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... ?? GRIEEK LOAN. Mlr Hurmeuic's l1i1l7dlainul. The csplanition of' 1r HoImIC, relative to the monev 1 vwhich hr accupted from tne Ctrcek Deputies, has now al; i peau cd. lie begins by stathig that, haoing refused, in 18 24, to t( dispatch fifty thousand posiunds of the first (reekt loan, in ti ?? of the l6an not being rati ied, and a rivil elrn rcaging in Greece, ha wavs cheged, by the l ...

Published: Wednesday 15 November 1826
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2199 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... E:DINBU'RGII. The Court of Session mnct oin Tuesday for tbe winter session. The wihtcr session in the Jury CoLirt (0111- t piticed on 'Mondlay last; and the Ilartintnes tern ( in the Court of Exchequer begins onl tboe °4lth instlnt. f Ttie Fallirk Banking Company, al'fr exisling, in C teeris of their contract, for ?? years, httve re- a tired front business. C We regret to undeistantd thbt the ...

Published: Wednesday 15 November 1826
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 877 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... -U-i=UNATIO or e O . nio-mlmaXioN or sumnrrsp POE is27. . M'l..-) -,i Q 11 -L - By - t - - . . -. D1)ERBl-slrlmtE.Edwax d Sacheverel Chandos Pole, of Rad- borne, Esq.-Sir George Sitwdl, of Renishaw, Bart.-illiam Evans, of Allestree, Esq. Our readers will peruse with great interest the proceed- ings of the meeting held in the Town Hall on Thursday last, on| the subject of the Corn Laws. ...

Published: Wednesday 15 November 1826
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1249 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... SATURDAY, SUNDAY uytd ' U.ESD.. 'a Y '0'l' a * .. :, ..- . .'t v I 1- .2 L~~~,M NtiS UO. 1i. :iN:.IVAL Or' TZI &A3Z tVVM W2M. Dt~sPatc~lrs hagve beers received at the Colonial: Office, frun i te Wstbrn Coast of Aftkce, with inelligeince ofan elgagle- isient which hadl taken place beetsv~n tie Ashitlitce~ Iard ithe force commranded by Lieu teirant.coinrel 1' rrdon. It appears, that, oil ...

Published: Wednesday 15 November 1826
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2391 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... -- P----- E N i PU131A C MEETI''NG o ilc otibjrtt of or, (-!ovu Rtaw. IIn puTSUanIce of the very numerously and respectably signed Requirition whichi we inserted in our last two papcrs, thfe Mlayor~appoiated Thursday the 9th instant as the day on which a Meeting of the Bengesses and the Inhabitants of this Borough should be held, to take into consideration the propriety of presenting Petitions ...

Published: Wednesday 15 November 1826
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 9322 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: News 


... Ifttaf$cU o(I , Or'. IVt go km~ IwllAfG~ -,'USiE O-F LORD8 -Nov. It. --Is b~eing thle cl1Y of' whiah'Parlianment was suimmoned to meeet, R felv of their Lordships assetnhled at two o'clockL- i9s. A1mon1g theml we pciticed tile Larl of Liverpool, thle Par] of Icaler \hcr rntile iLA cl- of Hiarrowby, Lordliexicy, and thre Bi.' ,be to shop oci'fcihistjc.r. .None of tieir Lordshipsil were in ...

Published: Wednesday 15 November 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3472 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... DREADFUL 51'FAMKIBOAT ACCIDENT. (irinsbv, 'Nov. 7. Pe A verv mnelatncholy accident liappe-iied here this morn- ,.,the particulars of wh m, cozrding to tihe aeccoiti t Ie Y iich we have received, are as fellow, ?? United irn NI-Ogdomn steam .packet, From Londton for E'dinhitrgh, j~ t -.ilglo to G~rimisby Roads toe shelter, the (iriltam tl ?? pc~ck t. from this port, with passengelrs for 11 oil ...

Published: Wednesday 15 November 1826
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1420 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... DOMAES TIC INETELLIGENCE. yve LONCDON. Sh~irT of ?? C of TiI DUKr 05' Y01tK.-(1Frrnnt the Lelncrt qf F7ri- Qd ifoy. )- Sir A.,tley Cooper, t ttfe pairtic'ular riequest of thle Kitlg, has littely visited the ?? of' Yoik, enid onl I the first occasion Inis ?? Wits plt'iscd to ineet the At ?? Baronet at the Ilivnia D~uke's residence; o li te interview lasted ai considerable time. Th'le Duke of ...

Published: Wednesday 15 November 1826
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1538 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... L1SBON PAPlERlS. W lVe received papers from Lisbon. ysterday, wiich stow eC tbat tbe anticipationis, fouijded ott tEe last adviees, of be eitre e suppression of the insurrection in Algartre were correct. T!re n rebels hrave fled into Spain. Io tue trottl, another Ilesviinat has also urutirrieri, a od al.,o fled. 'ibe more of tih. se ligotb trir better ; the Portuzguese Treasury will be eased, ...

Published: Wednesday 15 November 1826
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1109 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... of ',)NSPA' AY'! P(S'I'. aidoa. Tw'1.tdo,, NgoV. - mrsCl g-\A fturthe adVance took place Ai. 7 i Sncss vesi orday, i our own, as veil r ,.. rtjMti-s TCxicflfl 1o3nds reaehcd 68 a It being Considlered wvhat is termed a lr`' tIle reason assigned ft>r this imnprovement. nt (one50eS also had a favourable effect on the t e appearance of thingsis much altered seis little (1g in the Foreign queOCe ...

Published: Wednesday 15 November 1826
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 316 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... To th1 EDITOIR vi t AIILIlI.E1 JouIlAI,. Si r,.-I have seen in several nerwsplpers an article res- q pecting ?? 1 ?? of ?? rinlPa)1 S lire3 ?? tl . Socicty, InhI tenidsto inisleal the publicloilntl respett- tl Is ing the general feeling that prevails in Elgin, and in the ig Bible Society lere in piaticulter respenting the conduet v of the ParenIt I n;tiUtiun.' It is stated, Uiat t the Rec ...

Published: Wednesday 15 November 1826
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 4954 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... 1 91IE1 OrG IN-TEL'LICrG!E DNCE. Tiie convociltiot of the French Chambers is said to to i.e- xe~d for theC I Sti of Decenber. A contidelral]L ft ;uacntity of busitness is antici patid, ns \I1inisters hilve f' cyistared varioui prjjects of law, or bills to be pre- t-lied for legislative deliberation. Among these, tihe j miloat important are bills for modifying the existing iavs on tie ...

Published: Wednesday 15 November 1826
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2889 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News