 1826, LL Ir Wtill be presented, for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T :g 'i-,t I7ta foes' *f le etostitishifl Perforenance' of , \'1 0( TAYA NI, antd Last 11eck butd one (f ,i .l. DI URl l'V0's Egegaement. ,RESENT MONDAY EVENING, Oct. 2a, : IPptt, I the neew Opera called (h, A Peep od the Election. Foitlic Play, everal LX P ,AOII)INAHY FEATS on tfse 'NCHAIN'ED\I) WIRE, &c. rile Sigorr e lRox ia , La Signora lios Roax , andi La Signora \'reoesNUA. 'To conole ...