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... OLD TIAN iEA, Ocromxn 30. This day Willillm Garlick wag indicted capitally for Ste. WI~ letter, Containing lixi-no'es vauX1000, (which cause intohis Y poss ?? tl thle course, of' his eneployL n at the, General Post., Office, on; the el7th Deremb,tt last) the Properyo - i .Gy aced Co.; The, principal evidence vass D=0ie 0Cellaganl, a, fish1- Ji mo ?? Fleet-market, and an accomplic-.Allr Justice ...

Published: Saturday 04 November 1826
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3102 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

OXFORD, Saturday, Nov. 4

... oXP:OR:D, Saturdaay, Nov. 4. CHARITY and SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Two SERMoNs will be preached To.Aforrow, at the Dissent. ing Chapel on the New Road, by the Rev. AV. COPLEY, in aid ,of the Oxford United Charity and Sunday Schools. Service will begin in the morning at a Quarter before Eleven, and in the evening at Half past Six.-This Institution provides for the in. struction of 100 boys and 50 girls, ...

Published: Saturday 04 November 1826
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2770 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... , Tr DOWNFALL or GUY I!WkS: From 's Rr ry Day . ood'rntlelilko, a With powder and store, Yte-meibei tbii day, : e bitterly swore, To wlhich yourki i netiro we bring, As hr. mtll'd if] theovaut to prepare, Here's the figrot sie ly flo the f oarlffml 't teo, Old Vilaiaous inay,: J'.y him ald hi8 crew, 'Who wanted to 1Urdevllih Kinp,: Should all be blowi pl in the air. 11 (H RS. S)j CIO Leito ...

Published: Saturday 04 November 1826
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 381 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

LONDON, Nov. 2

... LONDON, Nov. ;2. The French Papers of MobLRy ?? last night.- TFhey contain all account of a second victory over the Persians. Tihe imiportanlte of this success was considered very great at St. tershb1rgh'. : Quebec Papers to the '42?d of Scpteimber have arrived. .L hrvest f) been fiwourabe Teae . ,harss atvutble. The fires on the banks h St. Lai. :'2ouce have spread great devastation ...

Published: Saturday 04 November 1826
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 817 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... ?dARY-LA-13ONNE OT'VICE. *Yesterday several coach-ma:ttrs attended at this Office, at tle lt instance of Johnson. for not having the namnes of the places to t which they go, written on the panielsof their coach doors, accord- £ irng to the tenus.of the 2Sth Gco 3. The first information entered into was that against Mr. Horne, of the Golden Cross, . Jhtsriig-croes.--Rax fllls, the informer, ...

Published: Saturday 04 November 1826
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 509 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... SUNDAY'S AIND 'I'UESDAY'B POSTS. LONDO4N, OCT. 91. ,& CcolUNTS reeeis-ed front Spain via France, state that .jL thoughl the Treaty of Occuplation thr the year IS2 has not Yet expired, the French Amnbassador at Madrid had rceivet o~ders fromt his Government to insist on the pay- Inilct of the interest of the sixty-eight asillions that Spain jnprtitdiscuss;ionis in the Caltiret of, Madrid. it ...

Published: Saturday 04 November 1826
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2023 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... From the London Gazette of Friday. rllHIS Gazette contains the abstract of two letters trans- l mitted by Vice-Admiral Sir H. Neale, Commniander in Chief of his Majesty's ships in the Medliterranean, from Captains Hamilton and Sotheby, of the Canb'ian and Serihugapalarn, reporting the capture or destruction of seven piratical vessels in the Archipelago. These services were performed under the ...

Published: Saturday 04 November 1826
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 781 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... POSTSCR IPT LONDON, Nov. 3. Yesterday Parliamen t was proroguetd to Tuesday the l4th of November. 'rHE DuaE Os' YORa.-SO far from the report being true that the Duke of York's health has still fitrtlier de- clined within the last week, wve can state on authority, that his Royal Highness is evidently much better, and his spi- rits so buoyant that hb converses with the same animation andl ...

Published: Saturday 04 November 1826
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 452 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Friday's and Saturday's Posts

... . ?? 00to. ielfist s atdflio!l Let excite v ee tle anial of Sir M alter Scott. itanil tl jf th~e nobilitv, nnd ?? ~ ?? teatI *^t of Wrie every literary chartLecter, ]lae Irfl ist his 1ntc. iD thle tie 1vohj I had thie S1rcr f seelna tle Grcat; Unkiriwn - yesterday. crun dei~otcd perrect letltil he Visltert ( kphk'l Nedingron. soonf atter his arrival. It 1- *i~t I ?? lostay me thiin in t'aris ...

Published: Monday 06 November 1826
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 103 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I0,00544,04or'llf-pto .1QBrat3n '11 o os~i1~ 1 urds'.rewvard, to any fsson. ergishii5 ('iAii S the 'ficrlttio, dlr. it VI'liker, vwho s'iall Teleal 11Isisk~ pcesuplire. RInsan 1'iss4v -sfisitssnsvisC. $jst.jisis, fes is Vrecch psrival- ta.~at~'d t jthAsIss, 11tk. ;BANK-IlV5'TS., Vjtaettstlslisoti, l~~irteOt, &Treser Joiss trfItssslisttvb' sta1, sio'isaer ?? o'ttsss ,t-rsss't verrs's 5 ?? ...

Published: Monday 06 November 1826
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 8951 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... VEDNEISDAY, NOyOMIBBR 1, 1821g - ?? Papers to tihe 29th tilt, under date of Jerling, Oct. 24, contain some Interesting particu- lars relative to die nar with Persia. It appears that 4Qneral Yermoloff has galned It victory of scme impor- tancer Genieral Paske6isch was attad-ed on the 25th of Sept. by the Persians, lo the number of 30,009 men, aomrnandel by Abbas ai-itza in pcn and three of his ...

Published: Monday 06 November 1826
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 8149 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

London, MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1826

... A.ONI)Af, OCTOBER 30, 182f6. Tbfitslitts PaPErs of Friday and Saturday ?? aetaunlts froml Spain Butte that Madrid is sur ,ainateit by bcigandls, p ?? thle greatest atreci- enltl.lrivate letters also are tilled with details of ti mst tran Ica prscutiOn; !against the (COnstitu- iteaielist, in AXrr4gan.lp Gei'rnl Buoyer antd his Staff, whto hate for years I gmeal the F`301ta of ~g~ypt, and ...

Published: Monday 06 November 1826
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1852 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News