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Leeds Mercury

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Onl Itilneadna' wick, the Lrdy~of TIhomas AXV. Cokec, Esq. MJ.P of Iolkot'i- il, f acin. OttI T ItIIIr-dait, ay ht, I~t Ht 1 iddi- It,tiield, NMr. flI ?? I I ittiit o ,0f S I th-1 waite, cicithier, L., Elizt, eldest daughter of Mir. John. Scoiwllld,I Of thle sante pliLt, liMINtikear. I Samete dy, ?? Wtakefield, Mr. Jameats FYOggitt, of Sheffield, to MISSo 1702a North, of Ilaketictil. f;~t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AAOF THLE DUKOFOR. Jflst oyl Iigne!ee the Dttkoet Yofy (xIN~ - da~dght a~ weny ?? past nine, at the Inoise of the(, Dulis, of flitindto.Arlagil-street,y where lila augllst - sufferertihad taken up 'i-u rcoi'?sce, ccirin font jim t~lh friend aniti ?? every sliothisig ~Irnand tittentiolt whitici ould mitigate tile oppyrticest cf dissoluisonl. An ficir hinrttary Glazeti e WAR publisited Alt twon ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On SUnday laot, ait tioodw~oed, hier Grace the Dluehecoc uf Rich.-i Ino nd, of Li ut aihter. Or Trre.oda1 wee'l, !in Bediforcbplace., Lonidon, the ILady of Thjomas P. Ellis, jun. Esq. of it son.' Oiludy ek at Nowille Hall) the sear of the Vil ght lion, tile F,',IrL of S tamfolrd and Warringimon Lady COrey, of' Ea mai ad ie xr~i'sRA0111NAR it TH.ur-Dr. 0. F. P':ldinloo, a reopeeccable Physiclen ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I ! Oin Tuesday, at Sltmarshce, near Howden, the Ladyof P. Salt- _ mains c, sq.-.f a danghter. ?? -J .On the 17,th Inst. in Edinburgh, the Lady of Thomas Kinnear, thi Esq. of a dihughter. ed - : . ?? , lrriebt . anll On Thursday, at Wakefield, Edward Fenoton, Esq of the York. Is I ?? HusOaara and youngest eon of the late James Fenton, Esq. CLU of oelsrsailintX ,iscodurnty. to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Bird). On Monday last at ilickletan-HaIl, tile Lady of ciydfrey Went- wYorth, jan. Eeq. of a son and helr. :z-flarriet,. - On Thlraidav last, rII l(irkeicatons Church, the Rev. Hernry Torre, rector fifThiorithill, to Sarah Caroline, cldost dtiaghter of Sir John Llatr Klaye, Bart. of Denhy Grerge, ticar Wt kefied. On Wediresday last, at Rotherhlam, Itobert Noreeon Eaq. of London, to Miza, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WO On Thursday last, ait Ainiondisury; Mr. Jnhn Eastasood, of1' s0 NMIn~Sbi~dge, rvoalltapler, to ASfas Mary Halal, daughter of Sir. re J it flail, Of tile satuephigee. :1 -Sante day, at the Chttteh of St. Michaeol le Beifrey, by thle R1ev, James fltielildsm 'ihonvis Gawoson, Esq. of X'ark, to Sarahl, of'only surviving Whild of Mrdr Wolsttgnhols, of that gity, boosk- 5yOsller. ~. On ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... zflarricb. On 'Thursilay last, at the Friends' Meeting-hou0se iD tisis town, Mr. I'ntrick Hardy, of liridlington, tallow-chiiandler, to illary, youngest surviving daughter of tile late Mr. Thomas Walddiug- ton ,warehiousemen, of tisis town. On Wedncsday las t, Air. Samuel Welton, clothier, to Miss Eliz, Dufield, botil ,l t.:ecishiil, near Brndford. Sasne day, at Doncaster, Mr. ichalrd Dunhlill ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Thursday last, Mr. James Davidson, of this town, gardener, to Miss Mary Smith, of Methley. On Wednesday last, at our Parigh Church, MIr. T. C. Kenyon, of this town, solicitor, to Hannah, eldest daughter of the lute Abraham parkilnson1, EsR. of Crlnbles-Bouse, hi this town. On Tuesday last, Mr. ThbomaY Metcslfe, of Blinduile iin Bishop- .dale, to Elizsabeth, daughter of Richard ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Nirtfp0 On Wednesday l)st, at Clrnp.9lll Park, the Lady of Sir Joseph Rtidelilfe, Bart. (if II dlughter. Otl Thursday weeks, in Mansfield-street, London, the Right Hoal. Lady Petre, of at sai. 4JIf arricb. Onl Thursday last, at Huddersfield, Mr. John Flockton, painter. et Itn.-ull. d-ogliter of aIr. 11-0 -lison, JoIner alid elllct m1ke1r, 011 of that place. On Vedlesday last, at Orotherton, by ...

WMrt. On Wednesday w

... eek, in Park Crescent, London, Lady Louisa Dauncombe, of a laughter. Jfl~arictb. On Thursday, Mr. James Wade, farmer, of Methley, to Mary, second daughter of Mr. Tholn as WIlkMison. of this town. On Wednesday, hiy the Rev. R. Fawcett, A.M. vicar, Mr. Jolhn Pecle Clapharm, of Hanover-square, to Mlary-Annii, eldest dauighter of Mr. Johln Claphaln, of Woodbouse-Lodge, near this town. Onl Monday ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... full IR 01n TwimidayI last, MBC. Win. Tarylor, of Brad ford, to 31iss AkIed, lici daughter of Natlitiel Aked, Esq. of tbe lodge, Britdfitld. Mle Saint.e day, at Kirby, eoar Tadeastr, lair. Jo. lagitood, ,tf r.,. St:ir-i: lr near flarnlsey toii illss artvrigh t, Only dmitlter of tle late Mr. 1;. Cartwriglht, of C0tterton, near PTadcaster. Saitme tiny, at South Kirkliy, near Poutefraet, air. ...

Oil the 14th lst. ai

... t Gisburne Park, inl this county, the Right . lon. Lady Ribblesdale, of a daughter. _ It 0oil Wednesdayv evening, the ?? Pickard, gardener, ( k Io Wooxd-Tor-d Side lnear Newmiller-hiun, was delivered of threc i daughters, all :ilve, and likely to do well. A If VflarriB. tB s. On Thursday last, at Knaresbro', by the llev. A. Cheap, vicar, a: if Mr. Belijatnin Carr, surgeos, to rEizabeth, ...