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Advertisements & Notices

... RITISH INSTITUTION, Pafll-mall.-The -B IGALLERY contintuoeOPEN 4with the Coltectien of Pictures frtom I lton Palace, which hisa Ma ty has been graclinuoll pleasei to allow it,it-ctars to e~xhibit. .rdeagIttance, trout Ten tiI Six o'loick, lv. (v.'aiLnce is4. WILLIAM BARtNARD, Keeper. rpHEATRtE.ROYAL, HAYMARKET.-Madamne I.VESTRIS has the h~onur of informing her Friends and tue Pub- litc, that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eSilorarl' ROM ANIN E b ive renevkel thei 'lilt y J, 'llT701n aUd nill perform Five Nights more. -5 4 , ld Far of 11,r D CROTP's perfariattg heee, i Rs r -RE\,TT M10NDAY EVENIN(G, Oct. 30, ,@ jx be prCsrvte(l, third time, a grand inmpe'ssive Spectacle, Ollie(I LMi;s¢sZ Z ot;X7LorG I;;3; j y ,7 li'Xe .1,1assner nJ1h .kc -17%e;V h1e 1 E I R 13 E NJ A E A I N, the German Sampson, Are ughis as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LUtCAS & SONS bee, leave r'e-peCefull to IM,, ; iCY their Friends and the Public, thit thcr thave P. NWV FRUIT, Uartedte' fit .la-aarsni- LEIMONS. GRLAPES. FIGS, .1J)RDAN A1) l N AlUSCATEL anod l EXIA RI ISINSvwhich are Sale, at their Wrrehouse, No. 86, RdEocL;FF-STatET. October 25, 1826. BRISTOL AND BATH AUXILTARY BAPTIST - I 1MISSIOvARY SOCIETY. T HE Public are'reSmectfuily i;formed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .TjjATRpE ARYAL, QUEEN-STREET. Maost EBIraordinary A'ovelty. h present MONDAY Evening, the Second ap_ oS wr-rice of that most , onderful Performer on the LASS'STANZER, HERR CLINE, 1:KLEIN:I SELeftil and splendid exhibition onl Saturday even- Vle55 ?? received by a crowded audience. rD¢ fr1ap1OCe5 this Evening will commence with, o f hes d time, the new and interesting play of the (tt jE W OF- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mIULL. To the Creditors of Rtobert Belt-, A DECEASED, A I~Persons having Cilanis nrpon thre Estatenil Etifiects ofR()UERT BILT latedthte Town o KinistonlpoflHltII, Tailor, D~sed, are requested to scul the amount and particily~s thereof, together %vith tile Ilature ol their seeulllsf Any, to Mewi's. LENGLAND anul SHIACKLES, SolIflhis, Hull, on or before Mondav the 6th day of Noveniber next, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TETERINARY and MEDICAL~ STUDENTS, v BMr, YOtATT, Xeterinary Surgeow, Will, early I Janariyinext, commsenv COURSE of LECT'UitES, with wreely '.aessin~totus, or NATlURASL PHILOSOPHY suid CNk.SIISTIIOV, sodl pvartivularlyon the r applioution tuitiestudyrof Anlat~omy md edicine, cid also on thle Xle~ mneits ori t-nParative Anati,msy, t'hysiaoloy and Pathoiiovy, nricipallh woiti regard to tie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I 1w =- ; IT S OF CANONGA-TE-E AT1ES of the BURGH of CA- V/ e'lJS rollesta iINEETING of the H E RIlf Vies ~i~ON10F YNITS of the BURGH4 of;CA! LO( fO I1gAX rish' Chorcls there. on Tuesday tbe I Upt ¢9Dr~gi the *tselve o'clock ti~ron, to consider the' (pej *~ 'etsof he ityandSuburbs.NO -j berro~ennentel1uW ~ ltoy~ltt~x O riS E'iG, ?? the -I A.NOT'I; B. ete Hlef - CoGc ~tl l -~-Ia6 * ,_ sevel -~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LSJIOt'S COI'AL VARNINSH, for Dras- LI . ings. Prints, Wlork Boxes, l ire Screens, &c. prepared only by the proprietor, and sold by his sole Agent S. Allnutt, Chemist. Portsea, and by his appoint- nment by Mr. Hinton, l-ligh-street, and Mr. M iali, ; White Horse-street, Portsmouth Mir. Fletcher, South- allpton ; and MIr. Rogers,,Newport, Isle of Wight, in s bottles at 2s. eachl. to This ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Si reeld's Cour7t, Trongate, 26.1 Oct, 1826. R. MACKENZIESurgeon, will commence his IMI LECTURES on D)IETETICS, Al AT'Elll IvEFDI CA, andl PH A RMACY, on 'Tuesday, 7th N35., at 10 minutes pasts P. M.1., in the Class-room, 20, College Street. Fee-Two Guineas. An Outline of the Course is in the press. @ * Sr. Al.'s LECTURES on the EYE commence in.May. ISS H1NDlAIARSHl (daugtnter of the late ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d i*1, IT'ANI)AVlNl~ ij*1 d UST'Pirdrive,. tito George V~a~nn'0f rown i J MAlta nd Dnia with a Cargo. c6; i.Zittig of IWcT ii (lie filust MtAIISAlA ?? II ?? and 01Ci~d lintf Hngklteads l' arge. .'Videlcid A1tlblN 1 it.n Vd g 4Ioxe an tlf Boxces, Malagita its Blasketii, Vaiilecia 'Wax3 CAlmordaini' Iiaairi~. Ijiose A Also, the Peace; froni IM~1a~ig withl a4,gatt o y. fothrd nliftiing, of. line ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. By hr. SOTHEBiY, at his House. No. 3, Wellington-street, Strand, TO.OIORROW, October 3M and 'rvo following Days, at Twelve, THE Remaining COPPER PLATES of the late T lIlr. Robert Wilkinson, of FenchuTch-street, consisting of British Portraits, Topography, Fancy Subjects, Plates by and after Hogarth; Pittures, he. P ray be irlewed, and catalogues had at the place of sale. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES B3Y AUCTI(N. By Mr., SoTIIF.Y, at his Houae. NO. 3 , teloifg Dy t lvteiet, THIS DAY, October 31, alid TWO followIng yat f'I W4le. THE Remaining COPPER PLATIES of tilelt T hIr. Robert Wilkiltson, oi encleiurch-stremt, conri tilqg ot t Portraits. Topography, Fancy Subjectg, Pae by and after Ho,9f11 I ite '.&C~ Ma Picturesjaybe viewed, andcatatoRlves had at theplaceof ALe. t To Egravers ...